My Diary

Workout 5/16

Boot camp class

Due to having Employee Fitness Week at the gym, we're having special classes - one of which is a boot camp class (taught by the same woman who teaches us spinning). It was a good workout to be sure.

Of course we went out to the pub afterwards, and it being a special day for me, I decided to indulge a bit (chicken quesadillas and grilled chicken on penne pasta with a vodka sauce and a few beers). But, back to the action today.
Food sounds good. Hope it tasted as good as it sounds.
It was good - not exciting, but good. I would've liked tastier vodka sauce but it was good. A nice indulgence, but am back to the food plan today.
Happy 2nd Birthday Stingo!! (a little late, but I wasn't on yesterday) Good Job on your mile stones! I hope the years get even better for you!
Workout 5/18

Chest Press (on bench) 3x8@70
Squat and Overhead Press 1x12@40
Bent Row 1x12@55
Touchdowns 1x12
Dips from the Bench 1x12
Cross Chop with Squat 1x12@45
Reverse Fly 1x12@25

Step Up (on bench) 1x15 supersetted with...
Bicep Curl (2 sec up, 4 sec down) 2x10@25

Oblique Twists on Stability Ball 1x20
Ball Bridge (One Leg)
Crunches on Ball 1x20@12 (weight overhead this time)
Hip Raise and Leg Curl (Feet on Stability Ball) 1x10 both legs +
Leg Curl 1x5 each leg

A couple of comments - I wish my chest muscles would get it together and be healthy at the same time. For the first time in a while my right side did fine, and it was my left that was struggling.

But the touchdowns went well - wobbled a bit, but didn't have to catch myself. :)
Well I spent a bit of money today - I decided to subscribe to the orchestra this season as they'll be doing Mahler's 8th symphony at the end (early May '08), and as that's one of my all time favorites I figured I'd plunk down the money to see it (and a few other concerts). It's a bit of a drive but will be worth it to hear live music again. Recordings are great, but being there is even better.
I have few classical songs but just not my cup of tea but I'll be glad to sit and listen to it. I will have to find my songs that I have. The only time I ever listened to it was my senior year in high school and it put me to sleep.
Im a big fan of classical music. Not all, but i do enjoy a good deal of the "Classics". I bet you'll enjoy the concert!

I'm sure I will - subscribed for the '05-'06 season and liked it a lot.