My 1000th post.

you wont **** yourself if your core can handle it. Though using belts on 90% + lifts is acceptable IMO, if the contest is without belts, find your 1RM without a belt, just dont try to squat or dead asmuch as you can with a belt, without a belt.

I know, but since my max dead is most likely at this point over 300, I feel alot safer with a belt. I have to worry about all the sports that I do, and not injuring myself in any way before or during them :D Good advice though, thanks.

Bench shirt I have no problem with banning, same thing with squat suits and knee wraps..this isn't competition. Belt is the only thing I would argue to keep in this.

I don't think you should be allowed to have super wide stance on squats, that's just cheap. My squat stance is shoulder width if not an inch or two wider. Dead I think any grip and stance would be fine. If you can get a super wide grip on bench and are able to have a bigger max with that much pec involvement, then go for it I say.
i say that any form of grip/stance can be used. but you have to state your stance/grip when you tell us your max. everyone has strengths and weaknesses to be put to the test here. :D
Back to the origional topic. I've got 179 left to my 1000. Wooo. Lol.

Anyway, theoretically on the maxes, you should do each one fresh out. I mean, if you have already deadlifted, it may affect your bench. Catch me drift?
yup. thats why powerlifters feel like crap when it comes to deadlifting after squats and bench...

your pretty close to 1000. go 4 it bro
yup. thats why powerlifters feel like crap when it comes to deadlifting after squats and bench...

your pretty close to 1000. go 4 it bro

Actually, when doing powerlifting meets, I don't feel like crap at all. There is enough time in between where you don't feel bad at all. Plus I think the squats prior helps out my deadlift. Gets my muscles prepared to explode up.
Wait maxed two days in a row?

Because your 300, 265, and 170 only equal 735..meaning you would be 265 away. I'm lost lol

He might be talking about his post count.

On the Squats my stance is wide. I just can't seem to get my technique right with a shoulder width squat. When I do a squat, shoulder width, I have problems getting back up controled and I'm unbalanced or something. With a wide stance squat my technique is flawless.
Well i haven't squatted or deadlift in about a week. Pretty sure i tore my miniscus,going to the doctor today to get it checked. Football starts in 3 weeks, so im hoping to start back up by the end of this week at the most.
You're scared to dead without a belt?

Well, I have one problem here.

two of my lifts are limited because of my lack of aditional weight plates. I only have 215 pounds. Not sure when I'm going to be able to get more thanks to da moneys troublezzz!
whens your birthday? i will send you some money 4 weights : D just look for somewhere cheap like garage sales, thrift shops. sports authority=wtf

as long as it isnt in the next week i can come up with some money to invest in the 'children in need of weights' fund lol

and besides you will need 215+ for your bench too in no time!!!
Haha, Thanks PB your a really nice guy. But, I can't let you pay for my weights. I'm just to "proud" to let someone els do that for me. Anyway, My BD is Sept14, FYI.

This is good in a way. My stats will look somewhat low thanks to the 215 pound limitation. Then when I get some additional weights My 1RMs will skyrocket so our teams total will jump high all of a sudden!
i hope your not too proud to shop at garage sales :O lol

and thats right! wer not going to let any weight stand in our whey! we are going to make the power of our youth exploooode! im pumped up now. 2 bad its an off day >: D
Its almost max-out time. I maxed out already because I'll be on vacation. My squat was a surprise because I squatted 135x23 so I thought I could do wayy more then I did.

Bench- 170
Squat- 185
Deadlift- 230
Clean- 120

Not sure if we are using clean, but I posted it anyway. Really gotta strengthen up my lowerbody...

Woa. Nobody commented on the video I posted. I thought it was amazing..
lol! jman how are you benching almost as much as your squat!??!!? omg i wish i could do that.

dont count me out of the game woodt. im going to be back with some heat!
Maybe/maybe not, But I'm still faster then you:).

Really? I'm not sure about that. lol. Although you are older, and I wouldn't put it past you.