But yes, whole wheat bread is fine, just be sure it really is 100% whole wheat.
I was too full to care about blowing it last night
Good job on everyone's success in abstaining! lol. Nobody better take that and put it on the out of context thread
You guys are fun friends.
I haven't had an actual turkey for thanksgiving for several years..
I haven't had an actual turkey for thanksgiving for several years..
What do you eat then?
My dh's aunt makes tamales for Thanksgiving (but, that's not where we are going). That's really strange to me.
Mainly b/c she is as white as white can be and lives in the deep East Texas woods. That just doesn't add up. I mean, I would get it if they were Hispanic, that I've heard of, but they're not.
Well, y'all have fun with all that. LOL
I'm doing well on regular days, but...
Sunday - Thanksgiving dinner at church (but I won't go nuts or anything:azzangel
Thursday - Thanksgiving w/ dh's family (but their food kinda sucks, so again, not a huge cheat)
Saturday - Thanksgiving meal w/ my family - and I'm not even going to care about calories or macros or anything. Our Thanksgivings have 3 turkeys (baked, smoked, fried) and a ham - with about 10-15 side dishes, and at least 10 pies ---so, it's gonna get nasty.
Other than those meals, I'm doing great.
does that mean our leader has already fallen of the wagen once, or that you were so full you did not want anything bad?
I actually haven't ate a thanksgiving dinner with my family for a couple years, they usually meet up with my dad's side and they have a dinner ( turkey and rice, etc ). I don't like my dad's side ( drama ).
The years before that, instead of having a real thanksgiving with a big ass turkey they cut the turkey into tiny little pieces and it was used as a topping on the rice, etc. Screw that, i want the turkey as the main course..not as a side dish.
I remember a year, long long ago, where it was just me and my family. And my dad bought this big ass turkey, and I remember just eating a turkey by itself with plenty of bb sauce. now that was a fking thanksgiving.
popcorn, no butter, naughty or nice? sprinkled with cyan pepper?