Cohen's Lifestyle Mee Two Too

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
I love what you said in the last paragraph of your last post, about being responsible for yourself. That really is the point isn't it? I know, if I keep that in mind, it will make choices a lot clearer for me, as it obviously has for you. Have a great day.
Thanks LJ - I just know so well from what happened last time that I felt "OK" whilst in the control of Cohen's, and then panicked on my own, especially at a stressful time of moving etc. This time I feel like that's the area I have to work on - being me every day and making the choices every day, working out what to do when life's not perfect.

Well, it's last day or two prior to EOM, so I'm lying low. I've had a headache for about 4 days now. Thought it was just EOM, but my husband had it for several days before that, I notice Cate said on her thread she'd had one for days too, so I'm wondering if it is actually something going around???? I would normally only get a headache for about 24 hours this time of month.

Kitchen is in pieces, water turned off, so not easy to do much today! I'm sure I'll think of something whilst the dishes pile in the laundry grows bigger and bigger... wish we'd used throw-away plates! But I had friends around last night so have an extra big lot of dishes to do now. Funny how many times I've gone to turn on the tap today before forgetting that for the moment, I CAN'T!

We're planning to go out fishing tomorrow, which will be a nice break. However, I am seriously out of freezer space if we catch much! I am hoping that by the time I get back, most of the worst of the kitchen is done.
Well, struggling through EOM, very sore stomach today so not feeling flash. Had a few really down days last week - combination of being on holidays (weird I know, but nearly always happens when I suddenly stop being so busy), and last few days prior to EOM.

At least the hunger pangs have subsided this week, so hoping for a better week all round.

Fishing day on Saturday. Lovely all around, but for some reason my husband and were both sick for quite a bit of the time. :puke: Hasn't happened in a long time - just something to do with the chop of the water I think. Not many fish around despite the nice conditions, but we managed to have a nice fish breakfast this morning. Made a change from the yoghurt!

It's our school fete this coming weekend, so very busy few days coming up.

My kitchen is almost finished now - what a relief! I will have a proper sink for the first time in three years! And hopefully no leaks either.

Have a great week everyone! Keep up the water - my resolution this week is to make sure I am having the full amount every day.
Forgot to mention one of the reasons I had a bit of a downer last week (not that it really matters!).

We took the boat out fishing last Monday. Well, we tried to. We stopped at a sand launching pad where we have been before. Tide was really low this time, my son was driving, and we just didn't recognise the danger. The tide was just turning and starting to come in. In the few seconds it took to get the boat ready to launch and start sliding off the trailer, the back wheels of the car began to sink. The tide came up a bit, and before we knew it, we were hopelessly bogged with water lapping around the car.

I had the most major stress out. Husband lost his cool completely, a very rare event and one that I don't handle very well. I couldn't bear to watch what was going to happen to the car. The back wheels sank to the axle, and as it has pretty low clearance, the boot was resting in the water. It took about an hour for a tow truck to arrive and pull us out.

In the meantime I sat up on the lawns closer to the road and didn't watch. I had all sorts of awful visions of the car sinking below the surf altogether and being a write-off. Even worse of the huge bills we might get if they had to call a crane to pull it out.

It was the most ridiculous predicament - the sort of thing that you think only happens to other people. A few crowds of gawkers stopped to look, which only made it worse.

It's funny, but even though the car came out fairly rapidly with a truck pulling it, I had a real downer for the whole rest of the week about the whole event. I just couldn't pull myself out of it, or concentrate on the diet, or shop properly or anything, I was that upset. Hard to know why, as we got out of it very lightly all round. I think our imaginations are worse than the reality somehow, but I haven't felt that stressed in a long time!

Anyway, it was probably the approaching EOM, and I'm sure a lot better this evening.

My kitchen is FINISHED!!! Apart from the copious fumes of estapol which meant I had the avoid the room for the whole afternoon, it's all looking a lot better. Have to do a bit of cleaning up from the woodwork and sanding, but should be back to normal in no time.

Hopefully my cooking and shopping will be a bit more normal this week!
Hi Niyah, On the contrary I think it does 'matter' when we can put our downers down to something. Stress is not good for us. I cope less with it now than I ever used to. The fact that your husband reacted so strongly too when he normally doesn't lose it would have been a shock. I'm glad you're feeling better & life is getting back to normal (whatever that is! Ha!) So am I thank goodness. I'll be glad when I hear from our son for the first time though. Even his brother keeps asking me if I have heard yet & he's only been in Rio one day. I'm using his laptop which I 'own' for the time he is away. He was going to sell it but didn't want to, he owed us some money, so I suggested we act as a pawn shop & he can 'buy' it back when he returns if he wants. I could get very attached to it I think! Whoops! Forgot I was in your diary then. I had better scoot over to mine. Cheers, Cate.
So true, Cate - I felt a lot better when I was able to articulate why I felt "down" last week and wasn't concentrating on the diet.

I'm also finding that I'm not particularly coping with stress well the older I get. I've never exactly enjoyed it, but the older I get, the more I want to avoid it. Maybe we accumulate too many memories of what we have gone through before??? The stakes increase as we have children, then grandchildren and extended relationships all round.

This week I'm feeling heaps more on top and focussed, so will just wait and see if the scales are kind to me this Friday.
Hi Niyah,

I can understand the stress you must've gone through. And stress really screws up the hormones, emotions..and thus the diet hehe

But you're back on track now and good for you! Keep it up :D

Good luck for your week!

Keep well, Luvbug :seeya:
Thanks Luv Bug.

I'm off to a much better start this week. Fridge at work stocked, fridge at home stocked (even if chaotically!!). I'm keeping up the water. Now all I have to do is do this every day!
Hi Niyah, Thanks for your msg's & for sharing with me. Feeling like you are in control of something and caring for yourself is so important. I am glad that you are better able to be organised with your food now. I hope those scales are kind to you but if not,, be kind to yourself anyway, xo Cate
Ok, a good day yesterday, lots of water (to the point of having to get up at night - very annoying!!!).

Anyone else noticed a difference in what crackers they eat? If I choose the Salada, which is very yummy I admit, I notice I'm a bit more hungry that day. If I choose Vita-Weat, which has more fibre, it seems to fill me up better. Hmmm... guess I will stick to the Vita-Weats for now.
Is it my imagination, or is my turkey neck getting more noticeable this week? I hope that means good news, that I've lost something more than a token amount! I will just have to wait until weigh day, though.

I'm very cold and hungry too, which I hope means good things - that I've shed some lumps of fat from somewhere! Let it be my arms, please! They are the most stubborn at hanging onto the fat at the moment.

Well, I was so busy trawling through everyone's diaries and things last night that I burnt completely a large curry I was making for the fete this weekend. Such is life! Guess I'll just have to start over again! I'm legendary at burning things, but have never mastered "multi tasking" very well. As soon as I take my attention off something, that's it. I don't even hear things like oven alarms if I set them! My husband tells me I have a one-track brain, and that's it. What I am doing gets my FULL attention, and nothing else gets through. Must have it's uses, but doesn't work in the task of trying to be a domestic goddess, that's for sure.
Kissed another 1.3 kg goodbye today! Yay!!! It was worth being a bit cold and hungry to get rid of that.

The numbers are starting to look better now that I'm well and truly on the downhill slide to get rid of the second half.

Very busy today, so won't hang around. Fete tomorrow, so will be running around lots. However, thinking of you all and hope everyone has a great weekend coming up.
Hi Niyah

Congrats on the extra Kg's you've lost!! EVERY kg counts and it feels amazing to know that you've lost it forever :D

Thank you for all your support, you are, like Cate, just an :Angel_anim:

Hope you have a great weekend!!

Keep well xxxxx
Well, a very busy one indeed.

4am bedtime last night (i.e. this morning) and then 7.30am start to get ready for fete. My fault entirely - just wanted to get the final, professional finishing touches done on some fundraising chocolate I was doing etc.

Flat out day, exhausted, but have to work late tonight to get report done for AGM tomorrow.

Sometime after that, I am going to CRASH!!!!! That's in my bed, I hope!!!!

Funnily enough, don't feel too bad despite all that.

I wish weight were related in a POSITIVE way to less hours of sleep - I'd be romping it in!
Whew, Niyah! That is one hectic day!
Good luck for that ;)

What you do for your school is amazing ... No school will ever function without dedicated ppl like you :)
As a soon-to-be-teacher, I applaud you :D

And way to go for staying on program through all of the little sleep! You're doing great!!

Luvbug xxx

Niyah- You exhaust me too! You have a lot of drive, energy & determination. I hope you get some quality sleep very soon though & can relax a bit. You deserve a break, xo Cate
Well... I WAS sleeping until older son rang around 11.00pm - had run out of petrol and needed a rescue trip. WIDE awake after that. Sigh! He was advised by his bank that his card had been used fraudulently last week and they wanted to immediately cancel it. Of course, he agreed, so couldn't access money. He's with a bank that has few branches here, so can't get in to one to get out money using other identification. Well, the bank of mum came to the rescue last night... again! Husband did the drive to find him, but after that I just couldn't get back to sleep.

My older son rarely uses his car - usually rides his motorbike to work, so obviously didn't look at the petrol gauge when he did decide to use his car last night. Usually uses his girlfriend's car if he needs one! (It's much nicer...)

Sometimes I think it's funny that a young man who's an engineer and terribly bright at high level maths, computer programming etc, who holds down an excellent day job, has such trouble with the basics like making sure his car has petrol, that he has money in his wallet etc!
Well, had a GOOD SLEEP last night so feeling a lot more "with it" today.

Did not have a good weekend diet wise.

From now on, I am NOT GOING TO DO ANY MORE RIDICULOUS THINGS for anyone for a good while!!! No more "big jobs" until school concert at end of term, so time to get back to serious business with shifting this weight. Time to concentrate on the diet, and my life, and what I'm going to do about it.

I can't believe how ridiculous the year has been until now, but thankfully it's ALL OVER for the next two months and I can resume a bit of normality. The audit is done, AGM has happened, fete is gone, slice fundraiser is gone, and my life gets just a bit easier for a while.

I am just glad I haven't blown it altogether, and still am basically on track and keeping up with it. Husband has started running again - who knows, I might even join him for a bit as the term progresses! He takes the kids out for X country training Mondays. Won't they be shocked if I start running too!!! Think I can just about do it now. I'll have to do a few power walks around the local recreation centre ovals first to get my aerobic fitness up to scratch again. I am really hankering to get a bit of physical exercise after being cooped up in my office for so long.

Well, on with the day. Hope you all have a fantastic week.