Hehehe funny. Yeah already the weekend. I was home from work sick today - somehow I managed to get tonsilitis. How exciting. And I work with children!
Well.....Hope you get better soon too! :costumed4:
Hehehe funny. Yeah already the weekend. I was home from work sick today - somehow I managed to get tonsilitis. How exciting. And I work with children!
East coast USA for me 7:30 am.....you’re already on the weekend!!! And I’m at work. Typon is probably eating lunch if nobody pushed him over and took it from the little guy.
I never saw them coming, they left no clues and no witnesses which can only mean...THERE ARE NINJA'S HIDING IN MY OFFICE!!!
Crappy training today, the gym was packed so couldn't get to much, I spent a lot of it doing heavy chest presses. Got in some OH shrugs again though as standing in one spot with my arms over my head was about all there was space to do.
Damn commercial gyms They're only busy on Monday and Friday
hang in there....you're "bigger and stronger and can pump us up!"....lol
It was only you I was offering to pump, jeez, don't open the invite to everyone, I'm not as young as I used to be
excuse me... but aren't you the one who posted the durex commercial???
Yeah, but I'm like the balloon dog in the ad, I'm fine if I bring a mate along to share the work load
so selfless......LOL
So long as the +1 wasn't BigTom I'm sure you wouldn't be complaining
It's just like tennis, you get all hot and puffed out, then you sit down, have a quick drink, then change ends and start all over again
Hey, I'm not going anywhere, just staying away a little more, gonna start planning a forum of my own, buying a new laptop and stuff and then get to work building it
I shouldn't spend so much time on here anyway, I'm supposed to be working
I did the OH DB presses with the 60.5lb DB’s (converted from KG’s) so the total weight was only 121lbs but I found these so much harder than BB pressing. Anyone know why that is? 121 on a BB would be a light warm up but with DB’s it was bloody hard