Okay....first-off, let me retract the ethnic words: all people, any culture and all colors can be obnoxious and offensive...it's not race exclusive. I only meant to note the type of music being played. I've got plenty of good friends who are from the middle-east and believe it or not they're the ones who told me when it comes to late-night party culture, some of the middle-eastern people can run it late into the night and just not care how it affects others. Apologies if humor crossed the line.....
FWIW, most the middle-eastern people living here are here because things didn't work out for them back home. Many have life-threatening stories and can't return home; they aren't here to tell us America sucks, they're here because they faced oppression, racism and other things. Many of my Persian friends denounce what is going on back home. Big discussion, let's not go there. Sorry for the poor analogy.
Sounds to me like if they confront you, you'll drop to your knees and offer to pleasure them. I thought this thread was a joke until I see you actually ordered parts for some device you'll use 2x per year. Suck it up and deal with it.
You dont know how they would react because you wont go talk to them. So drop the stereotypical bull crap.
Tony...I respect you enough to respond your words. I have NO idea why you'd think I'd drop to my knees if they confronted me, that implication is just insulting and I think that was your intent as I may have offended you.
I treat others as I'd like to be treated; if I was throwing a party and, at 2am, a neighbor came by to explain that he and his young kids can't sleep because my music was pounding-in through their closed windows....I'd not only turn the music down (and respect the cops who asked me to as well) but I'd likely apologize to them the next day. I suppose complying with the law and being considerate of others constitutes dropping to your knees?
Secondly, I myself have not gone over there and talked to them....but last year when I was on a fishing-trip and it happened, my wife and two neighbors went over there and they were blown-off. The parents were out of town and the kids couldn't care less. Some days later I went over there (upset about my wife's rude reception) and nobody was home, I left a note asking them to call me...nobody ever did. I spoke with the neighbor who said it was a problem and that "those" people just don't care and are entirely unresponsive to anything but their own interest.
They're violating sound-ordinances, doing the run-around with complying with the police and my whole family and the rest of the neighborhood can't sleep. So it's wrong and it's illegal.....but since it's just twice per year we should just blow it off, right?
Around here neighbors will often give notice that they're having a party AND they generally turn the music down by midnight; everyone is cool about it. These people have the music so loud, with a bass-beat, that even with my windows closed I can FEEL the music....it's well beyond being moderately annoying. I can "suck-up" a lot of things and deal with it.....but this bullsh!t where they're openly toying with the cops and keeping everyone awake, no thanks.
Yeah, I don't get what all the fuss is about. It only occurs twice a year. I don't think anyone actually went there and talked to them..
They've been spoken to, several people have spoken or attempted to contact the people. They don't care.
If you start making annoying sound, they might never hear it and you'll end up looking like a fool. .
Brilliant; if they don't even hear it, then how would I end-up looking like a fool?? Jeez Dallen...wtf is that all about??
You said you went there and tried to talk to them, but they were annoying. Did you tell them that you had to sleep and that your family wishes to sleep? Perhaps you should gather the support from other neighbors and confront them together and voice the opinion that you wish for them to turn the music down... not off and they can still enjoy their party without causing harm to others..
That's probably what you meant to suggest in the first place, and that's a very reasonable and solid approach. Ya know, my threads are pretty long & detailed but even with such detail I've neglected to mention what I covered above. YES; they've been contacted but much like an alcoholic there's nothing that'll come between them and their parties. They probably figure it's only 2-3 times per year so everyone can suck it up and kiss their asses.
If I was throwing a party and a cop came by, I would know a neighbor called. I would continue to blast the music only to annoy them and their cowardice in confronting me man-to-man about it.
Oh really?....maybe your neighbor is in their pajamas and in bed at 2am and they don't feel like getting up, getting dressed, driving around the block, sorting through the party to find the owner and potentially confronting a drunk & violent a-hole. Maybe that's the cop's job? I can't believe you wrote that.
I also suspect that there is racism involved here. The mention that they are middle eastern and on top of that that their music is annoying is hardly worth losing hair over. I mean different culture, different taste. Right now in America, it seems people from the middle east are viewed rather badly. I mean I remember that news story about the nervous middle eastern man on the airplane who had flight scare and it was added by the fact that a woman said he was up to something only because he was from the middle east. Sad. They had to stop the entire flight and seach everythign and the poor man had to be searched and questioned for hours. I suspect you didn't go to your neighbor and talked nicely. Just say, "Hey look, your music is loud. I really don't care about it, I just wish you turn it down some, you don't have to turn it off." Then boom. Nine times out of ten, if you ask nicely, they'll do it.
NOT about racism. I don't know if they're Persian, Lebonese, Israeli, Armenian, Egyptian or what....but I do recognize the language as some kind of middle-eastern. It wouldn't matter what language it is, it's just too loud and being blasted in their rear yard so it reflects off the back of their 2-story home and resonates into my 2-story home and permeates deep into the interior. It's simply not right and I'm a bit frustrated that you guys seem to think it's no biggy. If any of you came to my house and spent a night under these conditions, you'd be sitting around at breakfast bitching about how wrong and nasty that was and how something should be done, etc, etc.
They been spoken to.....nothing
The cops have been called.....nothing
Practical solutions have been exhausted.
Their actions and have brought this upon them and if/when it works there'll be several neighbors who will thank me for it.
Some of you just aren't grasping just how loud, obnoxious and offensive this sound-level is. Along with the fact that they're violating the law and playing games with complying with the law.....damn!