Weight-Loss New WLF Team Challenge

Thanks Omega.

Scoresheets will be updated tomorrow morning. Last chance to get your results in if you haven't already done so.
Here are the latest scoresheets. Everybody has done well last week, and you should all be proud of yourselves.

That said, we had a few dropouts. Brad got back to me and let me know that he had to leave the challenge for personal reasons, Jimmy has not updated his sheet last week or this week, and Camila has decided that the challenge is not for her. I am sad to see people go, obviously, but I do understand that there are reasons beyond anybody's control. I would like to point out to everybody who had to, or decided to drop out, for whatever reason (apart from simply not caring anymore), that they will always be welcomed back to the challenge at a later time if they would like to give it another try. :)

And the biggest loser, in percent, is Goonfairy, with 2.1%. Congratulations!!! :)

Now, think of a mini-challenge for us! Please keep in mind - ONE challenge. Looking forward to what you come up with! :))
I think someone asked for a ruling on what they have to do outside. Also I think someone asked about if it is too bad weather to go outside.

What to do outside: whatever you want to do (go to the store, take a walk, lay there, whatever you want to do).
If the weather is terrible: Dress for terrible weather (sorry)

Thanks for the ruling goonfairy. San and Belinda (who both asked for the ruling) - you can sunbathe and get points!
Note that Christine made a ruling that only 12 points were available for "not weighing" - 2 per day as we would all be weighing on Saturday.

As the weigh-in on saturday...no points for that because we have to weigh.Just Sunday to Friday for a maximum points of 12.

That means that the maximum mini challenge points for the week that ended on Friday was 40 (14 + 14 + 12).
New score sheets. I did my best to get them sorted, and I'm hoping they are accurate. I'm not feeling well and am stressing out about a multitude of things right now, so there is a fair chance that I messed things up though. So if you see anything that's not right, please let me know.

Also, I still need updated scoresheets from Sunflower and christine1970. And Cory, I have no mini challenge points from you for the week before last.
The person with the biggest loss for last week is MANDS, with a loss of 1.51%. Congratulations!!! :party:

So Mands, please start thinking about a new mini challenge for us for next week. :)
There have been several weeks since some people left the challenge (without replacement) leaving some teams short-handed.

Will the scaling be soon applied in the final row of each team analysis sheet for the weeks where the team has had fewer players?

This is where it gets a little bit complicated. Obviously I am hoping that there won't be any dropouts, but unfortunately, it does happen, so we've got to be prepared. I am trying my best to make it as fair as possible on everybody involved, so this is the idea:
If a group loses a member, I will scale the points for that group to match the others. Which means, I will add the points of all remaining members together, then divide by the amount of members. That gives me an average for that group. I will use that average to make up the points for missing members.


All groups have 6 members. Team A loses 2 of their members. The remaining 4 people report their points as follows:
Member A: 12 points
Member B: 10 points
Member C: 8 points
Member D: 11 points
That means the 4 people have 41 points between them. Divided by 4 (amount of members in the group), that comes up with an average of 10.25. Since we don't do half or quarter points, that's 10 points. So the team will get the average points for their two missing members = 20 points, added to their total.
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Whoooohooo!! Finally grabbed a week's win :)

OMG I kinda suck at coming up with a challenge but here goes my thoughts:

1. Eat 1 meal a day (any meal) where you have no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes or cereal. 3 points per day.

2. Due to our lives being so rushed and mostly eating on the go, I thought this would be a nice motivator: Eat slower and taste your food. If you take the time to eat slower you will experience more of the flavors, textures and smell of the food you eat. 2 points per meal - max 6 points per day.

Interesting read about the benefits of eating slower here

These are really simple and easy and hope everyone is cool with it.
I was hoping for some people to replace the challenge members that left, but unfortunately that didn't work out. I will scale the points for the teams that lost members and post it either later today or tomorrow.
If you just scale up the missing member weeks - and let the points stand for the weeks before people left - it leaves the option to bring in new people to fill the gaps if anyone asks to join.
Mands looking at your challenge, are we to assume that all carbs are out for one meal, I'm thinking along the line of grits (Caribbean girl, its a staple for a lot of us) or only the carbs you mentioned?:confused:
Just thought that I ought to chime in here and say that this is clearly "no starchy carbs" before anyone gets pedantic about what "no carbs" means...

We all know that all fruit and vegetables contain carbohydrate - but I am more than certain that Mands is not expecting people to ignore things like tomatoes, onions and apricots.
Aren't the mini-challenges from last week on supposed to be just one part?

#1 sounds like just no grains for one meal.

#2 reminds me of the article I read on the "Smart Fork" that alerts you if you're eating too fast. Eating slower also gives your stomach/brain time to tell you you're full when you should be full. Speed eating is no bueno.