Neighbor problem, got an idea...what u think?

What's hog-wash? And where can you buy it? :D

I'll give you a tub full for free. Purrrrrrrr.

... As long as you're willing to get wet.

Ahahahahahahahahahah. Ahahahahah. Ahah. XD

Because I... the implication... you are a pig. Which you clearly are not. Is funny yes?
I'll give you a tub full for free. Purrrrrrrr.

... As long as you're willing to get wet.

Ahahahahahahahahahah. Ahahahahah. Ahah. XD

Because I... the implication... you are a pig. Which you clearly are not. Is funny yes?

heh, dont' worry buddy, i laughed
I bet if it were neighbors you were friendly with, it wouldnt be a problem.

Like someone else said, race never had to be mentioned to state your case. Especially the derogatory term you erased.

Good point Tony. Just so happens the neighbors directly next-door to us (not like these people behind us) have some loud parties almost every month. They crank it till about 11pm or midnight and then they take it down a notch. Can we still hear it? YES...but it's tolerable. We're friendly with them and it's from this relationship & understanding that they are respectful. We actually had a talk with them and now they sorta give us notice when they plan to get rowdy.....that way we can take the kids to the grandparents or a friends house, but most the time they keep the noise within reason. My point is, we do know how to approach, deal-with and resolve things with neighbors in an amicable fashion so everyone wins.

I don't think my text alone conveys just how intense & loud these people behind us are, they've even got a DJ blasting his voice and all this is happening some 200+ feet away and yet it still slams into our home like a freight-train.

My point; we have peace & harmony with everyone else and we know how to amicably and reasonably deal with this sort of situation...but these folks behind us are beyond reason and the whole neighborhood, including the guy who has loud parties next to me, is upset with the situation.

Btw....a moderator erased my comments, not me...but I would have done so on my own.

Maybe one ought to dig into Local Ordinances...and.....State Law and just learn what laws "could be" applicable to this situation, and play the "street lawyer", and manipulate the very people who are "suppose" to serve you.

Yeah, we could spend a LOT of time & some money to get some kind of restraining order of sorts against them. Call the Police Chief, the local governing body, document things, get signatures from neighbors, blah blah blah......but in the end the police show-up and find a quiet situation; end of story. The potential to suck-up HUGE time is just too high, this only happens 2-3 times per year. If it was every week I'd take this route.

For a whole lot less time & money I clicked a few buttons on a website and ordered a few electrical components; now I get to do one of my favorite, build and implement another cute little invention that otherwise doesn't exist. The fully automatic sound-activated sound-ordinanace enforcer. I like finding clever alternatives and I can't wait to see how they react when they get a dose of their own medicine.
What I'm getting at is going about it with the intention to create equally annoying sound is just flat out ridiculous. If their music is so loud, what makes you expect an equally louder sound would have any effect at all other than annoy yourself and others? It's sort of like this: They leave bright lights on, so I decided to buy some stadium lights and shine it on them while their lights on. I mean light on light isn't going to make them know the difference; so is sending sound against sound. And on top of that, doing this at a different time than they are doing will just cause other neighbors to get annoyed.

I think you're going about this is the most immature matter possible. I hope they continue to create the sound only to teach you a lesson in using civil knowledge against them instead of going to barbaric things. As a once famous person said, "Every fool finds a greater one to admire them."

I don't think you actually tried to get a group of people together to talk to these people. If you did, it probably wasn't on happy terms. Now you know these people do it 2-3 times per year. Instead of going there on the night of the party, perhaps try to become friends with them during the year and when the time comes, since you are on good terms, perhaps they will listen to you and understand your concerns. Making friends instead of enemies is far better. Neighbors are suppose to be your friend. Everyone can't be nice to you, but you can be nice to everyone else. Doing annoying things will not only fall on deaf ears, it will create new enemies and create new situations that may or may not be positive.
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Good point Tony. Just so happens the neighbors directly next-door to us (not like these people behind us) have some loud parties almost every month. They crank it till about 11pm or midnight and then they take it down a notch. Can we still hear it? YES...but it's tolerable. We're friendly with them and it's from this relationship & understanding that they are respectful. We actually had a talk with them and now they sorta give us notice when they plan to get rowdy.....that way we can take the kids to the grandparents or a friends house, but most the time they keep the noise within reason. My point is, we do know how to approach, deal-with and resolve things with neighbors in an amicable fashion so everyone wins.

I don't think my text alone conveys just how intense & loud these people behind us are, they've even got a DJ blasting his voice and all this is happening some 200+ feet away and yet it still slams into our home like a freight-train.

My point; we have peace & harmony with everyone else and we know how to amicably and reasonably deal with this sort of situation...but these folks behind us are beyond reason and the whole neighborhood, including the guy who has loud parties next to me, is upset with the situation.

Btw....a moderator erased my comments, not me...but I would have done so on my own.

Yeah, we could spend a LOT of time & some money to get some kind of restraining order of sorts against them. Call the Police Chief, the local governing body, document things, get signatures from neighbors, blah blah blah......but in the end the police show-up and find a quiet situation; end of story. The potential to suck-up HUGE time is just too high, this only happens 2-3 times per year. If it was every week I'd take this route.

For a whole lot less time & money I clicked a few buttons on a website and ordered a few electrical components; now I get to do one of my favorite, build and implement another cute little invention that otherwise doesn't exist. The fully automatic sound-activated sound-ordinanace enforcer. I like finding clever alternatives and I can't wait to see how they react when they get a dose of their own medicine.

I wish you luck.

Best wishes,

What I'm getting at is going about it with the intention to create equally annoying sound is just flat out ridiculous. If their music is so loud, what makes you expect an equally louder sound would have any effect at all other than annoy yourself and others? It's sort of like this: They leave bright lights on, so I decided to buy some stadium lights and shine it on them while their lights on. I mean light on light isn't going to make them know the difference; so is sending sound against sound. And on top of that, doing this at a different time than they are doing will just cause other neighbors to get annoyed.

Dallen....I'm sorry, but I just don't think you get it. I'll grant you the benefit of the doubt in that you aren't aware of all the many details involved in this situation. You continue to presume these are nice & well-intended people who can be dealt with; they're not.

All of us at times have parties and follow a reasonable social protocol...the whole neighborhood gets along very nicely....but these maverick people just march to the beat of their own drum. They don't take-in their trash cans, they let their yard look like crap...yet they drive new Mercedes and spend their money elsewhere. Fine, that's their business....but when their business interferes with my kids sleep, my sleep and the whole neighborhood AND the police and neighborhood association are entirely ineffectual to deal with it...then I reserve the right to be creative in my resolve.

I think you're going about this is the most immature matter possible. I hope they continue to create the sound only to teach you a lesson in using civil knowledge against them instead of going to barbaric things. As a once famous person said, "Every fool finds a greater one to admire them.".

You hope they continue in order to teach me a lesson? This coming from a guy who was sent into an infantile tizzy because some chick had a pair of undies in her purse? Are you trying to earn an FU and get on my bad side? Dude, please....I've had many people question my ways and I've pretty much always come-out on top over the years. You have no idea who I am or what I've achieved in my life, and you certainly don't have thorough knowledge of the situation.

I don't think you actually tried to get a group of people together to talk to these people. If you did, it probably wasn't on happy terms. Now you know these people do it 2-3 times per year. Instead of going there on the night of the party, perhaps try to become friends with them during the year and when the time comes, since you are on good terms, perhaps they will listen to you and understand your concerns. Making friends instead of enemies is far better. Neighbors are suppose to be your friend. Everyone can't be nice to you, but you can be nice to everyone else. Doing annoying things will not only fall on deaf ears, it will create new enemies and create new situations that may or may not be positive.

These are all 1-acre lots with gates & call-boxes in front. Several people on several occassions have tried to talk with these results. They live there, they occassionally have intensely loud parties and they're clever in avoiding and getting around the law.

The device I'm building generates a very high-frequency sound. Unlike bass, high-range tones are much more placing the emitter in a small dish (reflector of a clamp light) facing their yard, the majority of the sound will be directed and focused into their yard. It's a very high-pitched sound, they won't cover their ears in pain nor will blood run from their nose...but they will hear and kinda "feel" it in their inner ears. At first they'll think something is wrong with an amplifier, especially when my unit shuts-off and turns-on in direct response to their sound level. (Did you even read my design?). My unit will only activate at an obnoxious sound level, the sensitivity control will allow them to have a fairly loud sound in their yard, but no longer will they be able to broadcast and accost the neighborhood with HUGE LOUD INTENSE noise after midnight. I'm not killing their party, just moderating the sound-level.

Exactly like a dog with a bark-collar, so too will these people learn just how far they can push it. They're not mature & considerate enough to know what's I'll just help them along.

A year ago, some neighbor (to the west side) stood outside in his yard and waited until a song ended....then at the top of his lungs he screamed "It's too loud, shut it off, it's 2am"...he did this again and again and again at the top of his lungs...and that was the same guy who (weeks later) told me he went over there 2 hours earlier and called the police before he did his backyard scream-a-thon (hoping other neighbors would join in).

All I'm doing is building a bark-collar for some disrespectful dogs, they can have their party, but after midnight I'm forcing them to take it down to a reasonable level. And trust me, the other neighbors will thank me. As I said, most the high-freq. noise will be on them....and it'll just take a few minutes for them to shut it down, whereas left alone we're talking hours of obnoxious bass-riddled crap music and ineffective calls & visits from the police.

It's brilliant.....

Apologies again for those who mistakenly perceived my humor for racism. I myself have a bit of middle-eastern blood so I'm quick to make jokes over it.
If you really have a problem here then I seriously suggest you rethink your attack plan

I had terrible neighbours a couple of years back who played really loud music just about every night of the week. I asked them to turn it down for a while but the message wasn't getting through so I took your approach.

I have some super powered speakers and sub woofer so I put them on the floor of my living room (I was first flroor and they were second), left the flat and had some real heavy music playing.

Suprise suprise, it didn't work. I think the reason was that they didn't mind loud noise (makes sense) and by fighting noise with noise it hurt me more

I then took the approach of jumping up and down on the floor. I knocked their chandelier out of the ceiling and crashing down on them.
And do you know what happened? They just got worse and played music even loader every night (and installed wall lights) and I sold my flat to a rich student and her friends just to get away

So, I think if you try and fight fire with fire here, all you'll end up doing is making sure their music gets played really loud every week just to piss you off rather than twice a year
I dont have much of a problem with neighbours because I live in a quiet community. However, it was me in your position (after reading the responses in this thread) I would definately go through sensible channels.
If you want to make fun of me, that's fine. I post what I post, and if you want to joke about it, then go right on ahead. It shows how you handle this situation. I however will bring up nothign about your other posts other than the current one here.

I know it'll fail because you already mentioned the failure of others before you who tried to stop the noise. It only occurs twice a year. I don't get what the problem is. As the other guy stated, if you try to fight noise with noise, it will just make it worst. It'll be funny for them. They'll laugh at it and continue to make more noise even louder next time. If these people are so horrible as you said, what makes you think they'll learn their lesson when you make a loud sound? Whether or not it causes nose bleeds or not? They'll want revenge. If you caused bad blood, then you will get bad blood.

Don't think for a second I don't understand your situation. It's quite common for people to do annoying things. People do it only because they believe they are right; if they didn't they wouldn't do it. The fact is you have to tell them it's wrong either by voicing it or through a force somehow other than actually using their own medicine - if you fight fire with fire, what makes you think you'll put the fire out?
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I would just simply fire bomb their house.:)

Or get a really loud stereo and play really offensive music really loud.

Too Short usually does the trick LOL
The device I'm building generates a very high-frequency sound. Unlike bass, high-range tones are much more placing the emitter in a small dish (reflector of a clamp light) facing their yard, the majority of the sound will be directed and focused into their yard. It's a very high-pitched sound, they won't cover their ears in pain nor will blood run from their nose...but they will hear and kinda "feel" it in their inner ears.

All I'm doing is building a bark-collar for some disrespectful dogs, they can have their party, but after midnight I'm forcing them to take it down to a reasonable level. And trust me, the other neighbors will thank me. As I said, most the high-freq. noise will be on them....and it'll just take a few minutes for them to shut it down, whereas left alone we're talking hours of obnoxious bass-riddled crap music and ineffective calls & visits from the police.

It's brilliant.....

It's stupid. For gods sake man, act like an adult, instead of behaving in this childish manner....there are better ways to handle this. Instead of attacking your neighbors (regardless if they are A--holes or not) is never going to get you anywhere, and in fact, could more likely backfire on you.

Have you even considered planting large bushes as a nature barrier? Sound proofing you home? ear plugs?

Have you considered that what you are planning to do may be illegal, and could be construed as assault, or harassment?

Honestly it is 2 times a year, and there are better ways to deal with this sort of situation than this tit for tat crap....grow up.
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So, just curious. When you call the police you dont' call like 911 right? u call like the police station's number?

Just in case I ever need to know.
I'll give you a tub full for free. Purrrrrrrr.

... As long as you're willing to get wet.

Ahahahahahahahahahah. Ahahahahah. Ahah. XD

Because I... the implication... you are a pig. Which you clearly are not. Is funny yes?

You didn't.

Have you even considered planting large bushes as a nature barrier? Sound proofing you home? ear plugs?

That was quite funny...whether you meant it or not.
It's stupid. For gods sake man, act like an adult, instead of behaving in this childish manner....there are better ways to handle this. Instead of attacking your neighbors (regardless if they are A--holes or not) is never going to get you anywhere, and in fact, could more likely backfire on you.

Have you even considered planting large bushes as a nature barrier? Sound proofing you home? ear plugs?

Have you considered that what you are planning to do may be illegal, and could be construed as assault, or harassment?

Honestly it is 2 times a year, and there are better ways to deal with this sort of situation than this tit for tat crap....grow up.

I fell in love...
It's stupid. For gods sake man, act like an adult, instead of behaving in this childish manner....there are better ways to handle this. Instead of attacking your neighbors (regardless if they are A--holes or not) is never going to get you anywhere, and in fact, could more likely backfire on you.

Have you even considered planting large bushes as a nature barrier? Sound proofing you home? ear plugs?

Have you considered that what you are planning to do may be illegal, and could be construed as assault, or harassment?

Honestly it is 2 times a year, and there are better ways to deal with this sort of situation than this tit for tat crap....grow up.

Tough, and love it!


Best wishes,

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That was quite funny...whether you meant it or not.

well, Plants can act as a natural barrier for sound. believe me my house was surrounded by 27+ years of growth and the plants kept all the noise out. For safety reasons however, we had to clear it. Now we hear a whole lot more than before....

Luckily our house was build very well, and the place is pretty sound proof, so even the noise we do hear has to be quite loud to penetrate the walls.

and hey, ear plugs are a great means to sleep peacefully :)