I haven't decided on any time frame to be honest, I will continue until I feel too fat, then I will cut.
Reasonable gains is hard to predict, as I have no idea what I'm capable of there. 16 weeks, I think I'm gonna go for 0.5kg increase every week, so 8 kg total.
how much will be muscle and how much will be fat is hard to say.
Fair enough.
Although, if I assume the purpose of this anabolic diet is to optimize gains in muscle mass while minimizing gains in fat, you almost have to track and break out ( measure ) your relative fat and muscle gains over a designated period of time don't you ?
I'm going for 4000 cals a day now and I'm 220 lbs so about 18 cals per pound. If this doesn't give me the weight increase I'm looking for, I'll up the cals. 4000 has been enough previously though, but this diet is a completely different approach than I have used before.
With 4000 cals I eat about 300 g of protein per day, however, according to the principles of the anabolic diet, I should be at 35%, 300g is 30% so I'm really 5% short.
What formula / calculator / nutrient per pound guideline did you use to arrive at 4,000 a day ?
Is it something you determined or something provided in accordance with the ' anabolic diet ' guidelines ?
If the 'anabolic diet ' calls for 35% from proteins, then what % / grams ( i.e per body weight ) does the ' anabolic diet ' prescribe for calories to come from fats and carbs ?
I'm working on evening that out. 1.36g of protein per pound of bodyweight is what I am at now, but to get to 35% I will need 350g of protein which is 1.59g per lb of bodyweight.
Question: Do you think those 5% will matter much? When thinking in terms of % it doesn't seem like a lot, but 50g of protein is quite a bit.
If the anabolic macro nutrient allocations are based on % of your daily overall calorie intake, then I guess the answer to that question depends if your 4,000 intake is a ' reasonably sufficient caloric intake ' to optimize mass gain or not.... I would think.
If, for example, your intake should be closer to 25 calories per gram in order to optimize mass gain ( again, it may be 18 ,20, 22,28 etc. - I wouldn't know which it is ), then @ 220 lbs., that would be 5,500 calories and 35% is 480 grams of protein...a gap of 180 grams ( instead of 50 grams ) from your present 300 gram intake.
So, to me, I think I'd want to nail down what the most optimal intake of daily overall calories is - does the ' anabolic diet ' have a means of determining this ?
I don't have any body fat measuring tools right now.. I don't trust scales, I have calipers at my home town (far away, I'm currently studying at a university) but I don't really like them for measuring fat gain, since they don't measure fat under the abs, which is where I usually add on. I will be stepping on the scale and measuring weight once or twice every week, I will also measure my tigh, chest, overarms, calfs, neck and forearms.
Seems to me , if you want to assess whether this ' anabolic diet ' lived up to it's claims, you have to - at the very least - measure track gains in fat lbs and muscle pounds wouldn't you ?
For example, if after 16 weeks let's say you gained 20 lbs of weight as shown on your scale.
Presumably, you would want to know if that 20 lb weight gain is due to 15 lbs muscle and 5 lbs fat....or 10 lbs muscle and 10 lbs fat.....etc. etc.
And of course, I will see if strength in the weight room improves, that is the most important part for me. This is more of me trying a new thing, sorta like a scientific experiment on myself.. and probably a bad one at best since I couldn't really give a clear answer to most of your questions
The question, in my mind, is whether this so- called anabolic diet ' will yield significantly different gains in mass and fat and strength than a more traditional training diet otherwise would.
How one person can objectively determine that .....would seem the biggest challenge IMO - accounting for things like the placebo effect etc. etc.