New member
proposed correction and change in points
i'm proposing the following. For now on, you will get points for doing the challenges. If you complete it fully, you get 2 points. If you least do it halfway (in terms of days..4 out of 7), you get 1 point. If you skip completely, 0 points. It will be a seperate total from the weight loss. Bonus points will be given for a 'higher' standard like doing to most.
week four: I have walked 500 miles, and i would walk 500 more...
let's make this challenge about walking. To get 2 points, you need to walk at least 1 mile a day. We will give a bonus of 1 point of you do the most miles for the week.
week five: Are you armed and dangerous?
january 29th to february 4th is the week we focus on our upper body strength... For this one, full points is doing least 30 pushups a day. Bonus point of 1 for the most pushups or curls done.
week six: Fruits and vegetables are friendly!
february 5th to february 11th is another diet focused week. This time we're working to see who is consistantly eating the correct portion/servings of fruits and veges each day. the goal to aim for is 4 servings of fruits and veggies, every day. 2 points for meeting the goal all 7 days. 1 point for the 4 out of 7. You will get 1 bonus point for posting a healthy, vegie/fruit recipie.
What do you all think?
love it
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