Cohen's Lifestyle Nicole's London weight-loss Journey

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle

Hi N.C.,

Thrilled to hear you're a-okay.
Niyah talks about how your metabolism
may have caused this and she sounds credible
in her explanation. I have to be honest though, I
can't believe it would be Cohen's that has caused this.
Yes we're eating less than we normally would, but we're
still eating quite a lot.

I think it's interesting the docs made the connection to your
diet without analysing what and how much you're eating.
I find that really disappointing. If anything, they should be
encouraging you to stick with it, perhaps with some

I have read that low calorie diets can promote longevity. I'm
not talking 1200 calories a day either. I'm talking 1000 and we're
on about 900 and something each day (when you include crackers
and fruit).

I would definitely take the same course of action as you are - stick
with Cohen's.

Take care and definitely take it easy. You may have been overexerting
yourself without realizing it.

28 x
Thanks everyone for your posts.

I still have to have the brain wave scan to confirm it isn't Epilepsy but the Neurologist is convinced that it's not (even without doing further tests?!?). I think these tests need to be done first before it is ruled out as that's how they diagnoise the disorder.

Cate your right I do drink a lot of water and I have told my clinic this- they always keep telling me to drink more and more water so I think I have become a little obsessed! lol I have been kwwping in touch with my clinic and been having the blood tests as directed and they said that Dr Cohen has looked at my bloods and there is nothing un-usual. I just had my last bloods done last Monday and the doctor supervising said that they show liver damage and elevated cholestorol levels (sitting at 5). In previous blood tests for Cohen's I have never had my cholesterol go over 4.7 and never had ''liver damage'' so that seems very STRANGE!! My consultant is getting Dr C to look at my blood tests (as I get a full work-up done as they dont have the specific 'renal profile' tests that are normally ordered as a follow-up to the first one.

She said that Dr C recommends that I have extra fruit and crackers when I am feeling dizzy to increase my calorie intake. At the moment I am allowed x2 fruit, and x5 crackers but Dr C is saying to up it to x3 fruit and I think x7 crackers if needed. I wont up my crackers as I think the fruit alone should help and in any case I am feeling full so having more fruit and crackers is just going to be too much food for me. I find that I am full after every meal so adding anything else other than x1 additional fruit I feel would be too much.

I think Niyah you may be onto something with the whole medabolic pathways and that sounds very interesting- is there anywhere else I can read more about this?

I have lost another 900g this week and that brings me to 80.1kg's so I am so close to the 70's now it's not funny. I think my average weight-loss is slowing down to about 1kg now as I am getting smaller, I am not upset about this as I remember Cate's thinking of you loose what your body want to loose at what time. I think I may need to slow down a bit as that's what the doctors are saying would be best- I think my body knows best :)

Thanks again everyone for your insights it is really comforting to hear others opinions. I am feelig much better now but still seem to be getting rather tired. I am working the evening shift at work this week 3pm-11pm so I know that isn't great for my body and my sleep regime but there isn't much I can do about it and it is extra dosh :)

Was my 1 year wedding anniversary yesterday and the husband had to work the evening shift 5pm-4am on Sat and the afternoon shift on Sunday 3pm-10pm so we couldnt do anything on the weekend :( Never mind this weekend we are going to the Theatre to see the Lion King which is suppose to AMAZING!!!! I cant wait. He wanted to go out to dinner and have champagne in the intermission but I said no as I am sticking to the plan 100% and who knows what my body might do if I do something so drastic as to deviate for one day as being on the program for over 7 months has been it's life.

The reason my post is so long is that there wasn't much work on at work when I started it but now I am suddenly busy- ha ha ha. Sorry about any spelling mistakes :p

All the best with your journies

xxx London Darling
Nicky chick, out of the top of my head I can't tell you, but I'm sure there would be medical stuff on the net about how the body metabolises carbs and fats etc.

When my son had seizures and they were ruling things out, "metabolic pathways" were one of the avenues they explored. (I gather it was kind of like this - causes of apparent seizures can be 1. psychological, 2. metabolic, 3. physical [tumour, brain damage, other disease impacting on brain function], or... 4. idiopathic [we don't know how the electrical pathways are being disturbed]). They didn't explain a lot to me about the metabolic stuff, however I gather that individual bodies can have idiosyncracies in how they process the breakdown of a basic carb or fat etc. They were talking out "exploring pyruvate pathway" and so on. I did look it up at the time, but it didn't stick much in my head - a bit too technical for my level of knowledge.

It's probably something they'll look at with you as well, whether they actually tell you or not. It's possible a change in the balance of the diet may have some effect on this stuff in an individual body. They usually work this stuff out from a few blood samples. However, not being an expert, I should draw the line right here and let you get some more expert answers! Either way, you don't have too far to go and have done fantastically well!
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PS - a drastic example of a "metabolic seizure" is when, say, a patient with mental problems is forced into a glucose/insulin crisis to induce fitting. This is an alternative way to doing "shock therapy" other than "electric shock". However, I gather this isn't the only metabolic way a seizure could potentially occur.
Thanks very much Niyah

What you have said is helpful and something to think about for sure. I will be asking some more questions after I have the brain wave scan done.

Hope your doing well
xx nicole
Hello all

Woo hoo I am now now in the 70's :) Ultra Happy with that one! Never will I be in the 80's, 90's, 100's, 110's, 120's AGAIN!!!

Woooooo hoooooo YAY YAY YAY!!!! As you can tell I am one happy chicky!

Now... only another 10kg's to go! BUT my hubby thinks it may be too much for me as I am starting to look slim now :) That is like the nicest comment I could get from him as he has had issues with the way I look for a while as well.

So here is a virtual drink to being in the 70's and this prooves that ANYONE can do it!

Also had my EEG scan this morning and should find out the results in another month or so. I have seen my GP also and have to have further blood tests on Friday due to my supposied "liver damage" since being on Cohen's. Could be anything really though and I dont think eating healthily could cause liver damage lol.

Night night to you all and happy weight-loss adventures
xxx nicole
That's awesome Nicky. I remember the 70's. You must be looking preeeeeetty hot now. I have a pair of jeans which will fit perfectly when I get under 80. Can't wait.
Stay Strong x
Way to go Nicky!:party: You rock! A 70's chick. I can't wait for the day. Now I am looking forward to being an 80's girl. Hopefully next week!

I also got a compliment from hubby yesterday - he said you are looking nice! First compliment from him that was unsolicited in a loooong time.

Keep up the great work. See how you are feeling and take it from there.
Thanks ladies :) I am so happy I am nearly there!

You just need to hang on and keep perservering with the program. If I think about it I have had so many opportunities to give in and just stop due to medical issues but I have perservered! I think that the healthy food is the best thing for me right now and if I had stopped the program I would just be watching the month's go by thinking "I could have lost another 4kg's this month if I had just stayed with it". I am SO glad that Cohen's is working for me- it is a God send :)

All the best to both of you and I am a testimony that it can be done- Just HOLD on and you will get there before you know it!
Hi Nicole! I must say you are one very strong & determined woman. How many others would have thrown in the towel & given up with all of the pressure you have been under? I say good for you Nic! Well done! Congratulations on getting to the 70's. You, Sue & I must be a similar height as our GW is the same. I bet you look really good now. I remember how I felt at that stage. This is when everyone starts telling you that they think you are plenty slim enough now & shouldn't lose any more. I stopped telling anyone how many more I wanted to lose & just said that I'm nearly there.
I hope you don't have any more seizures and that they get to the bottom of why they are happening. Take care Nic, xo Cate
Thanks Cate

Your so lovely and very sweet! Yep you got it right 100% I am 179 cm's tall (as measured at the clinic) but when my doctor measured me I am 180cm and I always thought I was 180cm. To be honest I am feeling and looking really good now and people are telling me I dont need to loose anymore but I would really like to go a bit lower (than my goal of 69 kg's) as I think I could handle it but I will see when I get there.

Like my consultant said "You or Dr Cohen dont determine your goal weight, your body does and it will tell you when your ready to finish up". At what weight do you now sit at Cate? I bet your still looking fantastic no matter that you are at the top end:) I cant wait to tone up and get some muscle strength back- I will start Pilates when I finish the program.

Take care of yourself wise one xx
Wow Nicky! I haven't been around for a while, but you are doing so well. Congratulations on getting so near the finish, so hope it all goes smoothly for the last bit.
Thanks Niyah!

I cant believe how fast it has all happened. Even though I am averaging only around 1kg a week :)

Hope your doing well and feeling better!
Congratulations NickyChick!!

I am grinning with you on your milestone!!

Your excitement and motivation is so infectious!
Hello NickyChick:)

Thanks for introducing yourself in my diary.

I also want to congratulate you on your losses so far and I can see you have not got long to go till you reach goal. Well done you must look and feel fantastic.

I am sorry to hear about your epilepsy diagnosis, that must be so worrying for you but hopefully the test will show exactly what type you have and what is causing it.

I did want to point out that Cohens is a very low fat diet and low fat diets are not good for people who are predisposed or have epilepsy.
In general we should be getting some good essential fatty acids in all our diets which is why Dr Cohen advises the fish capsules. Which is probably not enough in the scheme of things. Anyway I am no expert but I do read alot and have worked with people with many varying forms of epilepsy.

Take care and all the best now Nicky - Sam
Hey Sam

Thanks for popping by :) I haven't yet been diagnoised with epilepsy but am waiting to hear back from the tests I have had. I do take the x1 flaxseed oil capsule we are recommended to take but I agree it isn't that much, I will have to up my good oil intake once I finish the program. Thanks for your advice and yes I am looking forward to reaching my goal and maintaing too :)

Hope your doing well on your journey too xx
Hello London Darling,
Just a thought but do you also take Omega 3? I took it all the way through on Cohen's & always will. I'm sure it has helped with my cholesterol as well. You are being a very strong & determined woman Nic & it's very admirable. Hope you're enjoying your week-end, xo Cate
Oow thanks Cate!

I just take the one flaxseed oil capsule as directed. I didn't realise we could also have Omega 3? Maybe I should find out about it and speak to my consultant?

Thanks for popping by and hope you have a lovely week xx