New Mods

What is the difference between a mod and an administrator? I see Tony is an administrator; are there any others?

And why are some mods in bold red, some in unbold red, and some blue?
admins have more powers than mods.

Bold blue are supermoderators, they have mod powers (post editing, moving, etc) on the entire forum, non bold blue is moderator, like me, we are assigned certain sections of the forum where we are given power.

Mreik is also an admin.
Admin (red) can change forum settings and such.

There are really four: AllCdnBoy (main), Nikegirl, Mreik, and myself.

Super Mods (bold blue) can edit/delete posts, ban spammers, and give infractions.

They are: LV, Evolution, Aevans, and malkore.

Then there are mods (blue). They can edit/delete posts in assigned sections.

They are: Karky, Basketlady, LivefromNY
is we have sum feudalism?