Hey there everyone
Well as weigh in day gets closer and closer I am more annoyed at myself for letting myself devaite as much as I did this month, I think a few things helped with that though like the sleepless nights and the few functions I attended and didn't plan ahead like I should have and ate what ever was going, not a good idea.
So for the last few days I have been working my bum off, and have been trying to burn off as many fat cells as possible.
I really am hoping that I lose more than my pathetic 2 kilo's this month. I know that I only have my self to blame. And am now dedicated more than ever, I'm going to call sue in the morning and confess all my deviations and ask her to give me a good kick up the bum, lol plus I have a huge bag of clothes to give to her for the clothes exchange.
When I say I have deviated lots I had cake and chicken ceaser salad one night, another day i nibbled on chocolates and biscuits at a bithday party, and I have been having more fruit than my allowance.. So it's stopping right now, I'm actually on here right now so that I'm not tempted to eat another piece of fruit out of the fridge. So far so good.
Well I look forward to been a healthy 69.8 kilo's soon and that is when I will post those new pics. I'm so looking forward to not been overweight any day now... very exciting.
I have been doing the tae bo dvd I have at home and some situps each night so I'm hoping that is helping to burn off a little fat and to tone up my body. Fingers crossed.
To anyone out there that is thinking of deviateing, take it from me, it's a dangerous pattern to get yourself into and even harder to get back on track, stick with the programme and finish it in record time. I wish now that I hadn't ever deviated. I need to lose huge amounts in the next two months so I get to finish refeed before easter. I really want to be able to enjoy a humpty dumpty egg for easter. so fingers crossed and wish me luck.