Hi Petal! I just read my last post here, and rereading it, it could sound a little scolding or preachy! Oops, didn't mean it that way at all!!! What I should have said is that I think you are doing the part that was very hardest for me, which is getting mostly off of sugar and refined carbs. And you are doing it while doing so well with exercise and while having a major life stressor. So I hope you appreciate yourself and all your hard work a lot!!! Part of this process for me is learning to be my own good friend, and that comes with a lot of hard work on myself because my self esteem was rather low starting out. I finally realized I am the same as everyone else and we all struggle at times, so I can just be good to myself and treat myself well. It doesn't sound like you are as hard on yourself as I was, but I wanted to share what I learned in case it is helpful.