Hey guys, so I'm back from going to the horse auction. I wasn't able to stay on keto like I figured but I did do my best to stay in a calorie deficit and it seems it worked. At the start of the week I was 208 lbs and through the week my weight fluctuated which is normal and today it averaged out at 207 lbs. So I still lost a pound which is great.
The auction was a lot of fun to go to. I wasn't planning on getting anything but during the run through, the meat buyers were buying majority of the horses because they were bidding way higher than normal. Most horses sold for $600 - $1,300 and these were the good, trained, young and so on kind of horses. But near the end, there was a mare who came through and I decided I wanted to save at least one from the meat buyer and I ended up bidding against them. Thankfully she's not an overly big horse so they didn't bid too high, but I still went $75 over my limit. Either way, I'm just happy I was able to save one.
Also, she's a total mystery as all I know is that she's 4-5 years old and a mare. But the little time I spent with her after the auction yesterday I found out she's used to being handled and she trailered very well. So she's had some sort of handling before arriving at the auction. Can't wait to hang out with her today and figure out what all she knows or doesn't know. I'll add pics later since you're not allowed to take pictures at the auction yard or else you get kicked out.