Weight-Loss July-Postcard Challenge

July 01_______214.2
July 08_______210.6
July 15_______204.9
July 22_______197.3
July 31_______
Back from vacation in Wine Country - now time to kick but for final weigh in next week!

July 01__193__
July 08__195__
July 15__192__
July 22__194.5
July 31_______
July 01 - 238 lbs
July 08 - 241 lbs ( +3 lbs )
July 15
July 22
July 31

This challenge sucks :smilielol5: :smash:

My power cord for my laptop went bad on me so I was without a computer for a couple weeks. So I miised the last couple weigh in's. I did weigh myself just couldnt post them.

There is no way Im winning this though. I already bought my postcard :smash: . I have really been lifting like crazy, so im not even in weight loss mode. Im looking to put muscle on and its working. Keep an eye out for my month to month pic on the 28th.

July 01 - 238 lbs
July 08 - 241 lbs
July 15 - 239 lbs
July 22 - 238 lbs ( woohoo back to where I started, lol )
July 31 - ??? lbs
July 01 263 lbs
July 08 257.1 lbs(-5.9lbs)
July 16 253.1 lbs(-4.0lbs)
July 22 251.3 lbs(-1.8lbs)
July 31_______

Not as good of a week than I would have liked, but still a loss. I lost .71% this week and since the start I've lost 4.45%. I didn't quite get past the 250 hump this week, but hopefully next week. It was a rough week as far as everything, diet AND exercise. My hubby went out of town and I had to take care of the kids and had NO motivation to do anything cause I missed him so much. He'll be back today so this should be a better week. Congrats to everyone else with your weight loss!

July 01 __84 kg___
July 08 __83.8 kg_
July 15__81.2 kg (179 lb)
July 22__80.4 kg _
July 31__82 kg__ (back in training and holding on to fluid for muscle repair)

2 kg lost, -2.3 %
July 01: 248.6 lbs (I've been stuck around this for 4 bloody weeks now....:( )
July 08: 245.2 lbs(looks as if things are moving after all.....)
July 15: 244.2 lbs (slowly but surely)
July 22: 243.0 lbs
July 31: _______

Been out of the country, sorry for the late weigh-in. Have been eating like a pig the last 10 days or so as well, so I'm lucky if I didn't gain. Let me know where to send the postcard to. Actually, how about sending postcards to anybody who lost anything, not just the winner? Would be nice, and I'd quite happily send some cards....:)
Hi, I am new here. Do you guys maybe wanna do a August weightloss challenge? I want to get on the wagon with you guys, but I came a little too late as July is almost over. I am not sure how to start a new topic. So if anyone starts the Topic I will be happy to join. I am 5'1 180lb. Hoping to lose about 40 lb. Thanks guys :)
July 01: _134 lbs HAPPY CANADA DAY CANADIAN'S!!! :eh: :jump:______

July 08: ____134 lbs No Change Yet in % Lost___
July 15: __132.5 Percentage Change: 1.11%_____
July 22: ___131 lbs Percentage Change: 2.23%____
July 31: __132 lbs Percentage Change: 1.49 %_____

Just thought I would put it in today, have a couple post cards handy, on vacay, sprained toe, no running, and I binged, geeez. :cry:

Over all not a bad month. Hopefully toe will heal in less than two weeks, if not well I can kiss my two week vacay of wakeboarding & running goodbye, and welcome weight gain.

I presume the winner will need to pm everyone the address for the postcards? I need to be added as a contact first.

Take Care. Thanks for the Challenge Korrie! :)
hey, thanks for being part of it!

wtg on that loss too!! Hey, just b/c you sprained your toe does not give you permission to gain weight!! no excuses! i think theres plenty you can still do to excersize...um, like maybe an excersize bike or yoga?? Besides, i bet as long as you eat right, with no excersizing, you can still loose!

yea, whoever wins will want to PM their address..but I think just to the people thats finishing the challenge, not the ones that joined and didnt' finish..i doubt you'll get a card from them??? anyways, I'll wait till like, the 1st or 2nd to announce the winner!
Okay Cool, There's a chance I won't have net connection till Monday, Tuesday, so I'll have to check than. :)
July 01: 177.6 lbs
July 08: 177.4 lbs
July 15: broken scale
July 22: 175.4
July 31: 174.1

So that's a total loss of 1.97% (I think that's right, but if someone wants to double check my math, go for it: (177.6 - 174.1) x 100 / 177.6 ).
July 01: 248.6 lbs
July 08: 245.2 lbs
July 15: 244.2 lbs
July 22: 243.0 lbs
July 31: 243.0 lbs

So that's a total of 5.6 lbs....hmmm....

(248.6-243.0)x100 (5.6x100) = 560 / 248.6 = 2.25261~ = ~ 2.3%

July 01 263 lbs
July 08 257.1 lbs(-5.9lbs)
July 16 253.1 lbs(-4.0lbs)
July 22 251.3 lbs(-1.8lbs)
July 30 249.8 lbs(-1.5lbs)

That's a total of 13.2 lbs lost in July. I weighed in on my normal Thursdays since July 16th. That comes to 5.02% BF lost if I did my math right.
(263-249.8) X 100 / 163 = 5.02%
Awesome job to everyone who lost!
OK - I definitely did NOT win - let me know who I send the postcard to!

July 01__193__
July 08__195__
July 15__192__
July 22__194.5
July 31__192.5
Congrats guys, end of the challenge is here!!!

As for me, i didnt' loose anything! i can't even say i really tried.... :(

I'll announce a winner tomorrow after everyones had their chance to post their results!
Whoa, San! Awesome. Good for you. I think you're the postcard leader right now! :)

Really? Cool! :)

I messed up so bad over the last 10 days or so though....it's not even funny anymore. *sigh*...back to behaving better on Monday, otherwise I'll have +2.5% next month....

I'm sure somebody did better than me though....:)