My 1000th post.

I'm 175 but thats about to be changing...Since I'm about all healed up I'm going to start on my "bulk" while hitting the weights hard. And since I'm not doing anymore track/long distance running I shouldn't have such a hard time gaining as I did before.

These past 4 months have really been detrimental to me and my lifts...
Ill join you guys My bench is 150, my squat is 250, never maxed on my deadlift, could check for you.
awesome!!! we have our trainees, guys! now its time to pick teams. you guys want to make it random, or should we choose our own teams? im not sure how we would choose random teams but i think we should make teams so its the most balanced and lifts' sums are close to eachother.
silent,did you used to be a lot stronger than us?
Oh yeah PB I could dead lift all of you at once:p.

At my "peak" I was dead lifting 200 in sets of 3 by 8. I didn't ever have more then 200pounds at the time So I don't know what my 1rm was. My Squat has never been very strong.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if most of y'all beat me in the Squat once I check my 1RM.

I have always put speed (Long distance/speed track) before strength in training until now that is.
thats interesting. i am plainning on getting back into back squatting soon. i really hope i can get back in the game!!! i miss it!!!! now i know how you feel silent

but there is still the question of who is on who's team. we are splitting up into 3 teams of 2 people each.

Well we definitley have 6 great participants who obviously have a passion for fitness. Should we all take a vote on how to do teams? What about 1RM? Should we have specific days in which we test or max squat, bench, anddead? Because not many of us know what our 1RM is. Just to make sure we all know where we stand.
yes. good idea. we should dezignate specific days (mayb once a month, the first day of each month) to max out and find the sum of the team's lifts.

though i dont think i am anywhere near 100% to be performing 1rm's.

honestly, i want to be on a team with merciless or silent only because i already know you two. i really dont mind being on someone else's team though. i think it should be random.
we could always do 3v3 lol
The first day of each month sounds good. We could also seperate teams by weather whos cutting or bulking maybe because I think the people cutting will be at a disadvantage. I'm bulking by the way.
honestly, i want to be on a team with merciless or silent only because i already know you two. i really dont mind being on someone else's team though. i think it should be random.
we could always do 3v3 lol

Lol PB...

Well If we go 3V3 then I say team one would be Silent,Merc, and PB. Simply because were "Dr.BAM's children" LMAO. We brothers got to stick together?:p
I like the idea of 3v3, the teams dont matter to me either. Proteinboy, Merc, and Silent vs Jman, Woodt and Me is fine as well
awesome. it is agreed so far. 3v3



so the long term goal is a race to 3000lbs.
i say the first short term goal should be
2200-733lbs each. then,
2300-766lbs each
ect ect.

so that gives us a lot of short term goals to reach together.

for a 3v3 it is going to be even more teamwork. of course, all of us will want to be improving ourselves too, not depending on the other teamates. whether a participant bulks or cuts is their descision. the goal is to get the strongest fastest. I, personally will be communicating more with my teamates to share tips, progress so far, ect.

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LOL red dragons? haha.
i dont know what our team names should be. i dont think of good team names.
the only thing i got is
my sn was the only noun lol...u guys are adjectives :p
You guys should clean instead of bench. Or better yet, OHP. Do it strongman style.