So I got back from my trip yesterday morning (AFTER 3 DAYS OF NO WORK-OUTS AND NO PORTION CONTROL, NOR FOOD RESTRICTIONS) and thought to myself...I will just eat whatever I feel like for today and get back on track tomorrow. By now you know that for me eating healthy was never a problem, portion control's usually 80% healthy and 20% unhealthy (i.e. yesterday dinner was a medium bag of popcorn and a fruity soda, but lunch was salad and fish)...and at night I went to the gym bc after 3 days of just laying out in the sun, in the hammock, reading/relaxing/doing nothing...I needed some ACTION!
Well, I woke up today to 54.1kg "WHAT?!?" I had to step back on the scale 3 times to check and see if it was correct, I couldn't believe it...I practically hit my target weight after 3-4days with little to no effort! Call me crazy, but this is why I love eating feels good on my body not in the aesthetic/I am skinny way, but in a "I'm not cranky, gassy, bloated, without energy" me crazy but to me, a work out is so that your body builds strength and muscle and is active so that when you are older you don't develop diseases that could be otherwise prevented had you kept an active lifestyle...and when you relax, because everybody needs to give their bodies a little rest once in a while, then it becomes more than just about numbers on a's about trusting that your body can recover from indiscretions much faster when you take the step of doing things THE RIGHT WAY for the most's all about moderation. I am glad that I took a few days OFF, without realizing and with one powerful work-out yesterday...I practically hit a target after weeks and weeks of 55s and high 54s.
Because I am not intending on losing anymore weight I am officially stopping exercising portion control for now. I have to play around and see how my body reacts to it, trying to keep it in the low 54s. I will keep eating healthy and working out bc this is what I was doing before. The only OFFICIAL change that I plan on keeping throughout, even with this weight, is controlling the consumption of sugar...I take two days a week to eat the most caloric delicious sugary things, but for the most part I am happy to substitute for fruits.
Well folks, I will keep you updated throughout my maintenance phase. Here is to an Yummy and healthy holiday season to ALL OF US. Xoxox