Weight-Loss Oldies Team

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I have to agree Hun so much easer to track and I was thinking this only goes for a month …take me longer than that to walk 500 miles lol
Walked another 4km today YAY me. The battery in my scales has shat its self again so I have to get a new one before Friday.
Hey Oldies!!!!! Have a GREAT DAY and Drink your WATER!!!!:D
thanks JB

Ok guys, so I'm going through some bad phase or something. I wont' be putting up a big number, but dont' give up on me...i'm comming around
Goo'day Oldies!! Tomorrow be weigh in - how we all doing??

The Newbies may be loosing some water weight but we gots experience - lets kick some booty!!!! :D:D:D

ahem .. *pulls out pom poms*
They're down,
We're up
They really do suck
We fight,
We're right
We'll really shut them up,
Go Oldies!!!

ahem .. *pulls out pom poms*
They're down,
We're up
They really do suck
We fight,
We're right
We'll really shut them up,
Go Oldies!!!

Heeheehee...well I dont really plan on being down...I only got 210...I think...no 250 mins of exercise in this week...I will have to step it up more...Just kinda hard with the kidlettes around...LOL...My youngest Tae Bo's wiht me and we are gonna start Yoga...I bought Yoga and Pilates for Dummies...how cool and funny and sad is that ... LOL...:p :p :p...Oh wait I think it is 210...150 + 60 = 210 ... Ya...Oh well will do better next week...
Hope everyone is ready for the weighin! :)
Although I don't think I've lost anything this week scale-wise.. I'm afraid that when I step on the scale it's gonna go up... Oh I hope not!!

Ok I really need to get to bed!!
Ta ta for now!
Redneckwoman, rottengirl, pequin - Congrats on your weight loss! I know we're on different sides, but we're not really on different sides are we? Ok, I'll scoot back over to my newbie side now. :)

twolilangels, that's okay! next time. :)
Amunet & C.. you're still doing great - hang in there!!! ;)

Congrats Jelly!!! :D
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