dharma - thanks for calling us out hon!
newbride is right... I think alot of us have just been posting a comment here and there trying to just update our own status, and I haven't had much time to read everyone else's... =( but ALL of you are dearly loved by me!
what the heck is spinning? is it a dance class?
what are some of the other things that everyone is doing to exercise this week? I use the ellipticals at the gym and either do a half hour or and hour, and on the short days, I do 30 min of lifting weights as well... or at least that is the plan. I got in my running and weights today =)
btw em - your pics are looking great =) keep up the good work! and way to go for actually paying attention and looking for the details. I think that so much of the time we focus on what the scale is telling us and forget to see the difference in our own bodies.
I have lost over 30 lbs - and I still look in the mirror sometimes and see the old me - I can put on a smaller size pair of jeans and a smaller top, but I still feel large... I think if I had paid more attention to the way my body was changing, it would have made a difference in my self-confidence now...