Neighbor problem, got an idea...what u think?

First off....this kind of thread has the potential to tangent all over the place with all sorts of wild ideas and borderline legal stuff. Let's not go there, stay on point, thanks.

The neighbors behind us had a party last night, they tend to do this about twice per year....the music stays loud and they continue to play it until 2am. These people are from the middle East, they're obnoxious, loud & offensive and they don't seem to care about anyone else. The whole neighborhood starts calling the police around 11pm and the same thing always happens:

The police show-up, tell them to turn it down and give them a warning. As soon as the police leave they turn it back up again. Some of the music isn't too bad, but the stuff with a bass-beat is just horrible, the sound travels. We live on 1-acre lots but even being 200-feet away from them, I can still hear the noise pounding in my bedroom as I try to sleep.

What I think they do is have a few guys out front and they can see the police coming from far they just quickly turn the sound down and claim (to the Police) that a certain neighbor just has it in for them (basically claiming there is no music). Somehow, they never seem to get shut-down...the music always persists until 2am or even later!

I don't think it's kids either, it's just a cultural thing I suppose.

NO, I'm not going to go over there and physically threaten them. I was considering shoooting a few 9mm rounds into the ground to alarm them and then call the Police and report shots fired....but, I don't think threatening them would work and they just don't care.

This is my idea. I'm a bit of an electronics whiz and I figured I'd put together the combination of 2 items.

Item #1 is a piezo-siren "pain generator" emits a high-pitched, uber-annoying sound that just permeates the cranium and almost hurts. Since it's high-frequency it's fairly directional. I'd mount the siren in a parabolic reflective metal disc...the very same housing they use for clamp-on lights that they sell at Home Depot. By mounting it in the dish and pointing it towards the neighbors (through some bushes in my backyard), most the noise would be on them and very little on me. Maybe mount two of these.

Item #2 is a VOX, more commonly known as a Voice Activated Switch. In another location, in a tube facing them (so as not to pick-up the piezo siren) a microphone picks-up sound. A knob can be adjusted for sensitivity. I'll use my own stereo in my own back yard to test & adjust to what I feel is a reasonable level for 2am.

Add a 12-volt battery, make the right connections and there it is: if they raise the volume past a certain level, the piezo comes on and ruins their night. The moment they turn their sound down, the piezo goes off.....the moment they turn it up, the piezo comes on. It's "tit" for "tat"....with me getting some music and them getting an earful of nasty high-pitched annoying pain. The Sound activated circuit can be adjusted to stay on from 1-second to 30-seconds after the incoming sound is detected and it'll stay on as long as their music stays on. It's waterproof if they try to spray water and because the back of our property (against theirs) is about 90' long and full of bushes, I don't think they'll be able to determine where the sound is coming from.

In so far as this device.....I can build it for about $35 and I'm almost tempted to offer it up on Ebay for other people with similar problems. What ya think??
LMAO @ this thread & your ideas!
Right the elements that be have graced me with their approval. If nothing else, it'll be fun to build.

Hey, they like to listen to music that sounds like a goat is about to be sacrificed and a woman is being raped.....and my music is an alternating high-pithced tone that permeates the cranium and resonates in the ear-drum with a deafening resolve; if they wanna jam the tunes at 2am, then who's to say I can't do the same?

Ya know, I even tell the police that they'll turn it up the moment they leave and that with each party the police are utterly ineffective & incapable to stop the noise.....yet they always seem to get away with it. Heck, just for the accomplishment I'm gonna go it.

Thanks for the support :D
Definately let us know how this ends up. I have a bunch of friends that play bagpipes. I can have them come do you favor at 2am.
I have a schematic for a reasonably powerful yet inexpensive microwave cannon I got from a friend if you're interested. I'm given to understand it will perform something like an EMP that also damages humans - but not perceptibly so as to be traced back to you.
Definately let us know how this ends up. I have a bunch of friends that play bagpipes. I can have them come do you favor at 2am.

haha! I've got the ad ready

"Are your neighbours keeping you up at night?
Are they playing loud music that prevents you from getting the sleep you deserve?
BAGPIPE PATROL! Call 555-bagpipe and we'll be sending a patrol of annoying skirt wearing Scots to your neighbourhood!
Bagpipe patrol, coming to a neighbourhood near you!"

:yelrotflmao: :rofl::cool:

Anyways, some awesome ideas there BSL!
You said this is only twice per year? I dont think its that bad.

I think it is....Why should anyone have to hear music being blasted outside? My neighbors were doing exactly the same thing last night! Blasting the music in their backyard and you could hear it throughout my whole house. Impossible to go to sleep. Really crappy pop stuff too. I mean, if it's like 4th of July of something that's one thing but a Sunday night where most of the neighborhood has to get up early is just ridiculous.
This only occurs twice a year you say? So why are you worried about it?

It's best to directly ask rather than do things outside of the issue. Making louder sounds or something along that line would just add to the annoying sounds and on top of that, they're not going to turn the music off.

Here's what I think you should do on the next party:

Tell them why you wish for them to turn the music down.

If that fails, record the action on film. Once showing the first cop coming up, then while they leave how they turn the music back up. This will prove that they are playing loud music after the cop's warning.
As far as calling the police goes, start documenting it. Religiously.

When the party starts, write down the time you called the police (and the date of course) adn then write down the time the police come by.

THen you can call the police and give them exact frequency of this disturbing of the peace situation. That's the advice I've seen other people give to help with these problems.

I like the counter measures you're thinking of too though :)
It's a civil issue.....

and the police don't usually get involved in those. HOWEVER, there are noise ordinances, and the fine is pretty steep. They can issue a citation and break up the party, but I suggest you get the proof that Dallen mentioned, and then you will have something to show them, and a reason for them to end the party.

I have to add: there are some benefits when your DH is the That sort of thing doesn't happen here anymore.....:D
and the police don't usually get involved in those. HOWEVER, there are noise ordinances, and the fine is pretty steep. They can issue a citation and break up the party, but I suggest you get the proof that Dallen mentioned, and then you will have something to show them, and a reason for them to end the party.

I have to add: there are some benefits when your DH is the That sort of thing doesn't happen here anymore.....:D

Its not a civil issue.

1. Anytime an act of another or serious of acts of another, disturbs the peace of another (short version of the Kansas law), the LEO can cite the owner/renter and other persons involved for Disorderly Conduct.

2. Once the police officers get called, they have a right to be on "property" (4th ammendment exception), and the "Plain View Doctirine" kicks in which can lead to additional police involvement dependent upon what is observed.

If on property (where the police have a right to be), and they see what appears to be minors consuming alcohol, the music being loud (as the call for service specified) or any other illegal activities, they can investigate further and make applicable arrests (and even conduct a house search) "dependent on what is observed or found".

Dependent on the disposition on what was viewed, the LEO has alot of discretion. For example, shut the party down, or I go get my citation book, and start handing out tickets (or make a criminal report), and standby and wait until it dispersed.

I understand that alot of times, they go and say shut it down and walk off.

However, a good cop who understands and has a good knowledge of the law (and a personality to back this up), can cure the problem--on the first visit (at least this incident). If real large, just call in the extra help.

EDIT: This 4th ammendment exception and "plain view doctrine" is universal with all states as set by the Supreme Court and adopted by all states in the union. Laws can vary per state. However, what is in view of the officer, is one powerful doctrine, and can be used effectively.

Hope all is well today!

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Its not a civil issue.

1. Anytime an act of another or serious of acts of another, disturbs the peace of another (short version of the Kansas law), the LEO can cite the owner/renter and other persons involved for Disorderly Conduct.

Hope all is well today!


Hey Chillen :)

From what I understand, here it is considered a civil issue, and unless they are getting seriously rowdy in public, they will generally tell they to break it up, and/or cit them.....

I'll ask DH and see if I'm missing something here......

Ok I asked, and here it is a civil matter.
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Let me give another example of a "possibility" in a party situation.

1. Police get called.

2. The make contact with the party house, and responsible person (s). Due to the call for service they have the right to walk on this property, and attempt to "keep peace"

3. When in contact, the idiot (LOL) becomes mouthy, and the officer becomes concerned for his safety or has fear that this conduct will entice others to become more violent. The officer decides to arrest the person based upon his conduct enticing others to get angry and potentially violent.

The officer then conducts a "search of the person incendental to an arrest" (which is another 4th ammendment exception against unlawful searches and seizures). The officers finds his pockets......

Now, we have problems.....and the nature and subsequent behavior of officers depends on "totality of the circumstances".

I love Kansas Law......they have things right. LOL

Kansas also has a "Party House Law".

Best wishes,

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yeah, there is always the possibility of the situation to escalate and get potentially dangerous, but from what BSL said, the police come and go, and that suggest it is just a party but not a rowdy one, hence a civil issue. Sure if someone starts to mouth off, throw things, or threaten them, etc... sure it can lead to arrest, etc... But this doesn't sound like the case. From what he states, it simply sounds like a noise ordinance issue at most.

Personally I don't think having a party once or twice a year is really that bad. We do have neighbors who throw a yearly 4th of July party and they invite the whole neighborhood to come. I generally don't attend, but it doesn't bother me that they have it. It's going to be noisy that night regardless.

I think the best thing for BSL to do is simply go talk to them about it nicely. People can surprise you sometimes......:)