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Every one loses weight a diffrent weight there is no right or wrong. I say if your losing weight your doing something right.
Every one loses weight a diffrent weight there is no right or wrong. I say if your losing weight your doing something right.
Every one loses weight a diffrent weight there is no right or wrong. I say if your losing weight your doing something right.
It just seemed like she was listening to her spreadsheet more than listening to her body, and I got the impression that the end results still weren't optimum. It appeared as if she was absolutely beating herself up, causing unnecessary stress, and still not being happy, as she did mention feeling cold, having headaches, etc. But hey, if crunching numbers on a spreadsheet works for you, knock yourself out. Personally, I'd rather listen to my body. If I feel like hell to the point of having memory failure, have cold chills, and have headaches due to low blood sugar, and this makes me obviously be concerned that I'm not getting enough calories... screw a spreadsheet, I'm going to eat something. But hey, that's just me.
If you really think a woman Julie's size can be experiencing symptoms of starvation eating 2000ish calories per day with her energy expenditure.... you are sorely mistaken my friend.
Steve, I'm a jokester. I use sarcasm in a friendly way. Apparently you still haven't picked up on that.
Not trying to make anybody look bad, I'm just not all serious with my panties in a wad like some people here are. Lighten up a little.
Every time we debate anything at all, you act like it's interesting and you're just trying to learn
but you pepper every last one of them with sly comments that border on personal insults. Why is that?
If anything can be labeled as "getting old", it's that.
As for cherry picking Tom's comments...
you cherry-picked the hell out of Julie's original post to prove your point
I don't go around and quote random meaningless things like you're saying.
If I did, crap, I had a four page post from you that I'm sure I could have found something.
She said that she feels exactly the same way as when she grossly underate. She said she's eating an average of 1870 calories a day but the range she mentioned can dip down to 1,700. She's sometimes burning up 900 in her exercise sessions, not counting the calories that are getting burned after the workout. Any way you cut it, that leaves her with less than 1,000 a day to exist on, potentially significantly less if you consider the low range of 1,700 and consider calories burned after the workout. That's less than 800 a day to exist on. So you're saying that these symptoms are impossible to get if you're trying to exist on less than 800 calories a day? I was under the impression that this was more than possible. In fact, it seemed rather obvious, but maybe I'm totally wrong.
You rubbed me the wrong way right from the get-go in this thread with your fallacious reasoning. It would appear I'm not alone either.
Ok so pretty much just because he doesnt think the same way as you and doesnt use calorie counting as a way to lose weight your gonna nit pick and bully on him hey if its working for him let him do it tha way.
WIth that said I would believe what the guy that looks like a body builder says over corndoggy but still.
WIth that said I would believe what the guy that looks like a body builder says over corndoggy but still.
My question to you corndog are u overweight or ever have been? If not then you dont know what its like and calorie counting is prolly best for them.......
The answer here is your resting metabolic rate (RMR) - Tris Mardiastuty - Resting Metabolic Rate Calculator.
I can tell you that your cals are not "unsafely" low. However, if you aren't feeling well at this intake level, bump cals up and see how it goes. Monitor how you feel. Track your measurements.
Remember, this is an experiment. You are the scientist struggling to find what really works for you, as an individual.
Are you experiencing these currently?
If you are, I'd def. go to a doctor, just to play it safe!
The body isn't a fragile organism. Clinics put obese patients on very low calorie diets (VLCD) safely. We're talking 500-800 calories per day. Certainly this isn't suitable for someone of your stature, Julie. However, again, you are *safe* consuming the calories you are now.
I never like putting someone of average/normal weight below their BMR for extended periods of time.
How are you weight training?
Food selection sounds good to me.
There is a question now who to listen to the guy who has been where I am and lost weight or the expert its a tough decision but liike I said before everybody isnt gonna lose weight the same.
Thanks! I'm currently adding a bit of red wine to the mix...
I drink a small glass on most nights of the week.