you wont **** yourself if your core can handle it. Though using belts on 90% + lifts is acceptable IMO, if the contest is without belts, find your 1RM without a belt, just dont try to squat or dead asmuch as you can with a belt, without a belt.
I know, but since my max dead is most likely at this point over 300, I feel alot safer with a belt. I have to worry about all the sports that I do, and not injuring myself in any way before or during them
Bench shirt I have no problem with banning, same thing with squat suits and knee wraps..this isn't competition. Belt is the only thing I would argue to keep in this.
I don't think you should be allowed to have super wide stance on squats, that's just cheap. My squat stance is shoulder width if not an inch or two wider. Dead I think any grip and stance would be fine. If you can get a super wide grip on bench and are able to have a bigger max with that much pec involvement, then go for it I say.