You are a straight up fucking moron.
Nice! Have I touched a sore spot Stevie baby! You don't give people a chance, only the ones that want to agree with everything you say. Yes you do bully Newcomers so no wonder they don't stick around for long. You didn't give me a chance at all! It's just the same old people on this forum.
I have plenty of time to enjoy my hobbies and wayhey for you that you are so successful in everything that you do! You mustn't have many clients though. Does your boss know you spend most of your time obsessively writing on a weight loss forum or do you work for yourself? Enough said, keep up the great work superman.....
Fungirl, this is going no place fast. And that's counterproductive to me, you and the forum.
So let me apologize.
I just read what I typed above and you're right. You pissed me off yesterday and I said things I wouldn't ordinarily say. I don't think you're a moron and I'm angry at myself for doing the same thing you're doing that's irritating as all hell; pretending you know a damn thing about me. I don't know that you're a fucking moron. I just know you like to assume a lot of things and that doesn't make you a moron. So again.... I'm sorry.
That said though, I do hope you stop passing judgments on my personal life. Based on your assumptions so far, you really haven't a clue anything about me. At all. You know I'm a trainer and you know I'm a financial advisor. That's it. Frankly, you don't need to know anymore than that.
Concurrently though, you like to assume a lot of incorrect things about me. Primarily, you assume I go around making life miserable for newcomers here. Funnily enough, my strongest passion in life is helping people reach their fitness/health goals. I've been successful at doing so too, here, on the net, and in real life.... and this success most certainly hasn't come by way of bullying people into fitting my ideal mold.
It's understandable you are passing these negative judgments on me considering the simple fact that you have only seen me communicate on one very minute subject on a giant forum. Please try and understand that what you see presented in that one thread isn't who I am. Yes, my 'voice' in there reflects my opinion of fad diets.... but that opinion is based solely on the fact that I truly care about my clients and even the members of this forum and if I could save them the frustration by turning them away from a fad diet.... I'm going to. So try and understand that there is a lot more to my 'relationship' with this forum than what you see in that thread.
I understand not everyone is going to 'hear' or listen to the things I have to say regarding fad diets. That's why you have a very select few who still try these things and discuss them on this forum. But the vast majority of members, especially the successful ones have either avoided such tactics or learned the hard way through trial and error, avoid such strategies like the plague. The people who have been successful around here, and I'm not talking about losing 6 lbs in 2 weeks, are the people who have learned to have a long-term perspective and realize that the short-term approaches don't work a vast majority of the time. In fact, they usually cause more frustrations.
I understand our definitions of what 'work' actually means are different, but so be it.
And I'm certainly not superman. I suck at a lot of things. But reaching people and helping them succeed is something I'm good at. And fitness and nutrition happen to be what I'm well versed in, just as I'm sure everyone here is well versed in something.
What I do in my free time is really none of your business.... but you're right. I do spend a lot of time here. It's my hobby. I get paid to share my knowledge and apply it too on this very subject... but it's not a job for me. It's my life. If that's 'stupid' in your book or you don't respect that.... that's really fine. I'm simply asking that you stop passing judgment on who I am as a person.