GOP / Democratic race for the white house.

I'm going to have to go with Ron Paul so far. His stance on the IRS and social security is one of the main reasons he has my vote.

I like a lot of what I've read about him. Although, it seems he isn't even a major contender at this point, which is a bit sad.
Wow, this thread moved all over the place, lol!

CCR, the 2 term limit (or 10 years if one should take over half of another person's term) was instituted after FDR won his 4th term for President. The logic is that if one person is in power for too long, they may become dictatorial. Odd that we don't apply it to the congress though!
Does it really matter?

You know to me, they all same the same crap.

Time for change!
Lower taxes
More money for education
Healthcare for all
yada yada,

But no one has a plan on how they intend to do it or pay for it!!

I really think politicians should have sign a contract in regard to their promises before they run. They would be held accountable to that contract if elected. If they didn't meet the contract in ex number of months. They would lose their position along with their benefits. You need to make them responsible & accountable besides saying, so don't vote them in again!!!

I believe SS earns 2% a year! Just 2%, that is ludicrious. Why not let Americans invest it in US Bonds? You would still earn more. Of course I say we should be able to invest some of it. Ah, but what about the americans that don't know what they are doing with their money and lose money. As I look at it, by the time we are ready to retire, you wont be able to collect SS until you are about 98 years old. That's the other joke, they keep raising the age!!!

Where's the Line item veto. None of them will vote for that, because then they can't stick in their plugs for money.

The government is WAY out of control.

Like any business or family budget. You have a certain income and you budget from there. But the government instead has absolutely no fiscal responsiblility. Their philosophy keep adding more programs and upping the taxes.

If you or I want to take a two week vacation to europe, we can't just go rob a bank to finance it (well, you could, but u might not make it to europe and instead get a whole other set of travel plans.) But the government does rob the bank, unfortunately the bank is us.

Abortion: when I was younger, thought it's a woman's body, let her do what she wants.
older, more experience (quite a few rounds of invitro fertilization) where you see the embryo from day 1, heartbeat at 6wks. Have a whole new perspective. Don't believe in abortion. Though, have a hard time w/ a woman that is raped. Think she should be able to abort. I just don't believe in using it as a form of birth control as it is a life we are dealing with.

unfortunately, people vote in regard to how charismatic a person is and not on integrity and values.

Okay, enough ranting.

Unfortunately, even if you do put someone who says all the wonderful things into the white house, he can't do it without congress on their side.
You said a lot there PerfectSize. Only a scant few, like Paul and Kucinich were talking real stuff. Only Kucinich pointed to the free fall of the dollar internationally, to where some countries where we buy oil from, won't take dollars. The US has to exchange them for Euros first.

It's funny, McCain is trying to recapture the magic again. And he says truthful stuff. He's in Michigan, which has lost a ton of manufacturing jobs. And at his stump speech, he says "Those jobs AREN'T coming back. They're gone." All the other candidates are talking about how sad it is those jobs are gone and how can we get them back. We can't. Time to offer retraining.

There aren't any easy answers. But living in NH, we are *assaulted* by this cr*p for months. I wish some other state would go first.

Which raises the obvious question, why do the primaries go like this?? Why doesn't the whole country vote on one day?
Wiggum '08

Also seen up here on cars:

Simpson and Flanders 08

Cheney/Satan 08

Dylan for President
(You can't understand him anyways)


Jerry Garcia for President

Seems like almost everyone has a bumper sticker. I think Garcia would have been terrific, but I believe he's sort of out of commission....
Okay, watchiing debates right now and like Ron Paul. He wont make it because he's real, and politicians don't like someone that is real and honest... As that is not what politicians are about.