Jack's Diary

It does sound like she is toxic, Jack. People like that are just not good to be around.
Jack.....easing himself into retirement......

Lol - not so easy, Cate, I guess. Anyway, what are they gonna do...fire me ;)

We just watched a nice movie....Mansfield park. Very pleasant. Made in 1999. I love those kinds of movies.
Lol - not so easy, Cate, I guess. Anyway, what are they gonna do...fire me ;)
Highly unlikely, Jack :D
Heck, she even lied - twice - when I was in the same meeting with her. I called her out on it, and she turned red and pretended she was joking. It's just so habitual with her she can't help it anymore, which is why she let it slip that she threw me under the bus on the phone call yesterday.
Yes, so toxic that you could maybe consider going to the head honcho and laying it out, and saying you're out of there unless she's really firmly reined in.
Or else just shake the dust of the place off your feet. Hang 'em. If you can't get the support to have her constant jibing and undercutting excised right now, forget 'em. Concentrate on Japanese, chess, guitar and enjoying life.
Hey guys,

The interesting thing an online community such as this, which is so supportive and positive, is I find myself thinking during the week, oh, this is what I'm going to say on my diary. It's kind of like having a non-judgemental group of friendly people that you can come back to and brag a little about what you've been able to accomplish, or complain about whatever is griping you at the time. Mucho appreciado.
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Well, this week was pretty hectic. I had a fair amount of dealings with the lady I was having so much trouble with. I kept my cool and really it wasn't that bad. At one point toward the end when I was backing up the final image, which she told me she had already done, she said "You don't trust me", half-joking. I was thinking, you got that right. Actually, she kind of shocked me earlier in the week by saying "thank you", and "thank you so much" a couple of times. Pretty unfamiliar words from her, but you know what they say about what to do if you want to find gratitude.

Then another crisis arose when the PC provider shipped the wrong version of Windows with the PCs that were ordered <mega-huge, very demanding> customer. They have such long lead times that it would be six weeks out before the customer got it. Then P tells me yesterday late afternoon that our rep is going to be there Wednesday and needs the new image by Monday. So you know how I'm spending my Saturday. Fortunately, that went pretty smoothly and I got it done in about 7 hours. The thing is this is essentially a prototype, so if you get it wrong, it has to be fixed every time, for every computer. Sheesh.

So Monday is going to be pretty hectic because I have to figure out how what's going to happen with getting this PC to them by Wednesday. I guess I just have to ship it, I only have the one that I got on Thursday. The image? Hmm...maybe I should upload it to AWS...it will take hours, but it will be there. Someone will need to have Clonezilla. So it's going to be a fire drill. The problem is I'm also supporting the guy going to the other company with the other image that they are jumping up and down about. That's going to be Monday afternoon and Tuesday.

The problem is that Tuesday I have a Dr. appointment I've literally been waiting six months for, at two in the afternoon. I may have to cancel and wait another six months because the customer is so bent out of shape about this thing. I don't know why my boss waited so long to act on it. He's really upset with our rep for that company, but it just comes back to bite us.
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I did have a really nice night on Thursday. I went to see my buddy's band, three guitars, old-time sixties acoustic tunes. His wife was there and my wife came with me and there weren't too many other people around. The music was good and we were chatting about the old tunes and all. My wife liked it, because it wasn't overly loud for one thing. And the drinks, wow. We each had one apiece, and it was enough for the whole 2 or 3 hours we were there. Nice and strong.

My weight's kind of centering around 167 right now, so I'd say I'm down about a pound. I still have a couple to go by March 31 to hit my deadline. The thing I need to do is cut out eating at night. It seems like an impossible task. I see Rob losing weight so fast, while I can't even drop a measly 3 pounds.

Perl Jam has been coming up on my Pandora feed a couple of times this morning. I was playing along with one of them, it wasn't so bad. I forgot how good they were. I remember the first time I heard them, I think it was on Midnight Special, one of those late-night music shows back in the early 90s. Even then I thought, holy crap these guys are good.

I've started picking up my guitar again. I realized Thursday that I can't just let this go, I mean, I can play the damn thing, not like my buddy's friends, but still. Japanese is great and all but come on bro.
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Ok, I'm taking a break from work. I think I have to do one more thing, just to play it safe. Just restore it one more time and walk through the documentation one more time. I really want to get to the beach, it's so nice out. Maybe I'll do it when I get back. I think it's good.

I did get to the gym a couple of times this week. I think I'm going to start having breakfast, like a bowl of oatmeal or something. I need to cut out the late-night eating.
Hey Jack, nice set of posts, its always interesting to catch up on your life.

When exactly does your job become part time?
Tuesday I have a Dr. appointment I've literally been waiting six months for, at two in the afternoon. I may have to cancel and wait another six months because the customer is so bent out of shape
No client or job is worth sacrificing your health. They can get by without you, for a few hours anyway. Just my thought, in my career I have done worse things to keep clients happy, but I can see now that I shouldn't have.
I see Rob losing weight so fast, while I can't even drop a measly 3 pounds
Hey my secret to fast weight loss is to get really fat first. When I get as close to my goal as you are I am sure it will be just as hard for me to lose weight. As you know its just how this thing works.
a non-judgemental group of friendly people that you can come back to and brag a little about what you've been able to accomplish, or complain about whatever is griping you at the time
Well put, you are right, that is what the forum is.
Ah Jack please go to the appointment even if you need to get back to work . Just go . End of the day we are just a number to the employers .
And I see where you come from when others lose weight and you struggle . But as Rob says he has it to lose still . You are at I guess a pretty healthy weight .
My problem is night time eating too . I really want to go raid the larder or fridge now but I’m sitting here typing to stop myself .
This is a great community
Jack- your health is much more important than your very demanding job. Please go to the appointment.
Hey my secret to fast weight loss is to get really fat first. When I get as close to my goal as you are I am sure it will be just as hard for me to lose weight. As you know its just how this thing works.

lol, true that. I was actually up to 190+ at one point about 30 years ago and shed that fairly quickly once I got into it.
My problem is night time eating too . I really want to go raid the larder or fridge now but I’m sitting here typing to stop myself

I hope you won that battle, Petal. I lost mine last night, so as a result am still at 167. I know - I'm going to just play some guitar every time I get hungry. That will surely work.
Jack- your health is much more important than your very demanding job. Please go to the appointment.

Well, the good news is that one of the companies delayed until March 3, which is a vastly more reasonable date. So the odds of keeping my appointment just increased greatly. I finished the image this morning and sent the documentation to the parts guy. So, that's done. And I have the image completed and loaded on one PC that I can send it tomorrow if they want. They asked for two but I can't send them a PC I don't have.

So know I'm just going to goof off. It looks nice out there!
I've just read through several of your posts, Jack, and a great read it was, too, (thanks!) and I'm glad you went to have some goof-off time. :)
But what I want to say most is how strongly I agree with those who've said your health is overwhelmingly more important than your job, no contest! I'm glad the odds of going to the appointment have shortened, but short or long, the appointment should win!
So, I got to the appointment, only to find that the doctor had left and it had been canceled. They left a voice message on my phone on Dec 27 that I somehow missed. Too bad they didn't send a text, as I usually get to those immediately. I don't remember getting the message, and I'm wondering if the red dot showing you have a message worked.

Anyway, they rescheduled me for Monday, so I'm going in then. Why did it take six months the first time? I asked the lady and it was something about new patients.

My weight is at 166.5 this morning. I had a decent week not eating at night, but didn't get much exercise. Cate's trick of playing guitar (or thinking about it) seems to be effective if I stick with it. I have one month to get down to 165. I think at this point a little more exercise will do the trick. Get to the gym three times a week, walk the beach 3 times a week, that should be good.
I'm making a push to get my hours down more, as when I told my boss I was running over again, he said try to keep them down. I told P, and he reacted gracefully as he always does, but it does mean more work for him. Fortunately, we just got a huge contract with (huge company) so there is a budget for a new guy.

I'm glad I decided to stay on part-time because the stock marking is tanking. Fortunately, I have about 45% in bonds, and that means that while I've lost a lot of money, I haven't lost as much as I would've if I had more in equities. It's going to have to tank a lot more before I really get worried, though. I'm thinking of pushing more into equities right now, as I get the feeling the stocks are going to bounce back this week. The problem is I don't know how to time the market. And there is something nice about knowing that bonds prevent you from falling nearly as fast as stocks.
Funny story (not really) about the lady at work. We had a phone conference Thursday about what was going to happen at the customer site with the new PC next week. Because I knew the most about it, it kind of fell to me to sort of lead the meeting. And it was good, there were no surprises, it kind of cleared the air about some of the negativity that had gone on for months, expectations were clarified and there was even some joking around at the end.

There was just one point at which they mentioned a new system was going to replace the FTP server that was configured for the image, but that was something we didn't have to worry about. And I said, oh right, V and S were talking about it, but I had suggested we just stick with what worked on the original image.

Actually it was a bit more of a battle than that, as V and S were convinced they should change it around to conform to whatever S was working on. I'm usually pretty easy-going, but in this case, my instincts were screaming no. I didn't want to fight, so I asked them to confirm with the company before making the change, and also asked V to show me the email that said there was a requirement to accommodate different users. And when she (finally) showed me, I didn't see anything about it.

So I said, S has his requirements, and you have yours. He can do whatever he needs to do, but you should stick with what you understand are your requirements. So that gave them both pause. Later she told me she messaged G from the other company and he didn't know what she was talking about. So she ended up not willy-nilly changing up the image based on the fact that someone else was working on a different project for the same company.

Back to the phone call, after I mentioned that, she said, oh, yes, S was confused, but I (meaning her) told S to just stick with the requirements. She literally took my exact words and claimed them as her own.

She seemed a little unhappy after the meeting when I said to her I thought it had gone well. So I don't know what her issue was. Maybe she didn't get enough credit for her work? Maybe she didn't like the way I led the meeting? Who knows.

Anyway, this thing still had to work. It should be fine, though.
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Ugh, my muffler's not working. I have to bring it to the mechanics, but first I have to get some shopping done. I just have one store to get to. I'll need to go early. Holy crap - they open at 6 a.m. I should get going now and beat the crowd.