I Hate Nickelodeon!!

My son is 4 1/2 and my daughter is 2, so far we have stuck mainly to Noggin (no advertising commercials).

Well, I tivo'd an episode of Jimmy Neutron off of Nick for my son.

Holy Diabetes Batman!!!! :eek2:

No frickin' wonder all the kids are overweight! I was aware that kids shows have advertising for junk food - I don't live in a cave, but I really had no idea how crazy it's gotten. In one 30 min episode, I saw commercials for

*Burger King
*Cocoa Puffs
*Eggo FrenchToast-Waffles (french toast w/ waffle holes to "catch more of that yummy sryup") :rolleyes:
*Reese's cups cereal
*Pop Tarts
*and about 4 others that I fast-forwarded through

So, tobacco companies can't advertise their product b/c it causes health problems, but it's perfectly fine to bombard children with this crap that will kill them too. Yeah, that makes sense.
(not that cigarettes are ok, seriously, just pointing out the massive hypocrisy)

Too bad. He liked the cartoon but I deleted it. Screw that. They'll see plenty of that crap everywhere else, they're not about to be brainwashed by that at home. :mad:

and to those who are offended - well, that's just too damned bad. :11doh:
I grew up with all of those commercials. But who had the final decision in what I got to eat? That's right, my parents. My mom was pretty good about not letting me eat junk. So even though I saw it on TV, I still learned what was healthy and what wasn't.
I think its somewhere around 300K ads kids see each year on television.

DVR Lazytown on Nick Jr. CCR told me about that one.
Hey, I grew up eating that ****. And I loved it. My parents would indulge us from time to time. Nothing wrong with having a childhood.

Personally, I have a problem with Noggin's "The N" teen dramas. I can't stand that ****.
How much tv does a kid have to watch a day to reach those numbers, tony? My kid really doesn't get a lot of TV and what she does watch doesn't really have ads. I really hate when parents just sit their kids infront of the TV al day

Ill have to chekc the book but it is based on the average childs tv watching. It can add up pretty quickly just looking at what deschain has mentioned from 1 30 minute show.
That's why I like Playhouse disney and PBS, no commercials during kids' shows.

My 3 1/2 year old son told a lady at the grocery store that too much candy would make her sick LOL
That's why I like Playhouse disney and PBS, no commercials during kids' shows.

My 3 1/2 year old son told a lady at the grocery store that too much candy would make her sick LOL

hahahha he is such a good mommy! :luxlove:

Good for you Deschain!!! and others.

T.V. is for losers!

Sweat Daily
Some TV is good. I'm surprised at how good the public stations like PBS are. When I have kids, I'll try to get them interested in watching educational stuff like that.

What I don't want to do is shelter them from something that is a huge reality of our modern world. They don't have to watch 4 hours of cartoons a day, but they should be exposed to something external that comes from a screen. I think it's good to learn to understand that you can't have everything you see in a commercial. Because once they get out of the house, they get to make their own decisions. Instead of sheltering them, I want to expose them to it, inform them and then let them make their own decisions.
It's not about completely sheltering them from anything I don't like, or about denying them a childhood with treats, and of course, 98% of what they eat comes from what I buy, regardless of what commercials they see.

My kids get "treats" - the difference being they are seen as occasional treats, not everyday things. Take parade or holiday candy, they get to eat on it freely a little, then I put it up and dole it out a little at a time for a few days - then get rid of the rest.

When they go to my parents' house - my mom makes them pancakes for breakfast every single time. They get mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets, etc for lunch. I'm a big believer in mamaw's house being about fun treats. :p It's just a grandma thing.

My point is, though, that they will constantly see messages portraying things like that as perfectly acceptable, normal behaviors everywhere they go in life. The battle parents today face goes beyond just making sure we feed them decent food. A four year old has a very impressionable mind - so if I give them 3 healthy meals a day and say what is and isn't healthy - but they see about 30 ads saying otherwise - one influence can easily begin to outweigh another.

I can't control the ads and displays they will see in stores, the foods they will see their friends eating that looks way more fun than theirs, the bilboards all over town, the 9000 fast food places, and so on - so, they are most certainly not over-sheltered from it - but the least I can do as a mom is limit bad influences where I can.

They will see plenty of smoking and drinking as they get older as well - and I will be fighting the same battle of trying to set a good example, teach them well, and, as part of that, attempt to at least limit how often those images are shown to them as acceptable behaviors.
I think there is something seriously wrong with todays kid's.

My little brother, for example, is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like me when i was a kid. When i was his age ( 7 years old ) I LOVED to be outside the whole day playing with friends, playing soccer, riding my bike, getting in trouble and getting dirty.

Now..this kid stays inside almost the whole day on the weekends on the T.V or playing in his room with his toys or something. I asked him why he doesn't go outside and play some basketball with me and he said he doesn't like it ( WTF, Which 7 year old does not like sports and going outside?! )

Recently, i've been forcing him to come out with me and play some B-ball, go in the pool, just be outside so he learns to like it.

It might also be because i lived in apartments when i was younger, and thats the best place for a child to have fun. Now that we live in a residential area, it's not the same.

Just a little rant...
I think there is something seriously wrong with todays kid's.

My little brother, for example, is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like me when i was a kid. When i was his age ( 7 years old ) I LOVED to be outside the whole day playing with friends, playing soccer, riding my bike, getting in trouble and getting dirty.

Now..this kid stays inside almost the whole day on the weekends on the T.V or playing in his room with his toys or something. I asked him why he doesn't go outside and play some basketball with me and he said he doesn't like it ( WTF, Which 7 year old does not like sports and going outside?! )

Recently, i've been forcing him to come out with me and play some B-ball, go in the pool, just be outside so he learns to like it.

It might also be because i lived in apartments when i was younger, and thats the best place for a child to have fun. Now that we live in a residential area, it's not the same.

Just a little rant...

For that exact reason we are actually moving.

We have virtually no yard - my husband is at this very moment outside putting up a fence in the alley section behind our garage just to have an enclosed (i.e. safe) area for our kids to play outside.

It drives us nuts - we have a TINY yard, on a corner - so there are cars flying by our house on two sides all day long.

We live in a suburban neighborhood, but it's getting older, not as safe, and way too much traffic for little kids to run and play.

We just bought 2 acres in a restricted subdivision in a much smaller nearby town. It's a subdivision, but all the lots are 1, 2, or 3 acres, with shorter cul-de-sac streets that limit people flying around at 50 miles an hour. When we go over to work on the land (clearing, etc) we just let the kids run like lunatics - it's awesome. It'll be a few more years before we can build and move, but I can't wait. In the meantime - we just do the best we can.
For that exact reason we are actually moving.

We have virtually no yard - my husband is at this very moment outside putting up a fence in the alley section behind our garage just to have an enclosed (i.e. safe) area for our kids to play outside.

It drives us nuts - we have a TINY yard, on a corner - so there are cars flying by our house on two sides all day long.

We live in a suburban neighborhood, but it's getting older, not as safe, and way too much traffic for little kids to run and play.

We just bought 2 acres in a restricted subdivision in a much smaller nearby town. It's a subdivision, but all the lots are 1, 2, or 3 acres, with shorter cul-de-sac streets that limit people flying around at 50 miles an hour. When we go over to work on the land (clearing, etc) we just let the kids run like lunatics - it's awesome. It'll be a few more years before we can build and move, but I can't wait. In the meantime - we just do the best we can.

We have a backyard and everything but its not the same. I'd rather raise my kids in a little worse looking neighbor hood such as apartments where my kids have tons of friends to play with during the day just like i did, than raising my kid in a nice big house, in a quiet neighborhood with nothing for him to do.

I remember living in Germany at 7 years old, leaving the house at 8 in the morning to meet up with friends. We'd end up going atleast 4-5 miles away from home and having a good time, experiencing a great child hood, then coming back home when it gets dark. Those were the good days

Feel sad my brother wont experience that.

Sometimes I hate what Technology has done to our kids.
That's one we love about the new neighborhood. Where we are, it's mostly old retired people, or old rental houses where young people only live for a little while until they can afford something nicer.

In our new one, most of the people buying/building there are young couples with kids looking for a permanent place to raise their kids in a nice environment. So, the friends they'll make there, they will most likely grow up knowing them for years. Everytime we go, we see a bunch of kids riding bikes and running around from yard to yard. It's about like stepping back in time to before all the kids were lazy video game junkies. lol
When I was 4-8 I remember playing outside a lot with other kids. When we moved, I became interested in only watching TV, playing games, and playing with my toys. In fact, my lack of activity carried over until my teens. I was forced to do swimming, which I hated, so all I would do after was chill.

I began taking interest in getting stronger and martial arts and stuff. So I went from people calling me a loser, a quitter, unathletic, etc...to people now calling me "a natural", "stud"...etc.

My point is, not everyone is the same. Don't expect to force your kids to be the kid you think they should be. I'm not pointing fingers, just saying in general. I felt like I had a pretty good childhood. I think childhood is mostly about being able to do lots of stuff with your innate imagination and sense of wonder. And I happened to get that by staying at home and being clean and semi-antisocial.
I understand what you are saying, Lei.

It's not so much the idea that we can turn them into "outside" kids, it's just that here, they don't have the choice - they are pretty much doomed to be inside kids, regardless of what they want, or what we want for them.

When they stay at my parents' house (in the country) they stay outside. I actually feel bad to pick them up and bring them back here where they have to be in the house all the time.

....and frankly, I don't believe there is anything at all wrong with kicking a kid off the damn couch and putting his butt in the yard, even if he would rather watch tv. ;)
Some TV is good. I'm surprised at how good the public stations like PBS are. When I have kids, I'll try to get them interested in watching educational stuff like that.

What I don't want to do is shelter them from something that is a huge reality of our modern world. They don't have to watch 4 hours of cartoons a day, but they should be exposed to something external that comes from a screen. I think it's good to learn to understand that you can't have everything you see in a commercial. Because once they get out of the house, they get to make their own decisions. Instead of sheltering them, I want to expose them to it, inform them and then let them make their own decisions.

Thats good, with maybe a 10 year old. Younger kids dont have the reasoning to understand why they cant have this or that, except mom or dad said so.

Another thing that bothered me was on the news the other day. It was that stupid southern lady on cnn or msnb, grace i think. A kid was kidnapped so here they were going on about it for at least 20 minutes (I was doing some cpu downloads) before I left. All the callers basically were saying the same bull****, "Where were the parents? Why was this child allowed to go outside by herself?" The host, grace or drew or something, says I remember when I was a kid we would ride our bikes all over town. You cant do that anymore.

I started laughing. My MIL who was watching said its true. I said actually they just reported on 20/20 that more parents are scared of this, but the rate of abductions is actually down from previous years. Parents are just scared of everything.

Now this was definitely a sad situation, but things happen beyond our control. I dont really know where I am going with this...
My son is very lucky in the fact that him and the little boy next door are always together they are very young still but they both love being with eachother all the time, He hasnt really shown much interest in t.v. yet which is good and I take him out all the time so hopefully he wont watch it too much.

I ate a very oldschool diet growing up so I was quite lucky and we didnt have a t.v until I was about 12 so I was quite lucky in that respect as well.

I have no problem with my son watching t.v. and the advertisements that are on them, It is up to me and his mother to coach him on what are good things to eat and everything that he sees on t.v. isnt gospel.
Thats good, with maybe a 10 year old. Younger kids dont have the reasoning to understand why they cant have this or that, except mom or dad said so.

Another thing that bothered me was on the news the other day. It was that stupid southern lady on cnn or msnb, grace i think. A kid was kidnapped so here they were going on about it for at least 20 minutes (I was doing some cpu downloads) before I left. All the callers basically were saying the same bull****, "Where were the parents? Why was this child allowed to go outside by herself?" The host, grace or drew or something, says I remember when I was a kid we would ride our bikes all over town. You cant do that anymore.

I started laughing. My MIL who was watching said its true. I said actually they just reported on 20/20 that more parents are scared of this, but the rate of abductions is actually down from previous years. Parents are just scared of everything.

Now this was definitely a sad situation, but things happen beyond our control. I dont really know where I am going with this...

Yeah , I think I follow what you're saying. A lot of parents are very paranoid about letting their kids go out and play. I remember being allowed to be outside by myself when I was just 5 or 6. I just had to stay within the limits of the yard, and come inside if I saw anything suspicious. I never got abducted. The thing is, my parents always gave me the credit I deserved. They didn't shelter me and assume that I would do something stupid like get in a car with a "stranger". I think some parents these days treat their kids like they can't take care of themselves, and that just doesn't seem right to me. Now, of course, it would be stupid to let a 2 year old play outside alone. But I think a 6 year old is definitely old enough...