What I'm getting at is going about it with the intention to create equally annoying sound is just flat out ridiculous. If their music is so loud, what makes you expect an equally louder sound would have any effect at all other than annoy yourself and others? It's sort of like this: They leave bright lights on, so I decided to buy some stadium lights and shine it on them while their lights on. I mean light on light isn't going to make them know the difference; so is sending sound against sound. And on top of that, doing this at a different time than they are doing will just cause other neighbors to get annoyed.
Dallen....I'm sorry, but I just don't think you get it. I'll grant you the benefit of the doubt in that you aren't aware of all the many details involved in this situation. You continue to presume these are nice & well-intended people who can be dealt with; they're not.
All of us at times have parties and follow a reasonable social protocol...the whole neighborhood gets along very nicely....but these maverick people just march to the beat of their own drum. They don't take-in their trash cans, they let their yard look like crap...yet they drive new Mercedes and spend their money elsewhere. Fine, that's their business....but when their business interferes with my kids sleep, my sleep and the whole neighborhood AND the police and neighborhood association are entirely ineffectual to deal with it...then I reserve the right to be creative in my resolve.
I think you're going about this is the most immature matter possible. I hope they continue to create the sound only to teach you a lesson in using civil knowledge against them instead of going to barbaric things. As a once famous person said, "Every fool finds a greater one to admire them.".
You hope they continue in order to teach me a lesson? This coming from a guy who was sent into an infantile tizzy because some chick had a pair of undies in her purse? Are you trying to earn an FU and get on my bad side? Dude, please....I've had many people question my ways and I've pretty much always come-out on top over the years. You have no idea who I am or what I've achieved in my life, and you certainly don't have thorough knowledge of the situation.
I don't think you actually tried to get a group of people together to talk to these people. If you did, it probably wasn't on happy terms. Now you know these people do it 2-3 times per year. Instead of going there on the night of the party, perhaps try to become friends with them during the year and when the time comes, since you are on good terms, perhaps they will listen to you and understand your concerns. Making friends instead of enemies is far better. Neighbors are suppose to be your friend. Everyone can't be nice to you, but you can be nice to everyone else. Doing annoying things will not only fall on deaf ears, it will create new enemies and create new situations that may or may not be positive.
These are all 1-acre lots with gates & call-boxes in front. Several people on several occassions have tried to talk with these people.....no results. They live there, they occassionally have intensely loud parties and they're clever in avoiding and getting around the law.
The device I'm building generates a very high-frequency sound. Unlike bass, high-range tones are much more directional...by placing the emitter in a small dish (reflector of a clamp light) facing their yard, the majority of the sound will be directed and focused into their yard. It's a very high-pitched sound, they won't cover their ears in pain nor will blood run from their nose...but they will hear and kinda "feel" it in their inner ears. At first they'll think something is wrong with an amplifier, especially when my unit shuts-off and turns-on in direct response to their sound level. (Did you even read my design?). My unit will only activate at an obnoxious sound level, the sensitivity control will allow them to have a fairly loud sound in their yard, but no longer will they be able to broadcast and accost the neighborhood with HUGE LOUD INTENSE noise after midnight. I'm not killing their party, just moderating the sound-level.
Exactly like a dog with a bark-collar, so too will these people learn just how far they can push it. They're not mature & considerate enough to know what's reasonable...so I'll just help them along.
A year ago, some neighbor (to the west side) stood outside in his yard and waited until a song ended....then at the top of his lungs he screamed "It's too loud, shut it off, it's 2am"...he did this again and again and again at the top of his lungs...and that was the same guy who (weeks later) told me he went over there 2 hours earlier and called the police before he did his backyard scream-a-thon (hoping other neighbors would join in).
All I'm doing is building a bark-collar for some disrespectful dogs, they can have their party, but after midnight I'm forcing them to take it down to a reasonable level. And trust me, the other neighbors will thank me. As I said, most the high-freq. noise will be on them....and it'll just take a few minutes for them to shut it down, whereas left alone we're talking hours of obnoxious bass-riddled crap music and ineffective calls & visits from the police.
It's brilliant.....
Apologies again for those who mistakenly perceived my humor for racism. I myself have a bit of middle-eastern blood so I'm quick to make jokes over it.