Weight-Loss Halloween Challenge: The Unplumping Pumpkins - The UnPlumpKins

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I stuffed myself with a rainbow salad last night for dinner, I even put blueberries in it...lol...because that was the only blue/purple that I could find. But it was so good. I made enough to last through today also. And I drank all my water and then some yesterday.
Go Pumpkins!!!

I had an idea to come up with getting the colors in. ... Make a vegetable plate, and a fruit plate. It worked for me today. I have already had, banana, celery, cherry tomatos, green peppers, and carrots. I will probably have peas or corn for dinner.. and an apple for a snack later.

And dont forget that H2O!!!!

We can DO IT!!! whooooohhhhhoooo... Unplumping Pumkins!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so stuffed after breaky. I didin't have my salad last night for dinner thanks to my friend chris. I had Ahi and steamed rice instead. But for breakfast I had salad...lol...with left over ahi...yum...good breaky!
Thank goodness I love fruits and veggies more than I like water!!!!!!

I still have not managed to get in my full water! It's soooo pathetic, but on the other hand, I kick butt in this challange. I've had lettus and cucumbers for the greens, carrots for the oranges, potatoes for the white, grapes for the purple/blue, tomatoes for the red.

Anyways, my plan to get in my fruits and veggies is to take a salad for lunch each day aswell as some fruit and I'm going to keep chugging that water.
I have never been so sick of water in my life. Usually I can't get enough of it. Today I can. I switching to crystal light for my last few ounces.
anybody heard yet

how did we do for the first week.or am i not looking in the right place? this fruit and veggie things is fun. we eat it but i think we never think to add different colors with our food. sometimes different colors means different flavors and that could be fun to. everyone have a rainbow of a day.:D
How are we doing on the fr. & veggies so far today? I've got 3 out of 5! I've got 16 oz. of water left to drink today and got an aerobic workout in. So I'm feeling prety good!!
I've gotten all my fruits and veggies in for everyday so far! It's been so great! I love this challenge!!!!!!
putting different things together

well so far i have done good. i just have to remember that i need to add things to my meals. i love fruit and veggies i just have to remember to incorporate them with my food instead of eating them seperate. This is fun.
Hey! I lost down to 157 today! Yea for me. I'm getting in all fruits and veggies everyday so far and drinking all my water! How's everyone else doing?
I'm doing really well with the challenges. I went out to lunch with my mother in law and had a fruit bowl to help with the color challenge!!! :)
Got all my fruits & veggies in. And I am almost done with my water.
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