Motivational sayings and/or affirmations.

Achieve what you want to achieve

Achieve What You Want To Achieve

Pablo Picasso was a well known Spanish painter and he had some very interesting things to say about life which we can relate to our weight loss journey:

Believe - "He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't. This is an inexorable, indisputable law"

This quote does not just say that you should believe in yourself, it also explains why you need to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goal. Your beliefs control what you will achieve and how you see your world. When you think you can achieve your goal, your perception of that task changes, as well as your perception of yourself. Without those changed perspectives it will be hard to find the courage, motivation and enthusiasm. If you think you are going to fail you may hold yourself back or even trip yourself up - sometimes unconsciously. However, if you think you can do something your mind will start to find solutions and focus on making things happen, rather than whining about them. Without the focus on the right things, on your ability, your mind may not find the resources and solutions that are needed to achieve your goal.

Push Yourself - "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

Pushing yourself and stretching is necessary to grow. The more you push yourself, the quicker you can grow. It may be scary, so take deep breathes and just concentrate on getting through one moment at a time. This can greatly decrease possible negative feelings that are holding you back. With those feelings out of your mind and body it becomes easier to focus, to feel positive feelings and actually conquer tough situations and learn the skills you need to achieve your goal.

Do Not Wait For The Right Time - "Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working"

Inspiration may show up on its own, but this does not always happen and you can spend a lot of time waiting. It is better to follow Picasso’s suggestion and just start working. For the first few days it may be challenging, but after a while inspiration seems to catch up with you and before you know it you are forming new habits and noticing exciting changes as you lose weight. As times goes on, things start to get easier until you are well on your way.

If you feel inspired one day that is great, use your inspiration. Do not limit yourself to the days where you feel inspired or you feel like the moment is just right to do something. Act instead. A lot of the time you can find inspiration along the way.

"Action is the foundational key to all success"

Action is the foundation. Without taking action any information, no matter how useful, will be useless. This is a part of personal growth that is often forgotten or avoided. It Is scary and it may be difficult to do it or you may not feel like it is the right moment now, but developing a habit of taking more and more action will make a huge difference.

It Is Never Too Late - "Youth has no age"

Do not let social conditioning tell you what you can or cannot do just because of your age. Age is most of the time just in your head anyway. Choose for yourself what you can achieve and ask yourself the right questions instead of ones that limit you. The present moment is all there ever is anyway. Do not get caught up in the past too much - you really do not have to limit yourself to what you have achieved before. If you do, then that is your choice. You can decide to do something different too, right now. It is really only too late to change if you look at your life as a time line. If you learn to live in the now, much of that thinking just falls away. You realise that you can consciously choose and achieve whatever you like in the present moment and build a future with new possibilities.
Get motivated now!

Get Motivated Now!

When you want to make changes in your life to lose weight, it is not always easy to keep the motivation up. It can slip and you may fall back into old eating habits or you may get stuck in daydreams and never actually start changing your lifestyle.

Here is a very effective way to refuel or kick start your motivation:

Find a quiet place and sit down… Close your eyes

If you need something to get started then ask yourself these questions:

How will I look and feel in 2 years time if I continue to stay on the same path as I am now?
How will life likely become worse for me and maybe even for the people around me?
It may be uncomfortable but try to see the negative consequences as clearly as you can in your mind. This will help to get motivation so you can work towards positive lifestyle changes now.

If you have already gotten started but your motivation has dropped and you do not feel like continuing towards your goal or until the new lifestyle changes stick, ask yourself:

How will I look and feel in 1 year if I stick with it and keep going? How will I feel in 2 years?
How will life improve not only for me but for the people around me if I stick with it?
Try to see the future in as much detail and as clearly as you can and also find your very personal reasons for making these lifestyle changes.

For example, losing weight could help you to become more optimistic and more energetic - Which is great, but to really find the heart of your motivation keep looking for a few more minutes for the more personal answer. It could be that you want to make these lifestyle changes for your health, because if you do not do it now then you might not have the energy to have fun and play as much as you want with your daughter or granddaughter while she is young... and as she gets older, you may be too tired to give her quality time each day.

So make the time to really think about and find out what is important to you, so that you can refocus on and refuel your true motivation!
Baby steps

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction
than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”
~Old Chinese Proverb​
Stay committed

“Stay committed to your decisions;
but stay flexible in your approach.”
~Tony Robbins​
Not taking things personally or being so sensitive......

I do take things personally & am REALLY sensitive. I'm not going to go into the details of my feelings of rejection. It is nothing to do with the people I love, which, to me is much less important, but I really do wish I wasn't such a reactor & was not so emotional. It is very frustrating.
Coping with rejection

We all desire to feel loved, accepted, approved of and supported by others. It's a real frustration not to get our way and to face the possibility of being cut off from the acceptance and support of others.

We, in nature have our hearts set on exploring, acquiring and consuming the experiences of this lifetime. We are motivated by impulses for affection, wellbeing, food and enjoyment. However, we also have the complicated task of learning to live in this world with others who compete with our needs as they try to meet their own. In addition, it's essential for us to learn to adjust our impulses for wellbeing. It's complicated, isn't it ?

One of those complications is coping with the experience of rejection. No one enjoys it, but it's a natural and vital part of life. Throughout life, we all opt to accept or reject millions of possibilities. We think about and decide "yes" to this idea and "no" to that one, "yes" to this alternative, "no" to that one.

Rejection by others can appear like social disapproval and failure. According to studies, humans are instinctively sensitive to rejection. Throughout history, people have been reliant upon the kindness of others for survival. People who were insensitive to the disapproval of others have been disliked. Being a pariah decreases one's chance of survival. In short, rejection sensitivity has been crucial for survival.

Given that we have been bred to notice rejection as a hazard to survival, at times we experience strong feelings of fear and desertion in its presence. When the survival alarm is triggered, I believe the question to ask ourselves is, " Is my survival really being endangered at this moment or is this false alarm ? ".

For example, if my boyfriend tells me he wants to end our relationship or my supervisor says I'm being laid off, is my life endangered ? Am I in pending danger of death ? In the majority of cases the answer is "no." Emotionally and psychologically it can seem that way as a rush of emotions, heat and worry flood our understanding. Our inclination may be to defend ourselves, to ward off the news that seems to threaten our sense of wellbeing and safety.

Our differences are frequently met with social disapproval by family, friends, teachers, authority figures, the church and other institutions around us. This can seem overwhelmingly threatening. We do risk the chance of being cast out from the love, care and privilege of the majority. It behaves us to develop the skills and assets to deal with rejection successfully.

In general, people react in one of two ways to rejection or to its threat, they both accept it, and are inspired to increase their efforts to accomplish, or they are psychologically and emotionally hurt and seek to avoid it. The first tactic is the most healthy and efficient. People can be inspired to achieve regardless of rejection.

How is this done ?

Acknowledge the fact that how you notice and react to rejection is up to you. You must take responsibility for this progression. Avoid personalizing the rejection by creating negative mental dialogues such as, "I'm not adequate, I don't deserve affection or good things, etc. These are untrue and destructive.
Consume motivational and inspirational experiences. These are moral boosters intended to lift one's spirits and encourage action. They may contain inspirational speakers, readings, music or movies. They are good emotional and psychological nourishment for your soul. These experiences must be wide-ranging and repeated often for ongoing advantage.
Use conscious coping strategies. These include affirmations, optimistic visualizations, positive thinking, goal setting with action tactics and follow-up evaluations.
Utilize physical coping strategies. These strengthen the psycho-physiological capability to cope with distress such as rejection. Get peaceful sleep, eat a healthy diet, and get regular aerobic exercise.
Find support from others. Schedule time to spend with friends. Talk out your worries or fears. Ask for others' guidance and insight. Often, they can cut right through with simple statements like, "I think you're overreacting or assuming too much."
Increase accepting and affirming experiences. It’s important to have positive, accepting experiences.

What tactics do you already use in coping with rejection ?

You've apparently been successful to a large degree or you wouldn't have survived and negotiated your progress to this point. Re-think the times in your life that you successfully dealt with the challenge of rejection. Also think about the times you've been rejected. I hope you'll give yourself credit for your existing skills and abilities in this field and decide to keep on growing.
Please excuse the swearing- It's a quote ;)

“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.”
~ Tupac Shakur
Thanks Mellie. That saying is ALWAYS a good one to remember. Every little bit we put in our mouths counts!
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.”
~Mike Murdock​
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
~C. S. Lewis
Great idea cate to start this thread.I love all these posts.Every one will change their mood one or another day by seeing these quotes.
Right now!

Thanks kushy28. By looking for them it helps me too!
“Success is a staircase, not a doorway.”
~Dottie Walters
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When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.
"As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them."
~John F. Kennedy
Thank you very much for responding so quickly to my request & moving this thread, xo Cate​
Italy...*sigh* soon....

"It is not enough to aim, you must hit."

~Italian Proverb

kushy28- I actually have a printed card with that saying on it! I LOVE it! It is very true! xo Cate
Believe in yourself

“To accomplish great things,
we must not only act, but also dream;
not only plan, but also believe.”
~Anatole France​

Anyone can set a goal and take action towards the obtainment of those goals. However, only a few people can actually endure and persist through all of the challenges in order to achieve those goals. When the going gets tough, how do you react? Do you quit or do you push through?

The ability to push through is what will set you apart from 99% of people out there. Everyone is excited about their big dreams but when things get hard, their excitement dies down.

"Age wrinkles the body.
Quitting wrinkles the soul.”

~ Douglas MacArthur​