Weight-Loss Jan.14 - Feb.14 Exercise Challenge!!!

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Ok I am going out but I managed to do 1.5 miles on treadmill and
.5 on the eliptical and 100 crunches and my scissors.

--------------->>>NEW TOTAL 145 MILES<<<<--------------------
man o man I can't believe how far we have come already!

Today was a day off for me, but I will be back tomorrow. :)
i had some problems with forum since thursday, so i'm adding another two miles, had 1 hour of aerobics body workout :)

SO NEW TOTAL IS ............. 147 MILES

man we're gonna get there in no time :)
hello everyone!!! I know its been a few days, but i have managed 11 miles :D YAY!!!! Hope we are on track!!! I will calculate and see! :)



---------NEW TOTAL 158 Miles-------------
ok just done another hour of tae bo, so thats 2 miles (thought it should count more, lol) new total

-----------------170 miles!---------------
174.5 + 7 = 181.5

This was yesterday's exercise so I'll be back later today to add some more!

We're close to 200!
Ok I did 1 mile on tread mill 1/2 mile on eliptical and
took dog for a 10 block walk which ='s a 1mile so
OK so I did the 2 miles today & found out that my treadmill is being delivered tomorrow (yes I did a dance around the house as soon as I hung up the phone with the guy!!!), so tomorrow I WILL do more!


So we are 186 miles closer than when we started!!!
well i had great 1 hour workout yesterday total body workout :) so that's another 2 miles

NEW TOTAL IS-----------188 MILES :) have a great day, Lena
Well *hangin head in shame* I got a whole 2.5 miles in on the Elliptical...do you ever just have on of those days where you just werent meant to do somehting for me it was exercise...on thing after another...but 2.5 miles is 2.5 miles and I will add so we can get that much closer...

New Total = 192.5
I walked 2 miles on th eelliptical and did 30 mins yoga. That makes 197.5 for our total.:)
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