I Hate Nickelodeon!!

I feared my dad. he would kick our ass when my bro or I got outta line.

More kids need that today. Now that I'm older I thank him for all the ass beatings I received. LOL
On the section that lets you watch videos, go the "nuttin but stringz" thunder.

I just think that is neat. Jack's Big Music Show shows all different kinds of music, and I think that is wonderful to teach kids. Especially something like that - it's cool, but yet actually involves true musical talent.

under the tv screen, arrow to the right once, and it shows to black guys w/ violins and a yellow background
On the section that lets you watch videos, go the "nuttin but stringz" thunder.

I just think that is neat. Jack's Big Music Show shows all different kinds of music, and I think that is wonderful to teach kids. Especially something like that - it's cool, but yet actually involves true musical talent.

under the tv screen, arrow to the right once, and it shows to black guys w/ violins and a yellow background

Cool, I like Dan Zanes too. For those of you musically inclined he includes the chords to most of his songs on his website. I play them for my kids all the time.
Yeah, I'd say video games are more detrimental than TV. That's one thing I won't let my future children have. My parents let me have a gameboy, and now I see that it was a mistake on their part. Countless hours lost. Well, at least you can get up an walk around with it unlike with the video game systems you hook into the TV.

But yeah, no video games for my future children...

They're an addictive time suck.

Your ****ed up :eek:
Your ****ed up :eek:

No I'm not...:rolleyes:

Video games don't accomplish anything. They're unproductive. They may be entertaining to some, but there are other ways to be entertained that actually help improve the world and your life...

Also, they're really expensive. I'd rather buy food for my future children, and pay the bills...
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I'd rather buy food for my future children, and pay the bills...

Well, I'd hope so. :yelrotflmao:

hmmmm, do I buy food and electricity.... or a new video game? decisions, decisions. :p

One thing I've learned as a mom is not to decide too far in advance what I will/won't do as a parent. So far, DH and I have not bought any video games for our son. We see no reason a 4 1/2 yr old needs a GameBoy or whatever else.

My MIL bought him some LeapFrog game system thing, which is decent (the games are educational) - but we sort of down play it (he never plays it, and we don't mention it). Mainly b/c although this system teaches letters and stuff --- a.) we can teach him that just fine using the real world and b.)it basically starts the habit of video games, which we don't like. (Now I see why my parents didn't let me go to the alcohol free "teen night" at night clubs - same thing)

I can't say with 100% certainty that we will always forbid video games in the house, since I don't know how I will feel in the future and all that. What I can say, is that I don't foresee us all of a sudden changing our minds either.
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TV can be educational. Video games are not.

Nothing wrong with playing video games, its seems my 22 year old (junior at University of Kansas GO JAYHAWKS!..Just won the national title, :)), who has played video games from about 7, and my 19 year old (freshman at KU), who also played video games since from about 7, are just fine and dandy, as well as alcohol and drug--completely free.......all the while playing BLOOD AND GUT shoot them up, first person shooter video games, baby!

And, we STILL have a good time playing video games every Monday evening, though it drives their mother crazy! THIS ROCKS.........YEP......


:D ;)

Agreed. I mean, come on, if you don't like Doom, you can get the hell out!

Those were the days, man! Doom was great! Quake 2 and Quake 3 too. Let the gibs fly baby! He, he.

My sons and I play UT3, Call of duty Modern War Fare, Battlefield 2142, and many others when we have are little "pleasant" home parties.....(and pleasant is highlighted for a reason, lol). Its good family time of social ribbing baby, and the old man pwns all.......(not really, but I win some and lose some, and its all in fun!)----good times!

Yeah, they really were the days. I remember playing Doom and Doom 2, I was blown away. I think I was probably about 12 or 13 at the time...

My brother would control the arrows and direct, and I was in charge of shooting. Hehe, we had a great time!
Yeah, they really were the days. I remember playing Doom and Doom 2, I was blown away. I think I was probably about 12 or 13 at the time...

My brother would control the arrows and direct, and I was in charge of shooting. Hehe, we had a great time!

I remember when PONG ruled the earth..... :( LOL

This passed Monday, after the KU/Memphis game, I got owned, I was little off my game, and both my sons handed my arse to me, lol.......and you know what the little.........*&*&*&(*&(& do......?

Send me a pic of my gibbed charactor by cell phone, with a pic of there middle finger inserted......

I must be a better parent! LOL.......:D

Nothing wrong with playing video games, its seems my 22 year old (junior at University of Kansas GO JAYHAWKS!..Just won the national title, :)), who has played video games from about 7, and my 19 year old (freshman at KU), who also played video games since from about 7, are just fine and dandy, as well as alcohol and drug--completely free.......all the while playing BLOOD AND GUT shoot them up, first person shooter video games, baby!

And, we STILL have a good time playing video games every Monday evening, though it drives their mother crazy! THIS ROCKS.........YEP......FPS's ROCK! YEP!:D ;)Chillen

How do you know for certain ?

What do you do...... give them random drug tests ?;):)
I'd never ban video games or TV from my kids.
Thats part of growing up. HELL i'm 18 and still LOVE video games and probably will play them even when i'm 30 LOL.

Seriously though. i've known kids who's parents BANNED tv and video games, sure they are smart and will end up making tons of money. But they have the most depressing child hood ever and i pity them.

Golden eye
Smash Brothers
call of duty
Unreal tournament
street fighter


Speaking of doom...i remember playing that game when i was 12 all alone in the dark..that game gave me freakin nightmares!
I can't say I didn't play a lot of video games myself. The reason I say I don't want my future kids to have any video game systems is for a couple of reasons. First, it costs a lot. Second, it just doesn't seem like the best way to spend your time.

Now, maybe if they get good grades and act responsible, I will allow it. But if it gets out of control, like it did with me, and they're playing for hours on end, they're gone...

The thing is, I think it's easy to let the video game playing get out of control. I had friends who spent 6-8 hours a day on them. If a person can play them in moderation, like a couple of 1 hour sessions a week if there's nothing better to do, then I don't see anything wrong with that. I just don't want to let my future children play them all day long for hours on end. A lot of parents use the video game system as a babysitter. But then again, it really is all up to the parent to monitor the playing time. So yeah, if I do end up allowing it, playing time will be monitored.
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Well no ****. School and education always comes first. but if they are doing okay in school i have no problem with them playing some games, though at a young age i'd be enrolling them in sports/clubs.

Nothing wrong with games every now and then.
I'm willing to bet most of us waste more time on the internet than watching tv or playing games.

The internet can be educational. But then again, it can be used as a medium for most things bad. Personally, I use my computer mostly for social networking and porn.

Also, until about 6 months ago, I lived video-game free (sans the PC games I played sporadically) life. My parents never got me a console or a game. I bought or leeched games myself. It wasn't until I decided to spend my own money to buy an xbox did I enter the world of console gaming. I spend on average, 1 hour a week playing it. If that. I like to spend my free time beating up other people, getting beat up (more common), and drinking.

I win this argument.