Have You Ever (Game)...

Yeah, I was the guy in the King Kong suit.

Have you ever played a game of Monopoly and actually finished it?
Yes but I usually lose and have to mortgage everything including my clothes haha *strip monopoly*

Have you ever been so tired youve slept with your eyes open?
Oh I totally did that last night.

Have you ever farted in public and blamed it on someone else? Like a baby or someone that couldn't say it wasn't them.
do you mean like a dog or something?? nooooo i've never done that...not ever....LOL

have you ever stole anything & been caught??
(sorry if repeat haven't read whole thread...)
The only thing I steal is hearts. :beating: No, but I've never stolen anything and/or been caught.

Have you ever turned your car on to warm it up (in the winter), gone back inside, then totally forgotten about it and watched TV or something?
Yes. I ran for the hills. (uh bedroom) LOL

Do you ever take pics of your nasty spills? i.e. scabs/owies
Not Yet. But almost sliced a couple toes off. :D

Have you ever forgotten your toothbrush, and had to use someone elses but never told them?
hehe, yes! More than once...

Have you ever tried to pierce yourself without any professional products, i.e. safety pin?
Yes my belly button.... and it was off center when it was all said and done so i had to let it close and get a professional to do it HAHAHA

Have you ever eaten one of your boogers?
I must confess....

i once purposely did not feed OR water my hamster when i was about 10.... i did not want ginger anymore... and there was no other way to ditch him.....

sniff someones obviously dirty underpants due to some wierdo fetish you have?

Umm, dirty as in poop ooooor? I did once, but it was in a joking manner. And, it was my girlfriend AND she was right there when I did it. Oh, and it also wasn't because of a fetish. I'm just weird. Oh, I should also mention that there was no poop on it.

Have you ever thrown you clothes in the washing machine and stayed there until it was done washing?
Unfortunately, yes.

Have you ever read things like the back of a shampoo bottle or the ingredients in your soap while you took a poop?
Of course! hahaha. Anything that you can read is good.

Have you ever had a bird poop on you?