Starting Weight on 4/7/08:190.7 lbs
Goal Weight by 5/26/08: (lose 10-14 lbs)
Weigh in 04/14/08: 187.4 (Yaay~ Still -3.3)
Weigh in 04/21/08: 185.2 (-2.2)
Weigh in 04/28/08: 185 (-0.2) ....well that sucked. I claiming that I'm a pree tom sponge though, so hopefully it'll go way down the next weigh-in.
Weigh in 05/05/08: 182.5 (-2.5) Yaaaaay~ Finally a bit of a more loss. Even with a bit of a stumble on the way.
Weigh in 05/12/08: 179.9 (-2.6) wery good cosiddering I didn't have the best of weeks. And I'm under 180 :D
Weigh in 05/19/08:
178.4 (-1.5)

FINAL WEIGH IN 5/26/08: 175.9 - 2.5 (-14.8 lbs lost total)

------------------(Wt loss pts) + (Exer pts) + (Bonus pts) =
Week of 04/07/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + --- (7+7) --- = 24 points. (-3.3 lbs/240min excercise/7journal/7calorie)
Week of 04/14/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + --- (5+5) --- = 20 points (-2.2 lbs/220min excercise/Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling)
Week of 04/21/08:---- (0) ---- + --- (5)--- + -- (5+5+3) -- = 18 points (Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling/Bonus fruit and veggies)
Week of 04/28/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + -- (5+5+7) -- = 27 points (Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling/Bonus Water)
Week of 05/05/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + -- (5+5+5) -- = 25 points (Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling/Bonus Water)
Week of 05/12/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (0)--- + --- (5+6) --- = 16 points (Bonus Water/ Bonus Kalcium)
Week of 05/19/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + (5+5+5+5+6) = 36 points (Bonus Water/ Bonus Kalcium/Bonus excersise/ Bonus journaling/ Bonus Sleep 6) (166 points total)

Day of 05/26/08: Meeting Goal bonus points =

Total points for challenge= 186 points!

My final results!
I'm totally satesfied with them.

And this challenge helped me loose almost 15 lbs, so yaaaay for this challenge!
Hikari-CONGRATULATIONS, you have done wonderful despite less than favorable input from us. I hope you are enjoying your success.

blah here, I followed through, logged on, updated stats but I did not bother with points as well I deserve zero points LOL. This is my week I am focusing on getting back on a reasonable track and its TOM so no easy way to start.

take care all
Total points for challenge=137 pts

Gratz Hikari! great work! You beat me by a mile- will have to see everyone else's stats to see if you da winna!

I started out great, but last few weeks did poorly but know why. I actually ended the challenge with a gain since the start, but a loss for the week.

I'm sorry I wasnt as motivational as I had hoped- next time I will be ready emotionally and spiritually, as I am physically to do a challenge.

Thanx for participating all!