Weight-Loss Grinches Losin' Inches--team Thread



New member
GRINCHES LOSIN' INCHES 550 744/638 991/849
Amanda3961 26 33 43 24 41 167
Wulsk 26 33 40 24 41 164
lisamcrn 26 31 40 24 41 162
Bikinibound 26 30 40 24 41 161
MissLadybug 26 28 37 22 29 142
Hajni 26 2 37 21 41 127
Yarmiah 26 14 13 2 13 68

I am making new threads for each team. Please copy and paste your stats over into your new team thread. From now on, that is the one you'll update.

There is one team that has 7 people instead of 6. This is how I'll figure their pts so as not to give them an advantage--I'll add up their pts, then divide it by 7. Then I'll multiply that number by 6 and that will be their total pts. If we start losing people, I may do that for all teams to keep things fair.

All right--the challenge is ON!
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Bikinibound's Holiday Challenge Stats

Starting Weight: 227
Goal Weight: 216

Week 1 Nov 10th: 226 (-1lb= +2pts)
Week 2 Nov 17th: 225.5 (-.5lb= +2pts)
Week 3 Nov 24th: 230 (+4.5lbs= -1pt--damn pie--I love it so! :drooling:
Week 4 Dec 1st: 226.5 = +2pts
Week 5 Dec 8th: 224 = +2pts
Week 6 Dec 15th: 224 = 0pts

Final Weigh-in Dec 22nd: 225.5 = -1pt :ack2:

Weekly Bonuses (put an * for each day completed)
Wk 1: *******= 14pts
Wk 2: Calorie range--1550-1850 ******= 18pts
Wk 3: Posted thankful list= 10pts, Veggies: ******* = 21pts, 31pts total
Wk 4: 90min additional exercise ****** = 12pts
Wk 5: Posted recipe--15pts, Protein/115g min: *172g, *143g, *126g, *116g, *129g, *124g, *116g = 29pts
Wk 6: 1 60min ST session and 1 40min session = 15pts
Wk 7: Posted holiday goals = 25pts

3hrs of Weekly Exercise (Y/N)
Wk 1: 195 total min exercised, 32.6 miles biked, 1.5 miles walked, 100min circuit training= Y--10pts
Wk 2: 211 total min exercised, 16.95 miles biked, 4miles walked, 110 min circuit training = Y--10pts
Wk 3: 180 min exercised, 42.23 miles biked, 65 min circuit training = Y--10pts
Wk 4: 270 min exercised = Y--10pts
Wk 5: 180 min exercised = Y--10pts
Wk 6: 180 min exercised = Y--10pts
Wk 7
240 min exercised = Y--10pts
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Starting Weight: 147.4(this has some water weight in there)
Goal Weight: 140(5%)

Week 1 Nov 10th: 144.6 (-2.8 lbs) = +2 points
Week 2 Nov 17th: 146.6 (+2 lbs) = - 1 point
Week 3 Nov 24th: 142.2 (-4.4 lbs) = + 2 points
Week 4 Dec 1st: 143.6 (+1.4 lbs) = -1 point
Week 5 Dec 8th: 142.6 ( - 1 lb) = + 2 points
Week 6 Dec 15th: 143.4 (+ 0.8 lbs) = -1 point

Final Weigh-in Dec 22nd: 143.8 (+0.4 lbs) = 0 points

Weekly Bonuses (put an * for each day completed)
Wk 1: (Sa*)(Su*)(Mo* )(Tu*)(We*)(Th:*)(Fr:*)= 14 points
Wk 2: Cals: 1300-1600, (Sa),(Su),(M ),(T),(W),(Th),(F*), Sick= 3 points
Wk 3:Thankful list: +10pts, 3 c. veggies: (Sa:*), (Su),(Mo*),(Tu*),(We),(Th*),(Fr*) = 25 points
Wk 4:Total min exercised: 467m, well over 180 = 12 points
Wk 5:Recipe= 15 points,Protein goal71 gr (Sa:76gr*),(Su:100gr*),(Mo:96.5gr*),(Tu:108gr*),(We:96gr*),(Th:86gr*),(Fr:110gr*)= 14 points
Wk 6: 2x30 min strenght-training, (Mo: *), (We: *) (Fr: *)= 15 points
Wk 7: Posting goal for the HOLIDAYS : done.

3hrs of Weekly Exercise (Y/N) (I am going to keep track min/day)
Wk 1: Y(Sa:82m)(Su:67m)(M:95m )(Tu:68m)(We:18m )(Th:0 )(Fr: 0 ) = 10 points
Wk 2: N :( (Sa:0m)(Su:0m)(M:0 )(Tu:0)(We:0m )(Th:60 )(Fr:78) Sick= 0 points
Wk 3: Y (Sa: 60m),(Su:67m),(Mo:100m),(Tu:71m),(We 71m),(Th: 0m), (Fr:90m) = 10 points
Wk 4: Y (Sa:35m),(Su:80m),(Mo:104m ),(Tu:30m),(We:88m ),(Th:100m ),(Fr:30m ) = 10 points
Wk 5: Y (Sa: 80m),(Su:63m ),(Mo:75m ),(Tu:30m),(We:0m),(Th:98m ),(Fr:63m )= 10 points
Wk 6: Y (Sa: 0 m), (Su: 0 m),(M:100 m),(Tu: 30m), (W:80m ), (Th:73m ), (Fr:75m) = 10 points
Wk 7: Y, (Sa:0 m), (Su: 0m), (Mo:92m), (T: 27m), (we:75m), I(th: 90m), (Fri: 0m ) = 10 points

Total weight loss: 3.6 lbs

Boy I have the least amount of points on this team!! I hope I won't drag you down too much...
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Starting Weight: 163.8
Goal Weight: 157.0

Week 1 Nov 10th: 163.2 -0.6# = +2 pts
Week 2 Nov 17th: 163.2 +/- 0 = 0 pts
Week 3 Nov 24th: 164.5 +1.3# = -1pt
Week 4 Dec 1st: 161.6
Week 5 Dec 8th: 160.0
Week 6 Dec 15th: 160.3

Final Weigh-in Dec 22nd: 160.7

Weekly Bonuses (put an * for each day completed)
Wk 1:******* = 14 pts
Wk 2:Calorie Range 1400-1700 1685, 1650, 1720, 1450, 1482, 1625, 1585 = 18 pts
Wk 3:Veggies:X X X X X X X = 21 pts Thankful list = 10 pts Total pts = 31
Wk 4:exercise bonus = 12 pts
Wk 5:recipe = 15 pts, protein daily goal 100 mg (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) = 14 pts
Wk 6:strength training 30 mins XX = 15 pts
Wk 7:holiday goal X = 25 pts

3hrs of Weekly Exercise (Y/N)
Wk 1:50 + 54 + 68 + 52 + 72 + 40 = 336 Y = 10 pts
Wk 2:65 + 55 + 72 = 192 Y = 10 pts
Wk 3:35 + 55 + 45 + 50 = 185 Y = 10 pts
Wk 4:65 + 66 + 15 + 65 + 60 = 271 Y = 10 pts
Wk 5:45 + 20 + 20 + 45 + 60 = 190 Y= 10 pts
Wk 6:45 + 60 + 60 + 35 = 200 Y = 10 pts
Wk 7 60 + 60 + 64 =? Y 10 pts
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Starting Weight: 178.9
Goal Weight: 172.0

Week 1 Nov 10th: 176.0 (-2.9) = 2 pts
Week 2 Nov 17th: 172.7 (-3.3) = 2 pts
Week 3 Nov 24th: 173.6 (+0.9) = - 1 pts
Week 4 Dec 1st: 169.8 (-3.8) = 2 pts
Week 5 Dec 8th: 168.1 (-1.7) = 2 pts
Week 6 Dec 15th: 163.7 (-4.4) = 2 pts

Final Weigh-in Dec 22nd: 163.0 (-0.7) = 2 pts

Total lost: 15.9!

Weekly Bonuses (put an * for each day completed)
Wk 1: Sat:* (1709 cal); Sun:* (1980 cal); Mon:* (1208 cal); Tue:* (1322 cal); Wed:* (1495 cal); Thur:* (1157 cal); Fri:* (1709 cal) = 7* = 14 pts
Wk 2: GOAL 1300-1600 cal! Sat:* (1397 cal); Sun:* (1311 cal); Mon:* (1519 cal); Tue:* (1325 cal); Wed:* (1401 cal); Thur:* (1583 cal); Fri:* (1464 cal) = 7* = 21 pts
Wk 3: Thanks list:* = 10 pts; Sat:*; Sun:*; Mon:*; Tue:*; Wed:*; Thur:*; Fri:* = 7* = 21 pts
Wk 4: see below Wk 4:
Wk 5: Recipe:* = 15 pts; GOAL: 85g protein! Sat:* (97g); Sun:* (88g); Mon:* (122g); Tue* (91g); Wed:* (87g); Thur:* (95g); Fri:* (89g) = 7* = 14 pts
Wk 6: 2 Strenght Trainings:*, * = 2* = 15 pts
Wk 7: Holiday weight loss goals posted:* = 25 pts

3hrs of Weekly Exercise (Y/N)
Wk 1: Y Sat: 30 min; Sun: 30 min; Mon: 30 min; Tue: 30 min; Wed: 30 min; Thur: 30 min; Fri: 30 min = 210 min = 10 pts
Wk 2: Y Sat: 30 min; Sun: 30 min; Mon: 30 min; Tue: 30 min; Wed: 30 min; Thur: 30 min; Fri: 30 min = 210 min = 10 pts
Wk 3: Y Sat: 30 min; Sun: 30 min; Mon: 30 min; Tue: 30 min; Wed: 30 min; Thur: 30 min; Fri: 30 min = 210 min = 10 pts
Wk 4: Y Sat: 45 min; Sun: 30 min; Mon: 45 min; Tue: 30 min; Wed: 45 min; Thur: 30 min; Fri: 45 min = 270 min total = 180 min = 10 pts + 90 min = 12 pts
Wk 5: Y Sat: 30 min; Sun: 30 min; Mon: 30 min; Tue: 30 min; Wed: 30 min; Thur: 30 min; Fri: 30 min = 210 min = 10 pts
Wk 6: Y Sat: 30 min; Sun: 15 min; Mon: 30 min; Tue: 45 min; Wed: 15 min; Thur: 45 min; Fri: 30 min = 210 min = 10 pts
Wk 7: Y Sat: 30 min; Sun: 30 min; Mon: 30 min; Tue: 30 min; Wed: 30 min; Thur: 30 min; Fri: 30 min = 210 min = 10 pts
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Starting Weight: 175
Goal Weight: 165

Week 1 Nov 10th: 173 (-2)
Week 2 Nov 17th: 173 (0)
Week 3 Nov 24th: 172 (1) it was down 2.8 monday, up .5 wed, down 2 friday now it's only 1, it's been the craziest up and down week yet.... LOL
Week 4 Dec 1st: 172 (0) nada!!same as last Saturday, sorry girls!!
Week 5 Dec 8th: 171
Week 6 Dec 15th: 171

Final Weigh-in Dec 22nd: 171

Weekly Bonuses (put an * for each day completed)
Wk 1:****** (14)
Wk 2: going for 1600-1900 (*, *,*, *,*,*)
Wk 3:*, *, *,*,*
Wk 4:see below= 12 points
wk 5: recipe listed, (Sun 90gm, Mon 87.5gm, Tue 88 gm, Wed 98 gm, Thur 87 gm, Fri 115 gm) 6days
Wk 6:None
Wk 7:

3hrs of Weekly Exercise (Y/N)
Wk 1: (Y) 6 total hrs
Wk 2: (Y) 6.5 total hrs
Wk 3: (Y) 5 hrs
Wk 4: Mon (120 min) tue (70 min) Wed (60 min) Thur (120 min)= 370 total min
Wk 5: None, I slept most the time or walked, certainly not 3 hours I'll bust next week that's a promise!
Wk 6:NONE, so sorry ladies we had no power for 6 days!!
Wk 7

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Starting Weight:199
Goal Weight:185

Week 1 Nov 10th: 196 (-3) = 2 pts
Week 2 Nov 17th: 195 (-1) = 2 pts
Week 3 Nov 24th: 194 (-1) = 2 pts
Week 4 Dec 1st: 191 (-3) = 2 pts
Week 5 Dec 8th: 190 (-1) = 2 pts
Week 6 Dec 15th: 186 (-4) = 2 pts

Final Weigh-in Dec 22nd: 184 (-2) = 2 pts

Weekly Bonuses (put an * for each day completed)
Wk 1:******* = 14 pts
Wk 2:******* = 21 pts
Wk 3:******* = 31 pts (veggies plus thankful list)
Wk 4:******* = 12 pts
Wk 5:******* = 29 pts (recipe points) (protein)
Wk 6:strength training = 15 pts
Wk 7:holiday goals = 25 pts

3hrs of Weekly Exercise (Y/N)
Wk 1: Yes = 10 pts
Wk 2: Yes = 10 pts
Wk 3: Yes = 10 pts
Wk 4: Yes = 10 pts (295 mins)
Wk 5: Yes = 10 pts
Wk 6: Yes = 10 pts
Wk 7: Yes = 10 pts
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Yay! All my fellow Grinches are on board. :santa:

I've got to get my rear in gear and start exercising more. So far this week I've only got 85 minutes in.

Lets' get those pts and shed some pounds and inches! :party::party:
Hi Team!!!

I hope everybody's week is going good so far!!! I decided to skip my night exercises and go to the gym instead tomorrow. I almost have the extra bonus down with all my minutes exercised so far!!
Weight is up but it always fluctuates upward during the week... so no worries.
Oh, and I hope I am bringing us luck! I was part of the winning team in the Halloween challenge!!!:party:

Have a great Wednesday!!
Did everyone get out there and exercise today??????:toetap05:

I DID!! HOOT AND HOLLAR!!!!!!!!!!! :party:


If you didn't do any exercise today, DROP and give me 20 :gnorsi:

How are the Grinches?

I did my exercise. :party: I ended up doing more than I planned. But that's great. I got started and I just couldn't stop. :hurray:

I was also on target with my calories and fat.


:grouphug: Have a great Wednesday.

How cool Hajni. You're our good luck charm. :waving:

Hi team!!!

I am doing well and I don't see any possibility to lose points this week. I am an every-day-weigh-in person so I don't expect surprises this week. :) Last week the weigh in was in the worst possible day for me - just before my period + believe it or not after the weigh in I visited the loo, had some issues there and I lost 2 pounds... for good!!!!!!! Sorry about this spicy information but I was astonished. So everything's under control! :sifone:
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Oh, and I hope I am bringing us luck! I was part of the winning team in the Halloween challenge!!!

Oh Hajni you are because we will be winning this! However your ticker will finish soon! What will you do tickerless? :) I am dreaming to see my ticker expiring too!!!!
Good Morning,

Since I only did half of my planned exercise yesterday, I got up early this morning and did 27 min jog on my treadmill. Also going to the gym tonight for a good hour!!
Wulsk: I weigh in everyday as well. not sure how I am doing as the scale today showed 143.4???:cuss: At this point I am hoping it will go back down to at least what it was last Sat....I won't be upset though, I think my body has to catch up with that 4.4 lb loss... on the other hand I don't want to lose points for the team...
Ha-ha, I wish to see myself tickerless... these last stubborn 5 lbs are going to get the best of me I think...
You are so on target... wow I am happy to be part of this team!!

Amanda: congrats on doing more exercise than planned.. now I am going to bottle some of that motivation and take it with me to the gym tonight..

Kim:: good thing i did my morning 30 min on the treadmill yesterday, otherwise my co-workers would have a field day watching me pushing 20 on the floor right now.... :sifone:

Everyone have a great Wednesday!!!!

One of my favorite quotes:
"A goal without a plan is just a wish." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Good morning.

I see lots of motivation in this team. Yeah. I'm doing my best getting these saggy baggy waddling lbs off so I don't make us lose out on those points, that is my toughest challenge. The gym and I have a date this afternoon. I also weigh in everyday and have been 161.8-162.4 so far this week----and keeping up with the calorie counting to prevent any surprises.......

Good Luck everyone:hurray:
HEY FELLOW TEAMERS!! You all sound like your on the RIGHT TRACK, We are going to bust the bonus this week!! I'm getting ready for my Aunt Flo visit too, so I hope that doesn't interfere with my weigh in, DANG Women issues. LOL Either way, I'm busting my hump at the gym every day and I hope to earn us some big time bonus points, just in case my weigh in is less worthy!!

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is on TV tonight...lol.

I've had a rough time with eating the last week. I am going to be a very good girl the rest of this week, though. Then I have an office party on Sat, and a family gathering on Sunday. Then I'm good to go until the contest ends, so I should be able to keep my eating under control. I am usually very good about this, but Chinese all-you-can-eat buffets and the :reddevil: showing up this morning did not help me recover from my Thanksgiving indiscretions. :cuss:

Went to the gym tonight and made up for last night's slacking..
30 min elliptical on level 6
10 min running (5.5 m/hr speed)
20 min hard circuit training

Drank all my water and kept my calories within limits... Hope tomorrow will be just as good.

have a great night!!
Nice job today Hajni! :party:

My calories were much more acceptable today..lol So far I've got 170min of exercise this week. I'll have to do 50min tomorrow and also on Friday. No problemo.

So I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas tonight..lol. My cat watched it, too. It's weird b/c he was actually looking at the TV the whole time it was on. I've never seen him do that before. And then when it was over and I turned it to Criminal Minds, he turned his back to it and ignored it....lmao. My cat is so damn cute. I just adore the little bugger. :biggrinjester:
How are we all doing?

I have been hitting the exercise hard. I want to see a loss on Saturday. And I want my bonus points for the extra minutes. I think I will continue to add the 90 minutes a week to my program.

I have had a headache on and off since Thanksgiving. Advil won't touch it. I am calling the doctor tomorrow to make an appointment. Enough is enough. Umm.....maybe it's all the exercise? Even if it is I am not giving it up. What's a little headache? Losing weight and toning is worth it. :nopity:

Go Grinches!!!!!!!!!