oh no i know i go seriously loopy with PMT...& will argue about anything!!
i once had a humdinger of an argument with my eldest son when he was about 16...about what constitutes a jacket as opposed to a coat??! oh yeah i did!!
of course while i was getting all worked up he went out laughing...& thinking i'd finally lost it no doubt!!
i also once told the same son...that his (new) GF bored the knickers off me!! i know i know how awful is that?? in my defence though she was/is one of those 'veggies'...telling my son she didn't want him eating meat near her or cooking meat while she was visiting...
i've been a veggie for 20 yrs+ & cook meat for my my two sons & guests. i didn't like that she was quite controlling with him...thats my job...i'm joking...no really i am...honest!!
how hes not emotionally scarred by all this i'll never know LOL...but then when its not that time of the month we get along just fine. though we are totally different. sometimes its like i'm the teenager & hes the grown up...hes sometimes too serious for his own blummin good....anyway before i turn the joke thread into a PMTfest...
a joke...
A woman goes to her doctor for her annual checkup.
The nurse starts with certain basic items.
How much do you weigh?' she asks. 'Eight and a half stone,' the woman says.
The nurse puts her on the scales and her weight is actually 14 stone.
The nurse asks, 'Your height?' '5 foot 8 !!!', she says. The nurse checks and sees that she only measures 5' 5'.
She then takes her blood pressure and tells the woman that it is very high.
'Of course it's HIGH !!!' the woman screams, 'When I came in here I was tall and slender ... Now I'm short and fat !!!'
(NB a stone = 14lbs...couldn't be bothered to change to lbs only!!)
& another...
Flour and Water ...how come when you mix water and flour together you get glue?
And then when you add eggs and sugar ... you get cake ???
Where did the glue go ??? NEED AN ANSWER ???
You know darned well where it went ... that's what makes the cake stick to your ARSE !!!
(US translation arse = ass...i know i know you knew already LOL)