Honestly, do you feel good after your exercise?

I do get that sense of well being during and after a cardio workout. Watching the distance go up then watching the weight go down! :D

30 minutes a day, 5 times a week. Nothing to strenuous. :)
I always do it to music - makes it a lot less dull.

I'm also getting pretty good at hula hooping and belly dancing.
Haha, it's fun and it's doing wonders for my stomach. :eek:
I don't usually feel great right after exercise, but I do find myself having more energy later on. For example, if I exercise in the morning before work I am more awake and feel better throughout the day.
I started getting back into exercising on Monday night and after my long walk, my legs were throbbing, but I felt great. I knew that it was working if my leggs felt that way. I layed in our hot tub for about 15 minutes afterwards, and I felt very refreshed. Then, last night I waslked on the treadmill at a high incline for about 20 minutes and I felt good, but very tired. I guess it all depends on what I am doing and how good of a day I'm feeling.
Honestly, sometimes immediately after finishing a run (whether it be distance or speed/incline) I feel weak and dizzy. But after about ten minutes (and a glass of water) I feel so confident and proud of myself. Mentally, I feel incredible after working out, even if I'm sore or exhausted.
About 5 minutes after I'm done speed walking and I've settled down, I get the most amazing feeling of well being. It's so nice. Very peaceful. Well work the 45 minutes. Tonight I'm going to cut 1.5 km's of grass with the push mower instead of the rider. That should be nice, working the upper and lower body! When can you go wrong??
I usually feel fantastic after exercise.However, sometimes the next day I am a bit sore so wanting to go to the gym is a bit harder but once I get there I am fine. The only thing I don't like is the red face I end up leaving the gym with.
i feel amazing after i do some cardio!

usually when i go to the gym i'm tired from my day or i'm missing my husband or my mind is 100 other places. but afterwards i feel absolutely wonderful i leave the gym with more energy than i came in with!
its an awesome feeling to sweat it out! I mean i feel lighter after work out & I absolutely agree with release of endorphins after excercising, its the same feeling after having sex due to endorphins release!!
I feel good about an hour after I'm done exercising. By then I usually get a surge of energy and feel very awake and am able to get lots of things done. Also by then I've usually had a shower which is a huge deal for me. I can't really feel good about myself when I feel like a giant salt lick.
Well, finallyyy I felt great after my exercise :D Yippy. As many of you sugguested, it's the intensity! Normally I just did 20-30min exercise with what In think an okay intensity but now since I'm practising for marathon I'm looking at the distance instead and I usually hit 5km mark at about 36-38+ min with cooling down time the total exercise last 40+ min. And yesterday after particularly reaching at a higher intensity (higher than usual) I felt my whole face flushed and blood rushing to my face...and it's felt great. Usually my face turned red too after exercise but I dun feel the sensation of the blood rush :p

It's just cool........:hurray:
I love the feeling of exercise, especially strength training. It makes my arms and legs feel very good.
When I'm done exercising I feel like I'm the SHIZNIT mentally and physically. EVERY SINGLE TIME. That's why I love doing it in the morning...gives me an extra shot of "you can handle anything".

With strength training; I hate how I feel during but afterwards-especially the next day, when it hurts to sit on the toilet or raise my arm, I feel good about the entire experience.
This actually happened for me for the very first time yesterday, (back story, been away from exercise for awhile due to broken and torn ankles, quit smoking in the interim now Im back at it). I didnt do much, some cardio and weights (first day back on the weights) but MAN did I feel awesome afterwards...dont know if its cause Im not smoking now or what, but it was a great feeling
It's mostly the placebo effect in my opinion, but there is truth to it. After powercleaning 7 sets of my 95%, I honestly feel on top of the world, especially if I have some good music blaring.

For about an hour after the workout my body is usually sort of blissfully numb. It's not super amazing, but my muscles are tired and sitting/lying down after a workout you notice it more.

When I first started this weight loss thing I felt like dying after my workouts, but it was a great feeling of accomplishment.
I do get that feeling and it makes me feel very cranky when I got a couple days without exercising. The only time working out feels like a chore, but still I feel better after most times, is when it is TOM and my stamina is down, or I am just generally run down. It's as if the endorphins aren't enough to counteract other drops in hormones like during TOM.
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