Yiannis Kouros who could be classified as a legend in the world of Ultrarunning once explained what he was feeling when he was running. In an article he wrote published by Ultrarunning magazine in March of 1990 he stated,
"Some may ask why I am running such long distances. There are reasons. During the ultras I come to a point where my body is almost dead. My mind has to take leadership. When it is very hard there is a war going on between the body and the mind. If my body wins, I will have to give up; if my mind wins, I will continue. At that time I feel that I stay outside of my body. It is as if I see my body in front of me; my mind commands and my body follows. This is a very special feeling, which I like very much. . . It is a very beautiful feeling and the only time I experience my personality separate from my body, as two different things."
What Yiannis Kouros says, is that when he is running for a long enough time his body and mind separate. .....Generally, most people claim that a runner's high is when the mind takes over the body and the unconscious leads the mind. Yet, there are many more aspects that people attribute to runner's high.
This question, about whether or not runner's high exists, is brought on mainly because there is not set definition for runner's high. Many people have never experienced it or say they have never had a "high" and yet do not know what one feels like. Some people have compared a "high" associated with running to a "high" from drugs. But again one must question even what a high from drugs feels like. Statistically, more people are doing drugs in which they can get a high than the number of people running 20 or 30 miles (the average at which people seem to get a high), therefore there are more cases of feelings associated with drug highs recorded.
In conclusion, in can be stated that while running there is a point when a person's body undergoes some type of change. The cause of this change may be because of environmental aspects and/or because of the biological aspects surrounding it. The feelings that are associated with this change is what is still questionable. With no actual definition of what the runner is supposed to feel it is impossible to generalize as to what that feeling is. Everyone records their personal feelings differently and what may be a high for one person may only be a feeling of happiness for another person. Looking at the different aspects that are associated with runner's high, I personally, have determined that there are periods of contentment that one will feel whether it is from running or other types of physical or even mental activity. I feel that this report can be summed up from a statement I received over e-mail and what was the most common response to my question "What is runner's high?" , "I've been running for 25 years or so, and don't know for sure what runner's high is. On almost every run, and certainly the long ones, there are periods of contentment or reflection when one is on automatic pilot and the terrain goes past unnoticed. Runner's High? I don't know."