MsBubbles: Daily Health Efforts


Active member
It's been YEARS since I was here! I was doing great - walking 45 mins each way to work and back, 5 times a week, had my eating and snack routines down. Then within the space of a year, A.I. came along, our human-powered company was closed, my landlord died and I had to move, threw out my back for three months, got covid, the flu and four more colds (after four years of nothing), and here I am, needing to lose 15 lb. Since I first logged on here I have gone from late forties to late fifties, and it's a whole new bodily challenge (not to mention looks) ballgame, and I need a community to report to. Even if nobody reads this! That's fine y'all, seriously. I just need a place with a potential audience to help me stay accountable to myself.

I do love the older-fitness-ladies circuit on Instagram (Wonder Women Official, and Joan MacDonald for example) and considered a (very!) anonymous account to post progress photos to keep me accountable, but that's not really my thing. I'd rather do the work in private, get to the end (hopefully, finally) and post a bikini pic on the beach that's far enough away for everybody who knows me to go "that's pretty impressive!" :ROFLMAO:. I don't need to post weekly progress shots, etc., although I truly admire the ladies who CAN do that, as they really help me feel less self conscious. But it's not for me. Neither is counting macros, or anything for that matter. Immediately triggering for me.

I'm excited to start this journey again here. Since I ditched the corporate world rat race, I have far more time on my hands. I am cobbling a living together by a handful of fun jobs I like to do (movie extra work, for example) and thankfully right now have relatively low living expenses. So I am hoping that I can now better do for myself what I always wanted to do, which is make time for working out.

This journal will be primarily a place to report that I did my workout(s) for the day. My goal is to do my carefully-curated and assembled-by-me at home workouts daily, as much as possible. I don't need to build in rest days because sometimes I work all day and can't fit it all in anyway. So I will do it as often as I can, but at least one at-home workout a day. I've separated them simply into upper body, lower body, and abs. LOL. I am not going to join a gym (yet) until I prove to myself I can and will do these at home, and that gym equipment will be the next natural progression. No forcing it.

For me, the workouts need to come first. They need to be the priority over my spending lots of time meal-prepping or obsessing about my diet. I also have a history of binge-eating so cannot even threaten myself with restriction without going into a binge/scarcity mindset. However, on the days I work out and the 24 hours following, I naturally crave whole foods. Keeping the sugar out of my house is actually the number one dieting aid for me. If I dare use that word.

I don't have a single problem getting enough cardio, due to my chosen preferred fun sport. If anything, from what people say, I guess I should cut down on that. But my brain needs it so, no. I won't be cutting down on that.

My main motivation (other than the bikini thing) is also being able to wear shorts again. I have an idea of how my legs should/could look so that I could do that and feel good about it again. I understand that I could, and damn well should wear whatever I please, but I don't want to wear shorts out in public right now. Also, my arms, which were always long and slim, need some care and attention. I think the combo of losing 15 lb plus my workouts should fix it to where I'm happy again. So it's not a whole lot, but apparently this year I have been unable to keep it all on the rails.

I am just finally getting over virus #6 in 10 months, so will be taking it easy for the next few days.

Here we go, day 1:
- Walk (try for 1 hour but 30 mins is good - still wheezing like crazy due to bronchitis)
- Lower body workout because my large muscles are craving it like anything, and this is somehow also linked to my brain :unsure:
- Lots of fruit, lettuce type greens (had a big protein breakfast), try to avoid white flour
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looking forward to following your journey!
Welcome back MsBubbles: sounds like you know what you want and how to get it and that's a great start!
Hey, Ms Bubbles & welcome back to the forum. There's no pressure here, just a kind, welcoming, non-judgemental support group.
Thank you so much, Liza, Llama and Cate! Kind, welcoming and non-judgmental is my kinda place! :grouphug::beerchug: Oh how I have missed these emojis! :svengo:

After I posted the above, I did go out for a test walk to see how I did. Then I came down with a fever and spent the rest of the day in bed. Next day (Saturday) I had misunderstood that a work shift had been cancelled - it hadn't been cancelled! The person was fully expecting me to show up, with no way to find someone to fill in. So I worked ten hours yesterday (this is physical labor work, too) and now my bronchitis has bronchitis. I do have an e-visit with a doctor tomorrow so am hoping to get something strong to knock all of this out finally. Boy do I feel wretched though. (n)
Oh, that sucks, having to do a hard 10-hour shift when you were feeling so ill. I hope you can get on top of this bug. Bronchitis is awful.
I appreciate that, Cate! Still sick, here. Even went to the emergency facility as instructed by the on-call nurse/adviser person yesterday. Realized it was a waste of time and came home again, all with a high (for me) fever. Had a regular appointment today (easier on the wallet) and got a second load of antibiotics, plus steroids. I really don't like taking any of this stuff, but I need to be able to stand up and do things without my fever shooting through the roof every day.

Pity party alert!

Physical fitness and my own celebration of the wonder of the human body to be able to still create decent muscle in late 50s has gone waaaay down the priority list. Now all I am focused on is getting well enough described able to stand and do things for a while and not get exhausted or have a high fever :(. Trying to be grateful. My lungs hurt so much right now. The doctor today did the 'breathe in, breathe out' stethoscope routine but I couldn't take any deep breaths, and when I tried, all I got was deep, rattly, offensive-sounding and nastily productive coughs. As he was summarizing my visit, he said "Oh and by the way, you're having an asthma attack too". And there I was thinking my asthma paled amid all the deep growly rattles.


After I got home my temperature started to go up to 'feel like crap' levels, of course, because I dared to walk to my car, and then from my car to the facility and back to my car again. After a whole afternoon on the couch, motionless, it came back down again though, which is a first in over a week.

This is all very self-indulgent and boring to read.

I am just really impatient to start working out again. All sitting and no muscle work outs make MsBubbles a dull girl, complete with the Here's Johnny axing episodes. It's SO hard to just do nothing. I have plenty to read but that gets harder (ADHD) with no physical movement.

What an absolutely pathetic wreck.

I can't believe I started this journal all happy and then it went downhill from day 1. FFS. This was just supposed to be a tool to stop ME from sabotaging myself! Turns out this virus was just going to do that for me.

It's not covid. My daughter (who gave it to me) still has it, after 4 weeks. 👿😠😡:banghead: . I hope I can start posting some progress reports soon. Right now I'm eating enough food as if I were still walking to work and back, 5 miles a day.
Oh, you poor thing! You don't have to be upbeat & bubbly here. Just do what you can to be well again :grouphug:
Take it as easy as possible. I see too many patients with long-term or even lifelong issues from wanting to get back to normal too soon after infections. Right now all your body needs is rest, fluids, and food. Being able to eat normally is a boon!
Thanks Cate and Llama.

It's so hard to keep resting! I'm glad the antibiotics are working already and the fever seems to be gone. But now I've got the antibiotic side effects (weird headaches).

I do need to try to eat healthily again now though. Just because I have to eat each time I take one of these things, doesn't mean it has to be fatty, sugary carbs! So that's the goal today. Keep it simple, I guess.
Agreed. Vitamins, minerals, fluids, protein if your stomach is ok, some healthy fats... But of course when you're feeling crummy what you want is something quick and dirty.
Thanks, Liza3!

Llama, that's hilarious. Quick and dirty indeed. Stupidly though, I do need to make sure to be plenty hydrated, as you mentioned. It's not like I'm going anywhere and won't be able to get to a bathroom.

And speaking of bathrooms, sometime this morning I went into my bathroom and found a 2"+ roach on my toothbrush :oops: :eek::frown:. Long story short, I ended up with some furniture polish on my hardwood floor. I threw the toothbrush away of course and washed the toothpaste tube with scalding water and soap. I'm even throwing away the container. The good news is, I just mopped up the cornstarch I sprinkled onto the hardwood floor as it had become dangerously slippery (even for a skater like me) - and I still have plenty of energy to spare! No fever yet. So in spite of only having 4 hours sleep last night due to coughing fits, I feel pretty good.

Baby steps.
On your TOOTHBRUSH??? :sick: In your place I might have decided to get all my teeth pulled and just never brush again. Great to hear you're feeling a little better though.
Yay for feeling much better!
We stayed in a fancy apartment on the Gold Coast in Queensland many years ago & were horrified to find cockroaches in our bathroom. They're everywhere up there! Ugh!
That's horrifying, Cate!

They hate the light. Did I leave my bathroom light on all night last night? Why yes, yes I did. However, it's now war (plus a cover for my new toothbrush). Buying a new set of baits.
Make sure your toothbrush cover still lets air circulate properly to avoid bacteria building up too much.