Name: Lillian
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 112 as of this morning (fluctuates a few lbs. here and there)
Bodyfat %: If known I'm estimating about 20% but unsure
Current Program: (brief) generally FBW 3x per week, Cardio 3x per week. i do switch it up from time to time. this week have done strictly cardio.
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter not sure

Partner sex preference (if applicable) doesn't matter
Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months) to tone up, especially midsection, butt, back areas. to be 105-108 lbs.
Long term goal: (within 6 months) to maintain tone/weight and work on a healthy and clean diet.
Why are you looking to join? for fun, to learn, motivation, help others as much as i possibly can.
What can you contribute? what i've learned this far, which may not be much, but i can try. hopefully be able to help motivate someone else.
What do you hope to receive? knowledge, friendship, motivation, etc.