meal 4 & 5
700pm:I took two bites of pizza, and it didnt even taste good. So i peeled the cheese and pepperoni off the top. And I had chips (way too many, and thats what killed me)
1130: small cup of chicken noodle soup
bicep curls 2x15@10lb dbs
Tricep ext 2x15@10lb db
Frontal raises 1x10@10lb dbs
Lateral raises 1x10@ 10lb dbs
Pushups 6 (better than mondays 5)
Crunches 100
My body is super super sore today. I did a small workout as opposed to not doing one at all. I know that I could have done, more, but my body would have hated me tomorrow, and I wouldn't have worked out at all.
I'm working on a 21 day plan, which was started on sunday..exactly 21 days prior to the date that I leave for california. I have to buy a swimsuit. IT's going to be a bikinni. If I'm not liking the way my abs look, I'll simply wear a tank top over it. I KNOW THAT SOMETIME THIS SUMMER, I'M GOING TO LOOK GOOD IN A BIKINNI. Plus, summers last til like november in arizona
Tomorrows forseen diet:
meal 1-one egg w/ ham slice cooked in 1/2 tsp margarine
meal 2-bologna sandwich w/ light mayo
meal 3-celery sticks w/ ranch
meal 4-Bowl chicken noodle soup
meal 5- peanut butter crackers
Tomorrows forseen workout:
-walk/light jog
-upper body workout