I think a fear of spiders must be an inborn trait. I had to go shopping earlier and while stopped at the bypass roadworks a beautiful wolf spider ran across the outside of my windscreen, however when we got to the shops while I was parking, little miss sounded like she was having a panic attack in the back seat. When I opened the door the beautiful spider was sitting on her arm rest and she would not get out of the car until I got rid of it, I don't like killing spiders but I had nothing to safely move it and little miss was not happy until I swatted it out of the car. Nobody else in the family has a fear of spider and she has never been bitten of had fear demonstrated as an appropriate response the the little critter. I have been bitten by a redback when I was a teen but still like spiders.
Little miss likes shopping for veg, naming everything and wanting all the bright colours.