My new years resolution is to practise random acts of kindness more often.
What is a Random Act Of Kindness?
Here is how Wikipedia defines a random act of kindness….
“A random act of kindness is a purportedly selfless act performed by a person or persons wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual or in some cases even an animal. There will generally be no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier. Either spontaneous or planned in advance, random acts of kindness are encouraged by various communities.”
Aesop once said…
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
I have quoted Maya Angelou (American Poet b.1928) a lot but one of my favourite quotes of hers is ..
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Imagine being so generous of spirit that you are kind to people but without taking any credit for it.
I love that idea & I am going to look for chances of showing more kindness in 2010.
Just imagine if everyone tried to be kinder to one another..........