Weight-Loss Halloween Challange:House on Weightloss Hill

Hey all,

Tomorrow, I am telling my boss to F off, and that I need time to lift regardless of what he wants. Oooh! I luv a man who stands up for himself!:cool:

I am starting to get discouraged with all the work, because my energy level is soooo low for workouts. I am doing what I can though! That's all you can do.:hug2:

Anyway...I am around, and I will talk to u all soon.

Yes I have giant lips...it's a rather nasty little sexual trait I am afraid.


They're not giant, and they're not nasty--they're perfect!! :beating::beating:

Hope it all goes well with the boss. You should print out MoonGoddess's post and show it to your boss. That is excellent stuff.

Did I hear HOT LIPS!!! Sounds right down my alley..only problem is every time I meet the man of my dreams my husband scares him off. go figure.

Yeah, mine, too! Damn husbands! lol:rotflmao::rotflmao:

Butterflyaway--Glad I can make you laugh---maybe it'll melt the lbs right off ya! :rotflmao::rotflmao:
Hi everyone... getting closer to weight in day... eek!

I'm struggling & still hoping the scale will surprise me in the morning. Hopefully everyone is losing.

Was wondering if all this water was contributing to the stubbornness of my scale. ...I should be doing good. Anyway I was looking online & found this article which I thought was interesting & maybe someone else might find it so...

Hoping my weight stagnation is just water retention from high sodium (the curse of modern times) or maybe being female (the OTHER curse)... or even scarier & more likely a combination of more things. I'm trying to stay dedicated to the cause & keep going, in the faith that it will all end up paying off in the end.

Good luck to us all!
Hi everyone... getting closer to weight in day... eek!

I'm struggling & still hoping the scale will surprise me in the morning. Hopefully everyone is losing.

Was wondering if all this water was contributing to the stubbornness of my scale. ...I should be doing good. Anyway I was looking online & found this article which I thought was interesting & maybe someone else might find it so...

Hoping my weight stagnation is just water retention from high sodium (the curse of modern times) or maybe being female (the OTHER curse)... or even scarier & more likely a combination of more things. I'm trying to stay dedicated to the cause & keep going, in the faith that it will all end up paying off in the end.

Good luck to us all!

That was a very interesting article. I will use it to console myself in the morning when I am ticked off over my weigh in..lol:D
Good morning my fellow HWH teammates!! Well, I shocked myself at actually being down 1lb from last Sat. The way my weight has been fluctuating it could easily have been up a lb. Anyway, congrats to those who lost--especially BOHearn for dropping some major poundage! And for those who gained--don't worry about it--there's always next week. The main thing is to log those daily bonus pts faithfully, and to try and do what needs to be done to get them. IMO the bonus pts are more important to the team than the weigh in--so don't get down on yourself if you gained. It's only 1pt against the team. Compared to the other teams I think we are kicking ass!! Go team HWH!!:jump::jump::jump::beating::beating: :beerchug: :beerchug:
Way to go everyone! :jump:

Looking forward to a new week and new bonus challanges. The water challange was tough!

I'm going to try to step it up a notch this new week.

Go team! :pumpkin:
Good morning my fellow HWH teammates!! Well, I shocked myself at actually being down 1lb from last Sat. The way my weight has been fluctuating it could easily have been up a lb. Anyway, congrats to those who lost--especially BOHearn for dropping some major poundage! And for those who gained--don't worry about it--there's always next week. The main thing is to log those daily bonus pts faithfully, and to try and do what needs to be done to get them. IMO the bonus pts are more important to the team than the weigh in--so don't get down on yourself if you gained. It's only 1pt against the team. Compared to the other teams I think we are kicking ass!! Go team HWH!!:jump::jump::jump::beating::beating: :beerchug: :beerchug:

Thanks for the encouragement BB. I'm devastated about my weight gain, though admittedly I deserve it. I ate badly for three days and it just latched onto me. But I'm glad that everyone else lost weight! Good job!

I'm definitely going to try harder with the bonuses and exercising, to make up for this.
Thanks for the encouragement BB. I'm devastated about my weight gain, though admittedly I deserve it. I ate badly for three days and it just latched onto me. But I'm glad that everyone else lost weight! Good job!

I'm definitely going to try harder with the bonuses and exercising, to make up for this.

The best thing to do is to put it behind you and look at this next week as a clean slate. If you were bad about eating, the good thing is that it probably revved up your metabolism so that you'll lose this week. :):hug2::hug2:
Howdy everyone well I have added all the points up and I have 7/11 people so far I will check back tomorrow to see if everyone updated yet.You all are doing gr8 and GL with week2 BONUS you all should rock that 1!Tammy
Howdy everyone well I have added all the points up and I have 7/11 people so far I will check back tomorrow to see if everyone updated yet.You all are doing gr8 and GL with week2 BONUS you all should rock that 1!Tammy

Yes, a few of us have already got 1 day done, and we didn't even know that was the bonus...lol:rotflmao: I sent out a PM about 4hrs ago to those on our team who hadn't logged their weigh-in yet.
Hey everyone just checking in to see how every one did last week. Great job everyone!!! Even if you didnt lose this week that ok I know every one tried and we still have alot of poit from your water and excerise. So keep up the awsome job and lets kick butt this week.:D
Runs in real quick during Halftime.

Goooooooooooo Team House on Weightloss Hill!!

Great job this past week everyone . This is a new week though and a new chance to lose some weight!
Let's Kick Some Fat Cells Ass! *L*
And I'm so glad I don't have to drink that muich water anymore! *L*

Now if only the Dawgs can come back on SC!:beerchug:

Rock on everyone !
OK results so far KEEP IN MIND I don't have everyones weigh in's or bonus'es BUT I have MOST of peoples info.Also I can only give credit for 6 days exersice because we need 1 day to REST ;) so 6+7(bonus)+2(weightloss)MAX15PTS So as it stands
#1 House on Weightloss Hill 112 PTS
Texas Scale Massace 109 PTS
Smashing Pumpkins 97 PTS
Caspers Countdown 93 PTS
SO as you see we all are NECK and Neck it is anybodies GAME so lets all Kick some more BUTT this week!Tammy:pumpkin:

OK results so far KEEP IN MIND I don't have everyones weigh in's or bonus'es BUT I have MOST of peoples info.Also I can only give credit for 6 days exersice because we need 1 day to REST ;) so 6+7(bonus)+2(weightloss)MAX15PTS So as it stands
#1 House on Weightloss Hill 112 PTS
Texas Scale Massace 109 PTS
Smashing Pumpkins 97 PTS
Caspers Countdown 93 PTS
SO as you see we all are NECK and Neck it is anybodies GAME so lets all Kick some more BUTT this week!Tammy:pumpkin:


WOOHOO!!! We are in 1st place!! Go Team HWH!!:jump::jump::jump:
Congrats Team!!! We're Number 1!!!! That just made me smile so much. :)

I hope this give you motivation to keep the lead. LETS GO House On Weight loss Hill!!!!!!


Go us! I'm shocked. Wonder if we can keep it up? Hopefully I will actually lose this week & add to our points. I KNOW I will keep up the exercise points & the bonus... CAN DO!

Good luck with the exercise, food, temptations, & mental struggles this week! So that scale who's boss... WE ARE!
That's awesome... congrats.

So this is an email I got today, which is perfect... had to share:

Measure Progress Without the Scale
An Arsenal of Tools for Your Motivation

-- By Liz Noelcke, Staff Writer
Frustrated. Disappointed. Hopeless. Skeptical.

Whichever you choose, these emotions are enemies of people trying to lose weight—especially when you feel like you have done everything right. For many trying to shed pounds, the elation from that initial weight loss is brought to a screeching halt when the scale stops moving. But, instead of viewing this as a setback, look for other ways to measure your progress besides the scale. After all, good health isn’t always measured in pounds.

Losing weight usually involves a relatively simple calorie equation: burn off more calories with daily activity than you consume through food. So what happens when these numbers indicate progress, but the scale doesn’t? Before the aggravation sets in, consider why this might be the case. If you’ve been hitting the gym on a regular basis, participating in both cardiovascular and strengthening exercises, then chances are good that you have shed some fat. But the scale might not indicate this because you have also been building lean muscle. Since muscle weighs more than fat, the scale might not reflect your hard work.

Non-Scale Signs of Progress

1. See results by taking a trip to your very own closet. Take out a pair of pants that fit snugly before you began your new, healthy habits. Are you able to ease into them, when before you had to sit (or lie) down and yank them up your legs? This is a sure sign of progress toward a leaner you! What about an old shirt? Is it now a little loose around your waist or arms? Also look for improved muscle definition when you check out your body in the mirror. There are many everyday indicators that you are firming up your body, from how your clothes fit to sitting more comfortably in a booth or small chair.

2. Aside from weight, use other numerical signs of progress. When you first start your program, take measurements of your waist, arms, neck and hips. Even if you are not losing pounds, you very well may be losing inches all over your body as your figure slims down and tones up with muscles. Measuring your body is more reliable than the scale alone. Other numerical indicators include a reduction of blood pressure or cholesterol, BMI, and body fat percentage.

3. Monitor how a healthy diet and regular exercise affects your energy levels. Not only will you be able to work out for longer intervals of time, but everyday chores will also become easier. Whether cutting the grass or simply walking up the stairs, these behaviors will come effortlessly. Think of all the daily activities you could use more energy for—grocery shopping, house cleaning, playing with your kids, and more. Pretty soon you’ll be training for your first 5K!

4. Lastly, be conscious of how you feel emotionally. You’ve been working hard to reach your goals. Hopefully, the hard work will come with a boost in self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. Are you beginning to feel more comfortable in your own body? Work to build a positive vocabulary to stay motivated.

Just because the scale has stopped moving doesn’t mean that you’ve hit a plateau in reaching your goals. Don’t give up out of frustration—all healthy behaviors are well worth the effort. Whether it’s better sleep at night or more energy throughout the day, start listening to the signs your body gives you that all of your hard work is paying off!

Article created on: 9/8/2005
Great article, MoonGoddess! (And very encouraging to people like me.) So we shouldn't weigh obsessively, huh? As long as we're getting leaner and healthier, the number on the scale really doesn't matter. :)
