New member
sorry for taking so long to reply, drove home for thanxgiving, and no acess to a comp. till now, im 167, and ill update my original post.
Damn I only exercised 105 mins this week usually it is alot more oh well...LOL...ooppzz forgot how to addOK plumpkins...
please make sure you go back to your original post - enter today's weight.... then in the week 4 bonus section - give me a ** if you gave up television 2 nights, and also tell me how many minutes TOTAL you exercised for the week.
that is all for now
Damn I only exercised 105 mins this week usually it is alot more oh well...LOL...ooppzz forgot how to add
I'm sorry, I can't update my weight right now Mal, its only 11am here and I don't get a break to go to the senior center to weigh until late this afternoon. Please remember that we are not all in the same time zone.
Hey, guys!I have to say that I failed this challange miserably! I can not go to sleep without watching my favorite "Will & Grace". On the other hand, I never snack infront of TV and I am still going strong with my water and exercise and with my diet. I am going to udate my progress in a second. Meanwhile, would like to say heartfelt SORRY for not staying away from TV