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You don't put much emphasis on the arms in your full body workouts, how will I maintain my current arm strength. For example, if 1 year ago I was doing a small barbell curl with 10s on either end, now I do 3x10 with 20s or 25s on the end. My muscle is definitly bigger than a year ago. I don't want to lose any of that.No, the bicep exercise does not have to be the same each time. Really arm work isn't all that important while dieting for most people.
Same thing goes for the triceps. A year ago I might could have done one set lifting my own body weight with my triceps (a dip), now I could do this last and just hang there and still lift myself up. If I bought one of those weight vests I would use it on that exercise. I don't want to lose that as I switch my workouts.I would keep it to 2 sets for biceps and 2 sets for triceps.
There are several different machines for abs (that use weights, 2 of them free weights). I do not know specific names but I might could find (or take) a picture of them. You have your standard flat one where you can put your legs down, up, or in the air (uses free weights). There is another like that but it is inclined. A third you stand on and lift your legs up (with free weights). Another that I enjoy you get on your knees on it and twist to lift the weights. Hurts my sides real good.What are you planning on doing for abs? My suggestion would be to rotate movements; flexion, extension, rotation, stabilization.
As far as just regular situps, they end up hurting my back long before I would ever feel it in my stomach. Like a full crunch where your bringing your legs up and doing a situp I could do for quite sometime, so I don't do them very often.
Again I go back to my bicep question. I am lifting a tremendous amount more with my abs now than a long time ago. Scaling this back would make me lose some of that strength right?Weight your crunches, for example, so you're limited to 10 reps or something like that.
I see people doing these and some bend the knees and some don't. If I hold a heavy weight and bend my knees some and tried to hold it there it would hurt after a bit. With that said I'm going to give them a shot tonight and see how it feels. I was more worried about if it hurts my knee so I put on less weight and then not getting the full benefit of the exercise out of it.Romanian deadlifts have little to no knee flexion... are you aware of this?
When I do leg presses and leg curls (legs straight out and bringing them down) I don't do much weight to not aggrivate my knee. Both of those with light weights were even approved by my doctor, but not legs downand lifting the weight up.If you can do leg presses and leg curls, you can certainly do romanian deadlifts.
I don't really have a preference for free weights, versus cable, hammerstrength. I just picked, for example, hammerstrength decline so I don't have to get on hte upside down machine to do them. I also noticed that you had no decline in hte workout, which is why I added it in on the incline day.Why do you like using machines?
I worked with a bunk trainer for a few sessions 3-4 years ago, and thats what he showed me so I just always stuck with that. He told me 3x10 or 10,8,6. I am glad to try out a different set makeup.Do you have a reason why you stuck with the old 3x10 or did you just read it someplace and buy into the concept?
Thanks for that advise, it is very helpful. I always assume exactly the opposite. Blow it out on every set, give me one more, come on, come on.Here's an important bit of advice: You should never be struggling to the point where you fail. Failure, as in, you don't or barely complete the last rep (this isn't really failure but close enough) is not your goal. Failing does not mean you are working the muscles good.
Extra questions:
What does the military press work out?
With less emphasis on the chest exercises now, only doing one to hit each area, will I maintain my current chest strength? I mean my chest isnt ripped or anything but it's nice and there is definitly visible muscle there. I'm assuming that doing the right sets with the right amount of wait on just 2 or 3 chest machines is suffiecient to grow (or sustain during dieting) the muscle?
I have my food and exercise spreadsheets well under way...
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