Greenchic - sorry about your stomach flu
Transparent - celebrate the fact that you absolutely nailed your original goal
Ijustwannabefit - well done on making your goal and getting better at exercise
Steve21 - 11.8 pounds is a good weight loss
Start weight for January: 12 stone 3.4 pounds which is 171.4 pounds
Goal weight January…....: 11 stone 9 pounds which is 163 pounds
Long term goal weight...: 9 stone which is 126 pounds
January 1: 12 stone 3.4 pounds which is 171.4 pounds
January 8: 12 stone 0.6 pounds which is 168.6 pounds
January 15: 11 stone 11.8 pounds which is 165.8 pounds
January 22: 11 stone 10.6 pounds which is 164.6 pounds
January 29: 11 stone 9.4 pounds which is 163.4 pounds
January 30: 11 stone 8.6 pounds which is 162.6 pounds
well timed toilet activity just before weighing got me to my January goal