LiveFromNY's Exercise Log

Tues Feb 23rd

Did Karen Voight's Streamlined Fitness on VHS - haven't done that workout in a few years! Used 10 lbs weights.

(I had a dentist'st appt during lunch so no gym workout for me )
VIDEO Queen!!!

the only peeps that can criticize a video workout, are the ones who haven't doen them!!

you are consistent to the max with these!!

long time no see! I've been gone for awhile.

Wed Feb 24th
Took pilates class at gym

Thurs Feb 25th
Did dvd from Blockbuster - one of the Firm's cardio workouts; it wasn't bad - but not good enough to buy, either

Friday Feb 26th
Did an at-home weights workout - Karen Voight's Core Essentials - which i have on VHS tape !!!

Sat Feb 27th
blew off bike

Sun Feb 28th
Did Karen Voight's DVD Get Firm Fast.

Mon March 1st
Did gym class Kick Some Abs with Marco

Tues March 2nd
It wasn't that long ago buit I really don't remember ...... I definitely exercised, I'm just not sure which tape/dvd was in the rotation .....

Wed March 3rd
Took pilates class at gym

Thurs March 4th
Had gyno appt in early AM
Saturday March 6th
bike, 30 minutes

Sun March 7th
pilates class with Laurie at the gym

Monday March 8th
going to Kick Some Abs with Marcos at gym class
Tues the 9th
Did DVD from Blockbuster; a dance cardio workout from the Firm - Latin, Club, and JIve. I liked it.

Wed the 10th
Pilates class with Marcos
Thurs the 11th

Did TJ Punch Kick and Jam. I should have done a weights video as the next video Blockbuster is sending me is a bellydancing video. Oh, well; I made a bad decision ...
Sat the 13th
Went to a friend's birthday AND ATE TOO DAMN MUCH .. besides not exercising

sun the 14th
Took the gym pilates class, did a few minutes on the elliptical too

Mond the 15th
Kicked Some Abs with Marcos at the gym class

Tues the 16th
did Cindy Crawford's (old vhs) Work Your body slim; first workout

Wed the 17th
big day today - going to do pilates during lunch, then hopefull will go back for zumba !
Thurs the 18th
did Turbo Jam's Cardio Party.

I didn't love Zumba last night. I don't really care for the various dance workouts that I've gone to at my gym. I know a lot of peple DO love Zumba and Salsa.

Truth be told, I don't think I'm getting very much out of pilates either. The time of the class is what suits me, that's all. So I'm seriously thinking about traveling to either Queens or Bay Ridge for my Sunday workouts.

I did like the Union Square location as it's close to Trader Joe and I saw Rachel Dratch there last time ....
Friday the 19th
Did Cindy Crawford's 2nd workout on her Shape YOur Body with Radu

Sat the 20th
bike, 30 min

Sun the 21st
took Total Body Workout class at gym in Bay Ridge; didn't love it - also i was late due to train trouble; when she called for the part with partners, I ran for the elliptical !

Mon the 22nd
decided that life was too short to take Marcos's class twice a week, and pilates twice a week; i don't like t he and i don't look forward to them. Got myself out of the office early to take Raldane's step class - now THAT is what life is all about !!!
Tues the 23rd
Sat on my behind. Decided since I'm new to the class, I'd better give myself recovery time. May repeat on thurs, too !!!

Wed the 24th
Took the interval class again. Pushed myself, see above.
sorry, I hven't been around much; what with the Holidays, Spring Break, and all ...

Thursday, April 1st
Kicked Some Abs class at gym with new to me instructor, Victoria

Friday, April 2nd
Work closed early but Bellydancing teacher did not show up so I did the elliptical. then I took new Interval class with good isntructor; 45 minutes

Easter Sunday, did weight vidoe - forgot which one - and did major walking in new park

Thursday, April 8th, did Blcokbuster video; Dancing off the INches, Party Cardio - i Liked it.

Friday, April 9, 2010
Did TJ's Turbo Sculpt with 10 lb hand & leg weights
Sat April 10th
Was all set to go on the bike then daughter needed something, and i never got back to it.

Sun the 11th
Took Mega Mix class in Jamaica branch of the gym, that it, did most of it, then when the instructor said to partner up, I got out quick ... did some elliptical & called it a day.

Monday the 12th
Took step class at gym with my favorite instrucor, loved it !!!!

Tues the 13th
Had early mamogram so that day was shot.

Wed the 14th
took interval class as mOnday, ahhhhhhh

Thurs the 15th
Wantedf to do Revlon's Soca Aerobics an paid extra for it, then only 3 of us showed up ... so the techer made us run. As if. Right awa I got shin splnts and when SHE called for pasrtners, guess what.

Fri the 16th
TJ's Lower Body Jam.

Going to get some Billy Blanke dvds on Blockbuster.
Sat the 17th
Did Billy Blank's Ab Boot camp; really liked it !
(35 minutes)

Sun the 18th
Took 2 gym class with Jeremy in Brownsville & then went on the treadmill for 10 minutes. People thought I'd die in that high crime part of Brooklyn, but I escaped at least this time ...

First class was running, which I didn't do, partners with stomach exercises which I was too shy to do but the instructor found someone less fit than me so it was OK. We did body sculpting with weights too. The 2nd class was a step class.

Mon the 19th
Took Raldane's step class. It was just short of brutal.

Tues the 20th
Legs & arms ache from the last 2 days. Anyway, I have to repeat my mammogram so that's what I'm doing today. A friend had a baby so I did major walking to bring her e gift.
Wed the 21st
Took the interval class at the gym. Arm hurt so much I couldn't put my coat on !!

Thurs the 22nd
Took the day OFF.

Fri the 23rd
Felt better, just tired. Did Dancing off the Inches's Ballroom Dance DVD. Okay, I did some of it.
Sat the 24th

Sund the 25th
Took 2 gym classes with Jeremy and then 10 minutes on the elliptica; and then a lot of walking !

Mon the 26th
Did Raldane's interval class at the gym

Tues the 27th

Wed the 28th
Took Raldane's gym class; it was weights and some ab work. I'm tired !!!
Good, thanks - and you ?