I Hate Nickelodeon!!

Advertising aside, it's the parent responsibility to influence their diet.

I will say that I like Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents. Other than that, my son and I share TV time for certain shows like Transformers, Voltron, and Smurfs. I do manage to get older cartoons of Robotech and Speed Racer for us to watch together. I always like this as they are cartoons I watched as a kid and he loves them.

I will say that Drakus will always jump at the chance to play something or go to the park to play catch, rebuild the train set, build something with Leggos, or play soccer over TV anytime.

I do monitor his sugar intake pretty severly and while he has a hard time eating vegetables aside from greens (I hate colored greens but he loves them), he will eat a lot of fruit.

I will say we share a love of Breyers vanilla ice cream.
Since parents mostly control what kids eat, it should only be a matter of time before kids realize that not "everyone" eats junk like that. Kids aren't going to be corrupted by watching advertisements. Sure, they may want what they see and ***** about candy, but it's up to the parent if they want to indulge their kids. Setting examples and forming good habits is usually good enough. This is me speaking from experience. I grew up in a house where healthy food was available and common. My mom grows a lot of the vegetables I eat. In fact, I'm sitting with a bowl full of greens that are 100% organic and pesticide free. And I grew up watching whatever the **** I wanted (more or less). If the child wants to go against their upbringing later in life by making themselves unhealthy, it isn't your fault as the parent.
I used to live about 3 blocks from my elementary school, so I walked everyday.

Word! I remember we rode our bikes thorough middle school that was about 3 miles away. We also were gone riding boards and jumping ramps when we weren't forced to do our homework. Summers were awesome as there was no school to get in the way of swimming, gymnastics, boxing, skating, etc
I loved the commercials. Surprisingly, I never once thought about buying the items off of the commercials. I've always considered those as "things other children buy." I wish I was able to buy them, but I'm glad my parents never did. I remember the one thing I wanted to try was those dunk things with that kangaroo. I thought that was amazing. I think my parents bought it for me once. I can't remember.

Honestly, I don't know why they advertise with animals. I suppose children think animals are funny. Cows aren't happy. They're dirty, and they eat by throwing up. Kangaroos are simply filthy. And goats shoot out pebbles of crap like its hole is a made up machine gun. Monkeys would rip your arms out of your socket and slap you with them. Pigs literally means eating in your own filth, and that's exactly what pigs do. Perhaps my dislike of animals made me not like the commercials.
I loved the commercials. Surprisingly, I never once thought about buying the items off of the commercials. I've always considered those as "things other children buy." I wish I was able to buy them, but I'm glad my parents never did. I remember the one thing I wanted to try was those dunk things with that kangaroo. I thought that was amazing. I think my parents bought it for me once. I can't remember.

Yes, I remember those. They were called Dunkaroos. My mom wouldn't buy them for me. She called them "Junkaroos". I still remember that after all of these years...
I totally agree with Phate. I remember running around in the woods, playing tag, army, etc. I remember playing basketball or baseball everyday with the neighborhood kids. I'd hop on my bike first thing in the morning and not be back until dinner time. Kids today are more interested in video games and TV. Hell most adults are too.

Part of the problem is the environment. Its not as safe as it was 20 years ago, theres not as much room to run and play like their was Neighbors used to watch out for each other and that is no longer the norm.

The best thing I've found is to get involved and keep them interested in outdoor or active type things. I take my kids for walks in the woods and point out different birds, trees, plants, animals to them. Show them plants they can eat. I caught a bug last fall and tossed it into a big spider web and my kids watched the spider attack the bug. I think its liitle things like that to keep them fascinated with the world around them that keeps them off the couch. Last summer they were wading the river at our place up north to collect water cress for dinner. They love to go pick morels, wild leeks, wintergreen. Then they actually eat it LOL.

If you can spark that fascination it will last a very long time. I understand it can be tough with our schedules to make time and opportunities to get involved like that. But you must make the time it is THE most important thing you can do as a parent.

edit = I apologize if my thoughts seem broken up. I was interrupted by work about 4 times LOL
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Yeah, I'd say video games are more detrimental than TV. That's one thing I won't let my future children have. My parents let me have a gameboy, and now I see that it was a mistake on their part. Countless hours lost. Well, at least you can get up an walk around with it unlike with the video game systems you hook into the TV.

But yeah, no video games for my future children...

They're an addictive time suck.

Part of the problem is the environment. Its not as safe as it was 20 years ago, theres not as much room to run and play like their was Neighbors used to watch out for each other and that is no longer the norm.

I can't say anything about neighbors looking out for each other, but it is a pretty common misconception that the world isnt as safe as it was 20 years ago. Because the media reports violent acts so much more than anything else, it gives our country the perception that crime is much more rampant than it actually is. We are actually safer now than we were 20 years ago... Don't have any data to back this up at the moment but I'm sure you could find some.
I don't care what anyone says i think the world is pretty ****ed up. I'd rather be safe than sorry and this doesn't mean i'm going to be as obsessive as my mother or not let them do things like walk places and stuff, but i'm always vigilant. And i will always know the general whereabouts of my kid and their freedom will be monitored! At least until they're teenagers. I guess it's hard to explain how i feel about it.

Oh, absolutely. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be protective, and that you should let your kid go wherever they want. You are clearly a good mom. I was simply stating that there is a huge misconception about how dangerous the world is, mostly because of the media. There is actually a large correlation between the amount of tv watched and the perception of rates of violence in the U.S.
I think it's silly that you say your kids have to have things to learn from a screen, but video games are bad. It's all the same kind of concepts. your parents gave you a video game and said here go you, play as much as you want.

Parents should have structure and limits to these things, there's no need for them to be an 'addictive time suck".

I guess I can't get my head around your stance that you children need exposure to television, but no video games ever.

the reason I say this is because there are very few truly educational video games. They don't expose kids to real world activities, just fantasy.

There are lots of good things on TV. Like the news. That's what I mean by TV exposure. News and educational stuff, that's it...
Not that the world is any more or less dangerous but when a neighbor caught me smashing a mail box or whatever I got dragged physically to my parents.
I got an ass whiipping from my dad and had to replace the mail box. Now if a kid smashes a mail box the police get called and your kid is being brought up on charges. its stuff like that that really bugs me. Kids are getting brought up on federal bomb charges for making stupid pop bottle bombs.
20 years ago all the neighbors knew each other and knew everyones kids and if there was trouble the parents would know. Now either they turn a blind eye or get on the phone to the police.

I guess I'm just old fashioned like that. I would never call the cops on a neighborhood kid, I will always go to the parent first. I would also be out there protecting the neighborhood kids if some pervert shows up trying to accost them. I just think we've lost our sense of community. Raising 3 boys this kind of crap is what really scares me.
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I love Nickelodeon, if it weren't for Nick I'd only be able to watch 1 or 2 Lazy Town episodes a day on network telly!

Nick Toons has also got my daughter into Scooby Doo which can only be a good thing :D
The only way I would even think to call the cops is if the kid was known trouble maker and the parents weren't doing **** about it.

That's one of my big issues with "kids today" - the parents. Commonly, parents have the attitude that either a) their kid wouldn't do that, or b) how dare you gripe at my kid?! or whatever

If an adult neighbor came to my parents and said I did X, that would be my ass. Now, it's more common for the parents to get mad at the adult and automatically believe their precious angel when they (of course) say "I didn't do it!"

That, and the fact that, as a result, these kids are freakin' fearless. They know that they won't really be in any real trouble, or that their parents will believe them over you, so they really don't give a crap if you see them doing something.