Hakari, that is funny about DDR. I took dance classes for 10 years and I have so much trouble with that game! I have it here at the house but I put it away because I was so bad at it! Maybe I should pull it out and have another go at itIt is definitely good exercise thats for sure!
Wow ladies, looks like we are all doing so well, greatwork!
I had a bit too many empty calories today (310) to be exact, but I stayed within range at 1953/1900 and jogged 2.5miles.
Yarmiah-puppy is so cute!
Hikari-sounds like you are a DDR pro, I have never even seen it but rest assured I have zero coordination and could not do it LOL!
Now that we have started out with being aware of our food intake, its time to emphasize moving and burning them calories!
In addition to your baseline 90 min of exercise per week, you we be awarded this week's bonus points by ADDING an additional 45 min of exercise during week 2. You can add it in anyway you like, (ei: in one workout session, over 2-3 sessions, or a little everyday) as long as you get an EXTRA 45 minutes in this week. This extra exercise need not be formal- it can be the extra steps taken because you park further from the office, or the extra exercise in taking the stairs instead of an elevator, or it can be an extra 15 min on the treadmill .. again, its up to you! As long as they all add up to 45 min, the points are yours.
Give yourself +5 points for adding 45 minutes to your exercise this week.
Give yourself +5 points for "build on" bonus of journaling your food intake.
For a maximum of 10 bonus points this week