Not Stopping This Time

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I have been sitting around 254 these last few days. But I do feel happy about my improved appearance nonetheless. I was at the gym working out and when I looked in the mirror, I felt like I looked much more like a normal-weight guy, like most of the other guys working out there, and it was a very comforting feeling.

I have been excelling at work and in my personal life, and I am much happier these days in general. I am a little unhappy about my on and off sickness, but I know it will pass, and I am confident that I will not let it throw me off course. It MAY slow my progress as I have less energy and am less active while sick. But more impprtantly, I am sticking to my healthy diet despite my sickness. And when it passes I know I will start shedding the pounds again.
This is just great to read! Yes, the numbers on the scale are a really useful guide, but they are SO much not what it's all about! I love that you looked in the mirror and liked what you saw! Yes! :hurray:
@aiminglow @alligatorob @Cate @LaMaria
Thanks for the support. I have been a little out of it lately. Not been checking the scale. I will check the weight tomorrow morning.

As for the weight loss, it has given me confidence to try to meet other goals that I have. I believe I can do anything I want to as long as I put my mind to it.
Hi, Friends. I feel a lot better since weighing myself. It's down to 251.2. Kind of mindblowing the progress I have made in the last couple months. My weight is behaving itself considering I have not been exercising much lately, and that makes me happy. I HAVE been listening to my body's messages of when to stop eating. So when I went to the dreaded all-you-can-eat buffet, I only ate what I would normally eat, and nothing more. I was really happy about it because I love going there. I have also been re-opening other projects that I had put down due to lack of willpower. But now my confidence is up, I think I can start doing all of them.
Your weight "is behaving itself" because you are getting better and better at managing what you eat. Well done, Kyle. It is really good seeing you get your confidence back :)
To be honest, I DID push a lot yesterday because I wanted to see the number "24?" On the scale. I reached 248.6! That's 2 lbs. down. I am very pleased. I am a little exhausted, but I would like to avoid going back up over 250 over the next couple days. I want to cherish being in the 240-250 range.

I did realize one important lesson. It's ok to push myself, but I HAVE TO give myself downtime. There have to be rest breaks, otherwise I will hurt myself.
I did realize one important lesson. It's ok to push myself, but I HAVE TO give myself downtime. There have to be rest breaks, otherwise I will hurt myself.
I agree with LaMa, this is an important lesson. I believe most of us (on this forum) are people of extremes, eating is the bad one. The same compulsion can drive us to other extremes. Something we need to be careful about.
Love the steampunk look!
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