Thank you Nicky Chick and Cate.
I have been absolutely terrible for the past month. Now I am lamenting my own lack of will power.
Anyway, I am determined to make some changes starting now.
School has been revoltingly busy in the setting up period, and I have been settling in someone new to start helping me out. This means that in the near future, my job gets a bit easier! Neverthless, there's still an impossible amount of work to be done in daylight hours.
I've been very, very tired and run down, and my husband tells me it's because I've put on weight. No doubt he's right. But just to make sure, I'm back on a good multi vitamin and my iron water supplement.
Never mind, I'm easing myself off bad diet today and well see how I go getting back to good diet as soon as possible.
Working long hours is such a killer. Never mind - no excuses any more. I will feel better when I eat better, and that's the simple truth. Saturday was crunch day for me - I just felt so AWFUL when I went to bed because of what I ate.
I have a lot to catch up on with everyone's diaries, and as soon as the piles on my desk diminish slightly, I'll get to them all.
In the meantime, hope everyone takes care and sticks to good health. Every time I eat badly I remind myself what is happening in my arteries and to my heart, and it isn't a good feeling. Just not worth it.
It's only 8 weeks till our "big" holiday and I definitely want to be a bit fitter and healthier. I've only managed one lot of swimming in the last few weeks, but maybe if I can start working a bit of that back, it will help. Husband had to do a lot to requalify for bronze - he does that every year.